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Example - Invoice Totals

This is a full demonstration of a basic system designed with Agile Data and Audit extension. The purpose of this system is to store list of invoices, where each invocie could contain multiple lines.

Setting up tables

There are 2 basic tables at play. Invoices:

id ref total
1 inv1 17.70

and invoice contains lines:

id invoice_id item price qty total
1 1 Chair 2.50 3 7.50
2 1 Desk 10.20 1 10.20

The following SQL schema can be used to create above table:

create table invoice (id int not null primary key auto_increment, ref varchar(255), total decimal(8,2));
create table line (id int not null primary key auto_increment, invoice_id int, item varchar(255), price decimal(8,2), qty int, total decimal(8,2));

Setting up Models

class Invoice extends \Atk4\Data\Model
    public $table = 'invoice';
    function init()

        $this->hasMany('Lines', new Line());
        $this->addField('ref', ['type' => 'string']);
        $this->addField('total', ['type' => 'money', 'default' => 0.00]);

    function adjustTotal($change)
        if ($this->auditController) {
            $this->auditController->custom_fields = [
                'descr'=>'Changing total by '.$change
        $this['total'] += $change;

The Invoice model defines all fields and types as well as reference to invoice line model. A new method adjustTotal will be used to increment/decrement invoice total when invoice lines are added or updated.

Notice how I'm creating a custom log entry when adjustTotal() is executed. Next - the Line model:

class Line extends \Atk4\Data\Model {
    public $table = 'line';

    function init()

        $this->hasOne('invoice_id', new Invoice());

        $this->addField('item', ['type' => 'string']);
        $this->addField('price', ['type' => 'money', 'default' => 0.00]);
        $this->addField('qty', ['type' => 'integer', 'default' => 0]);
        $this->addField('total', ['type' => 'money', 'default' => 0.00]);

        $this->addHook('beforeSave', function($m) {
            $m['total'] = $m['price'] * $m['qty'];

        $this->addHook('afterSave', function($m) {
            if ($m->isDirty('total')) {
                $change = $m['total'] - $m->dirty['total'];


The model is rather trivial except for the 2 hooks it contains. beforeSave model will re-calculate the total based on price and quantity multiplication. After model is saved, if total field was affected, then we will calculate the difference and request update from our relevant invoice.


$m = new Invoice($this->db);
$this->assertEquals(0, $m['total']);

$m->ref('Lines')->insert(['item'=>'Chair', 'price'=>2.50, 'qty'=>3]);
$m->ref('Lines')->insert(['item'=>'Desk', 'price'=>10.20, 'qty'=>1]);

// output
echo 'invoices = '.json_encode($m->export())."\n";
echo 'lines = '.json_encode($m->ref('Lines')->export())."\n";

Run to get this output (formatted):

invoices = [

lines = [

Add AuditLog

So far everything is working perfectly, but there is no audit yet! To enable audit, we need to execute the following:

$audit = new \Atk4\Audit\Controller();

$this->db->addHook('afterAdd', function($owner, $element) use($audit) {
    if ($element instanceof \Atk4\Data\Model) {
        if (isset($element->no_audit) && $element->no_audit) {
            // Whitelisting this model, won't audit


followed by our "test-code" once again. The result is the same, but this time an audit_log table was populated.

Explanation of AuditLog Entries

Let's look inside each audit record individually.

Field Value Description
id 1 If you use relational database for storing Audit Log, the ID will increment, but that's not a requirement.
initiator_audit_log_id NULL This action was triggered directly.
action create New record was created
model Invoice
model_id 1
ts 2016-10-04 00:49:55 Timestamp always uses UTC as per Agile Data implementation.
time_taken 0.001196 AuditLog actually tracks how long many seconds this operation took. This can be disabled.
request_diff {"ref":[null,"inv1"]} SQL stores value in JSON but it's converted into PHP array on load/save.
reactive_diff {"id":1,"ref":"inv1","total":0} For create operations contains all fields.
descr create ref=inv1 Human-readable field
is_reverted 0 Will be set to 1 if you execute undo()
revert_audit_log_id null When reverted, will point to revert log.

This record corresponds to us creating initial model. Next we were adding invoice line, which was reflected in the audit_log.

$m->ref('Lines')->insert(['item'=>'Chair', 'price'=>2.50, 'qty'=>3]);
Field Value Description
id 2
initiator_audit_log_id NULL Also a manually created record
action create New line added through insert()
model Line
model_id 1
ts 2016-10-04 00:49:55 May be same, so this field can't be used for ordering.
time_taken 0.005522 This action took longer (because of related operation)
request_diff {"item":[null,"Chair"],"price":[0,2.5],"qty":[0,3]} SQL stores value in JSON but it's converted into PHP array on load/save.
reactive_diff {"id":null,"invoice_id":"1", "item":"Chair","price":2.5, "qty":3,"total":7.5} All values being stored, including calculated.
descr create item=Chair, price=2.5, qty=3 Human-readable field
is_reverted 0
revert_audit_log_id null

The next entry is reactive and was caused beacuse of the call to adjustTotal with a subsequential save()

Field Value Description
id 3
initiator_audit_log_id 2 Reactive change, caused by previous record.
action total_adjusted We have manually specified this
model Invoice
model_id 1
ts 2016-10-04 00:49:55
time_taken 0.000367
request_diff {"total":[0,7.5]} Total was the only field changed
reactive_diff NULL When identical to request_diff, this will store NULL to save space
descr Changing total by 7.5 Human-readable field, specified by us
is_reverted 0
revert_audit_log_id null

Next line is similar to the above:

$m->ref('Lines')->insert(['item'=>'Desk', 'price'=>10.20, 'qty'=>1]);
Field Value Description
id 4
initiator_audit_log_id NULL
action create
model Line
model_id 1
ts 2016-10-04 00:49:55
time_taken 0.004329
request_diff {"item":[null,"Desk"],"price":[0,10.2],"qty":[0,1]}
reactive_diff {"id":null,"invoice_id":"1","item":"Desk","price":10.2,"qty":1,"total":10.2}
descr create item=Desk, price=10.2, qty=1
is_reverted 0
revert_audit_log_id null
Field Value Description
id 5
initiator_audit_log_id 4
action total_adjusted
model Invoice
model_id 1
ts 2016-10-04 00:49:55
time_taken 0.000367
request_diff {"total":[7.5,17.7]} Total was the only field changed
reactive_diff NULL
descr Changing total by 10.2 Human-readable field, specified by us
is_reverted 0
revert_audit_log_id null

Now we can Undo things.

To keep things safe, undo() will not work recursively. Let's load our Audit record and call undo() manually on record (4).

$a = $this->db->add(clone $audit->audit_model);

Looking at the records now, the above operation has removed, but the total for the Invoice was not updated. The reason is because our model for the Line did not contain afterDelete() hook to properly react to deleted records.

Remaining Touches

Attempt to undo action 5 will end in failure:


// Method is not defined for this object:
// Atk4\\Audit\\Model\\AuditLog
// undo_total_adjusted

If we wanted to undo this operation, we would have to create our own "undo" handler inside AuditLog explaining how it should be done. We don't really want anything to be done, so we can define a blank method in our code above.

// after this line
$audit = new \Atk4\Audit\Controller();
// add this line
$audit->audit_model->addMethod('undo_total_adjusted', function() {} );

Now if you attempt to undo operation 5, it will successfully mark operation as "un-done". Next lets deal with the problem of totals not being re-calculated on record deletion. To address add the following inside Line::init():

$this->addHook('afterDelete', function($m) {

After this modification adding, deleting and "undo" operations will perform correctly. You will also be able to undo() log with id=2 which corresponds to addition of first invoice line. As a final modification, let's make sure that invoice deletion would also delete it's lines. Add the following code to Invoice model:

$this->addHook('beforeDelete', function($m) {
    $m->ref('Lines', ['no_adjust'=>true])->each('delete');

The reason I'm passing no_adjust here is because I don't want Lines to do unnecessary changes by adjusting total of Invoice that is about to be deleted. We need to listen for this property inside Line model:

class Line extends \Atk4\Data\Model {
    public $table = 'line';

    // add this line
    public $no_adjust = false;

      function init()

        $this->hasOne('invoice_id', new Invoice());

        $this->addField('item', ['type' => 'string']);
        $this->addField('price', ['type' => 'money', 'default' => 0.00]);
        $this->addField('qty', ['type' => 'integer', 'default' => 0]);
        $this->addField('total', ['type' => 'money', 'default' => 0.00]);

        // add this line
        if ($this->no_adjust) return;

        // rest remains as-is..

Final run-through

Executing our test code again:

$a = $this->db->add(clone $audit->audit_model);

echo 'invoices = '.json_encode($m->export())."\n";
echo 'lines = '.json_encode($m->ref('Lines')->export())."\n";

The corresponds to opeartion for adding new Invoice. undo() on this operation will delete invoice that will also affect invocie lines. Let's look at the full audit log again:

id initiator action model model_id revert revert_id
1 create Invoice 1 1
2 create Line 1
3 2 total_adjusted Invoice 1
4 create Line 2
5 4 total_adjusted Invoice 1
6 undo create Invoice 1 1
7 6 delete Line 1
8 6 delete Line 2

I have ommitted details from AuditLog, but the outline above is clean, easy to read and easy to vizualize for the user and very logical.