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This library is quickly becoming a 'Base Class Library' for functional programming in C#. The features include:

Location Feature Description
Core Arr<A> Immutable array
Core Lst<A> Immutable list
Core Map<K, V> Immutable map
Core Map<OrdK, K, V> Immutable map with Ord constraint on K
Core HashMap<K, V> Immutable hash-map
Core HashMap<EqK, K, V> Immutable hash-map with Eq constraint on K
Core Set<A> Immutable set
Core Set<OrdA, A> Immutable set with Ord constraint on A
Core HashSet<A> Immutable hash-set
Core HashSet<EqA, A> Immutable hash-set with Eq constraint on A
Core Que<A> Immutable queue
Core Stck<A> Immutable stack
Core Option<A> Option monad that can't be used with null values
Core OptionUnsafe<T> Option monad that can be used with null values
Core Either<L,R> Right/Left choice monad that won't accept null values
Core EitherUnsafe<L,R> Right/Left choice monad that can be used with null values
Core Try<A> Exception handling lazy monad
Core TryAsync<A> Asynchronous exception handling lazy monad
Core TryOption<A> Option monad with third state 'Fail' that catches exceptions
Core TryOptionAsync<A> Asynchronous Option monad with third state 'Fail' that catches exceptions
Core Reader<E, A> Reader monad
Core Writer<MonoidW, W, T> Writer monad that logs to a W constrained to be a Monoid
Core State<S, A> State monad
Core NewType<SELF, A, PRED> Haskell newtype equivalent i.e: class Hours : NewType<Hours, double> { public Hours(double value) : base(value) { } }. The resulting type is: equatable, comparable, foldable, a functor, monadic, and iterable
Core NumType<SELF, NUM, A, PRED> Haskell newtype equivalent but for numeric types i.e: class Hours : NumType<Hours, TDouble, double> { public Hours(double value) : base(value) { } }. The resulting type is: equatable, comparable, foldable, a functor, a monoid, a semigroup, monadic, iterable, and can have basic artithmetic operations performed upon it.
Core FloatType<SELF, FLOATING, A, PRED> Haskell newtype equivalent but for real numeric types i.e: class Hours : FloatType<Hours, TDouble, double> { public Hours(double value) : base(value) { } }. The resulting type is: equatable, comparable, foldable, a functor, a monoid, a semigroup, monadic, iterable, and can have complex artithmetic operations performed upon it.
Core Nullable<T> extensions Extension methods for Nullable<T> that make it into a functor, applicative, foldable, iterable and a monad
Core Task<T> extensions Extension methods for Task<T> that make it into a functor, applicative, foldable, iterable and a monad
Core Monad transformers A higher kinded type (ish)
Core Currying Translate the evaluation of a function that takes multiple arguments into a sequence of functions, each with a single argument
Core Partial application the process of fixing a number of arguments to a function, producing another function of smaller arity
Core Memoization An optimization technique used primarily to speed up programs by storing the results of expensive function calls and returning the cached result when the same inputs occur again
Core Improved lambda type inference var add = fun( (int x, int y) => x + y)
Core IObservable<T> extensions