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How to generate the InnerSource Patterns gitbook

Whenever changes to the InnerSource Patterns GitHub repository are made, a new version of our InnerSource Patterns book is published at

Where is the book published?

The most up-to-date version of the book is available for readers/consumers at

We also have a Staging version, used by the editors/producers of the book for testing purposes. If you want to make any structural changes to the book, please send a PR to merge your changes into the book-staging branch. That way we can test your changes on the Staging version first, before they go live.

Which patterns are published?

The book contains patterns of maturity Structured (Level 2) or Validated (Level 3). Initial (Level 1) patterns are not published in the book, because those are still subject to a lot of change, and have likely not even proven to work yet. For more on these maturity levels see the Contributor Handbook.

How does it work?

The ./book folder contains generator scripts and some extra content required to create the gitbook.

  • /.gitbook.yaml - Holds basic configuration for the gitbook service. This never needs to be changed.
  • /book/ - An auto-generated table of contents (ToC) for the book i.e. a list of all pages and patterns that are part of the book. The ToC is what you see on the left-hand-side menu in gitbooks.
  • /book/generate_toc.rb - Takes patterns of maturity Structured and Validated, extracts title and patlet, and injects this info into /book/ The output is written to /book/
  • .github/workflows/book.yml - A GitHub Action that triggers the execution of /book/generate_toc.rb.
  • /book/ - The introduction to our book. This content is what the reader sees first when they open the book. The current content is based on We may need to modify this content even further, to address the readers of the book more specifically, rather than the readers of our GitHub repository.
  • /book/ - Information about how to contribute to this book.
  • /book/ - Dedicated page in the book that highlights the mind map of all patterns.

Objectives of the book

These patterns are already publicly available in the InnerSource Patterns GitHub repo. So why publish such a book at all?

There are a couple of good reasons to publish the InnerSource patterns as a gitbook:

  • (consumers) have something that is “nicer” to read than things on GitHub
  • (consumers) search for keywords across all patterns
  • (consumers) export book as PDF and read on other devices
  • (consumers) have stable URLs for patterns that can be used as references in other material e.g. from the Learning Path (i.e. even if the files move in the folder structure in the GitHub repo, the URL of the pattern stay the same)
  • (producers) a motivation for pattern authors and all contributors to level up patterns from 1-initial, as only 2-structured and 3-validated are published in the book
  • (producers) a motivation for us to introduce more specific quality guidelines for level 2+3, so that we can be even more proud of the content in the book :)
  • (producers) learn which patterns are most interesting for readers (e.g. through Google Analytics)