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HIP-Basic Module API Example


This example shows how to load and execute a HIP module in runtime without linking it to the rest of the code during compilation.

Application flow

  1. Set up the name of the compiled module code object file (*.co), located in the same directory.
  2. Define kernel launch parameters.
  3. Initialize input and output vectors in host memory.
  4. Allocate arrays and copy the input and output vectors to the device memory.
  5. Get the module path from the module file name.
  6. Load module by hipModuleLoad().
  7. Fetch a reference to the kernel by hipModuleGetFunction().
  8. Create and fill the array with kernel arguments.
  9. Launch the kernel on the default stream by hipModuleLaunchKernel().
  10. Copy the result back to the host.
  11. Free input and output arrays on device memory.
  12. Compare input and output vectors. The result of the comparison is printed to standard output.


The kernel module needs to be compiled as a non-linked device code object file (*.co), in one of the following ways:

  • hipcc --genco --offload-arch=[TARGET GPU] [INPUT FILE] -o [OUTPUT FILE]
  • clang++ --cuda-device-only --offload-arch=[TARGET GPU] [INPUT FILE] -o [OUTPUT FILE]

where the parameters are:

  • [TARGET GPU]: GPU architecture (e.g. gfx908 or gfx90a:xnack-).
  • [INPUT FILE]: Name of the file containing kernels (e.g. module.hip).
  • [OUTPUT FILE]: Name of the generated code object file (e.g.

The main.hip example file is compiled similarly as in the other examples.

Key APIs and Concepts

  • The hipModuleLoad(hipModule_t *module, const char *file_name) will load a HIP module in execution time from the path that is given as an input parameter or return an error.

  • The hipModuleGetFunction(hipFunction_t *kernel_function, hipModule_t module, const char *kernel_name) will fetch a reference to the __global__ kernel function in the HIP module.

  • hipModuleLaunchKernel will launch kernel function on the device. The input parameters are:

    • hipFunction_t kernel_function Kernel function.
    • unsigned int gridDimX: Number of blocks in the dimension X.
    • unsigned int gridDimY: Number of blocks in the dimension Y.
    • unsigned int gridDimZ: Number of blocks in the dimension Z.
    • unsigned int blockDimX: Number of threads in the dimension X in a block.
    • unsigned int blockDimY: Number of threads in the dimension Y in a block.
    • unsigned int blockDimZ: Number of threads in the dimension Z in a block.
    • unsigned int sharedMemBytes: Amount of dynamic shared memory that will be available to each workgroup, in bytes. (Not used in this example.)
    • hipStream_t stream: The device stream, on which the kernel should be dispatched. (hipStreamDefault int this example.)
    • void **kernelParams: Pointer to the arguments needed by the kernel. Note that this parameter is not yet implemented, and thus the extra parameter (the last one described in this list) should be used to pass arguments to the kernel. (Thereby nullptr is used in the example.)
    • void **extra: Pointer to all extra arguments passed to the kernel. They must be in the memory layout and alignment expected by the kernel. The list of arguments must end with HIP_LAUNCH_PARAM_END.

Demonstrated API Calls

HIP runtime

Device symbols

  • __global__
  • threadIdx

Host symbols

  • hipGetLastError
  • hipGetSymbolAddress
  • hipGetSymbolSize
  • hipMalloc
  • hipMemcpy
  • hipMemcpyHostToDevice
  • hipMemcpyDeviceToHost
  • hipFree
  • hipModuleLoad
  • hipModuleGetFunction
  • hipModuleLaunchKernel