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ROS2 License


This is a package for using Intel RealSense ID (F455 and F450) cameras with ROS. Intel RealSense ID is a facial authentication on-device solution.

It exposes the camera as a ROS node that can be configured to allow the user to perform authentication and enrollment in device mode (inside the camera) or in server mode (using a faceprints database) and publishing the preview image.

Both the authentication and enrollment are exposed as ROS services in device mode and in service mode. Other services exposed are: removement of users and query the list of ids.

Also, all camera parameters can change online the device onboard configuration.

Keywords: ROS2, Intel RealSense ID, face recognition


The source code is released under a Apache license 2.0.

Author: Alberto Tudela

The realsense_id_ros package has been tested under ROS2 Galactic on Ubuntu 20.04. This is research code, expect that it changes often and any fitness for a particular purpose is disclaimed.


Building from Source


Build the Intel RealSense ID SDK as follows:

$ cd $HOME
$ git clone
$ cd RealSenseID
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ make -j
$ sudo make install

After, Intel RealsenseID permissions script from root directory:



To build from source, clone the latest version from this repository into your catkin workspace and compile the package using

cd colcon_workspace/src
git clone -b galactic
cd ../
rosdep install -i --from-path src --rosdistro galactic -y
colcon build --symlink-install


To start the camera node in ROS:

ros2 run realsense_id_ros realsense_id_ros_node



Camera node to perform facial recognition.

Published Topics


  • authenticate (realsense_id_ros/Authenticate)

    Perform one authentication on the device or on the server. Returns an array of faces with users id and an image of the faces. For example, you can trigger the computation from the console with

      ros2 interface call /realsense_id_ros_node/authenticate
  • device_info (realsense_id_ros/DeviceInfo)

    Get information of the device. on the server. For example, you can trigger the computation from the console with

      ros2 interface call /realsense_id_ros_node/device_info
  • enroll (realsense_id_ros/Enroll)

    Perform one enrollment for one new user on the device or on the server. Returns an array of faces with image of the faces. For example, you can trigger the computation from the console with

      ros2 interface call /realsense_id_ros_node/enroll
  • remove_user (realsense_id_ros/RemoveUser)

    Remove an user from the device or from the server database. For example, you can trigger the computation from the console with

      ros2 interface call /realsense_id_ros_node/remove_user
  • remove_all_users (realsense_id_ros/RemoveAllUsers)

    Remove all users from the device or from the server database. For example, you can trigger the computation from the console with

      ros2 interface call /realsense_id_ros_node/remove_all
  • query_users_id (realsense_id_ros/QueryUsersId)

    Query the ids of the users. Returns the number of users and an array of ids. For example, you can trigger the computation from the console with

      ros2 interface call /realsense_id_ros_node/query_users_id


  • serial_port (string, default: "/dev/ttyACM0")

    Will attach to the device with the given serial port.

  • server_mode (bool, default: "false")

    Option to manage a faceprints database on the host or the server.

  • database (string, default: "")

    Path to the database folder.

  • camera_rotation (int, default: "0")

    Enable the algorithm to work with a rotated device.

  • security_level (string, default: "medium")

    Set security level to 'high' to allow no mask suport or to level 'medium' to support masks.

  • algo_flow (string, default: "all")

    Algorithms which will be used during authentication: 'all', 'detection', 'recognition' and 'spoof'.

  • face_selection_policy (string, default: "all")

    Face selection policy to run authentication on 'all' (up to 5) detected faces vs 'single' (closest) face.

  • dump_mode (string, default: "none")

    Set mode for dump image: 'none', 'cropped' or 'fullframe'.

  • matcher_confidence_level (string, default: "medium")

    Used in the matcher during authentication, each level means a different set of threshold is used.

Future work

  • Use global dependencies.
  • Preview snapshot of the faces.
  • Multiple faces.
  • Host mode.
  • Load and backup of faceprints database in a JSON file.
  • Pair device.
  • Secure mode.
  • Option to use authentication loop with published topics.
  • Dynamic reconfigure server.
  • Extract features from RGB image.
  • Add mutex to the captured image.