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The atest module is a C++20 testing framework. It is completely macro free and is inspired by Jest (JavaScript testing framework) utilizing builder pattern and test (suite) composing.


  • C++ compiler
  • C++20:
    • source_location
    • concepts
  • RTTI
  • Exceptions
  • astl


At a glance:

import atest;

static const auto S = ::atest::suite("My test suite", [] {
    test("a test", [] {
        ::atest::expect(1 + 1).to_be(2);

auto main(int argc, char *argv[]) -> int
    test("global test", [] {
        ::atest::expect([] { throw std::logic_error{"error"}; }).to_throw<std::logic_error>("error");

    return atest::TestRunner{argc, argv}.run();

Using Declarations

It is recommended to use the following set of using declarations to make the tests easier to write & read:

using ::atest::assert_;
using ::atest::expect;
using ::atest::suite;
using ::atest::test;


auto atest::test(const char *name, auto (*body)()->void) -> void

Registers a test body under the name name. It can be called either within a test suite or in the main(). When not called within a suite() call the test will be registered in the implicit global (nameless) test suite. The second argument is a nullary function that takes no arguments and returns nothing. It would typically be a lambda.


import atest;
int main()
    ::atest::test("My test", [] {


auto atest::suite(const char *name, auto (*body)()->void) noexcept -> int

Groups tests into a test suite called name. It can be called in main() or outside of main capturing the result in a global/static variable in order to let the suite and tests be registered. The function will return 0 if it succeeds or 1 if an exception has been thrown during the registration. No exceptions are propagated as the function is typically called before main() and thus it is not possible to capture and handle the exceptions within such context.


import atest;
static auto s= ::atest::suite("My test suite", [] {
    ::atest::test("My test", [] {

expect(), assert_()

template<typename T> auto atest::expect(const T &value) noexcept -> Expect<T>
template<typename T> auto atest::assert_(const T &value) noexcept -> Expect<T>

Starts composition of the test's expectation or assertion. The difference is that assert_ will stop the test when it fails while expect will continue even if it fails. Any T is allowed as argument. If T is a callable it will be executed once the assertion is finalized. No exceptions will be propagated from the call. The return value is the internal class Expect that lets you select from one of the supported expectations:


template<typename V> auto to_be(const V &value) -> ExpectToMatch

Completes the expectation using the default matcher that uses operator== to match the values. Custom types can be supported by simply defining the operator== for them. Note that if your type will be nested in a container such as std::vector its operator== might need to be implemented as a member function or its namespace for ADL (Argument Dependent Lookup) to find it.


::atest::expect(1 + 1).to_be(2); //matching values
::atest::expect([] { return 1 + 1; }).to_be(2); //matching result of a callable and a value
::atest::assert_(1 + 1).to_be(2);

Default matcher provides extended diff capabilities for string convertible values (e.g. std::string, const char * etc.). For these types the differ will find the first difference position and it will print a caret beneath the actual value at the right position to help identifying the difference. The differ also provides length and it will truncate long strings (over 80) to the area around the first difference.


template<typename V> auto to_match(const V &value) -> ExpectToMatch

Completes the expectation using a custom matcher. The custom matcher can be any callable type that takes parameters of type T and V to perform the matching (i.e. auto operator()(const T&, const V&) -> bool). Furthermore the matcher needs to have the following methods:

  • auto describe() -> std::string
  • auto expected(const T &, const V &) -> std::string
  • auto actual(const T &, const V &) -> std::string

These methods are used for reporting a failure in case it occurs. The first function gives description of the expectation or of the operation the custom matcher was performing. The other two lets you customize the output for the expected and actual outcomes of the match and will be given the actual values. You can inherit from atest::MatcherBase if any or all of these functions do not need to be specialized for your matcher. If you are implementing them yourself you may use the convenience auto atest::stringify(const T &...values) -> std::string to convert T, V or anything else to string (requires auto operator<<(std::ostream &, const T &value) -> std::ostream & to be implemented for the type). The stringify knows how to print containers so you only need the operator for the inner type.


Minimal matcher:

struct MyLessMatcher : ::atest::MatcherBase
    auto operator()(int left, int right) -> bool { return left < right; }

Full matcher:

struct MyLessMatcher //no need to inherit anything
    auto describe() -> std::string { return "Left value to be less than right value."; }
    auto expected(int left, int right) -> std::string { return std::to_string(left) + " < " + std::to_string(right) }
    auto actual(int left, int right) -> std::string { return std::to_string(left) + (left == right ? std::string{" = "} : std::string{" > "}) + std::to_string(right); }
    auto operator()(int left, int right) -> bool { return left < right; }



template<typename E> auto to_throw() -> ExpectToThrow
template<typename E> auto to_throw(const E &exception) -> ExpectToThrow
template<typename E, typename V> auto to_throw(const V &value) -> ExpectToThrow

Completes the matching by expecting an exception. The T passed to the expect() must be a callable for this expectation. The exception type may be specified as a template argument to the call or deduced from the value. In either case strong type matching is performed using typeid (RTTI) and the exact match is required (i.e. expecting a base class but throwing a derived class is a failure). If a value was passed the exception will be additionally validated against it as well. If the exception type implements what() method returning a type that is convertible to std::string the result of what() will be compared against the value. If there is no what() method (e.g. an int or std::string is thrown) the value is compared directly to the exception object. The value comparison requires operator==(const E &e, const V &v) to compile. Additionally the exception type that does not have what() must be printable (the operator auto operator<<(std::ostream &, const E &exception) -> std::ostream & must exist).


::atest::expect([] { throw std::exception{}; }).to_throw<std::exception>();
::atest::expect([] { throw std::logic_error{"Some text"}; }).to_throw<std::logic_error>("Some text");
::atest::expect([] { throw std::logic_error{"Some text"}; }).to_throw(std::logic_error{"Some text"});
::atest::expect([] { throw 1; }).to_throw<int>();
::atest::expect([] { throw 1; }).to_throw(1);


template<typename V> auto not_to_be()  -> ExpectToMatch
template<typename V> auto not_to_match()  -> ExpectToMatch
template<typename V> auto not_to_contain() -> ExpectToMatch
template<typename V> auto not_to_throw() -> ExpectToThrow

All expectations do have corresponding not_ expectation that modifies the expectation or assertion to reverse the result. If the expectation/assertion passes it will be converted into an error (and stop the test in case of assert_). Conversely if the expectation/assertion fails it will be considered a success. No additional output will be printed regarding the failure as it makes little sense to print for example values that are equal but were expected not to be. It is primarily useful for testing negative scenarios such as pointers not being nullptr. Note that expect will still fail on an unexpected exceptions except for not_to_throw().


::atest::assert_([] {}).not_to_throw<int>();

Test Runner

The test runner is the main entry point of atest. The registrations of the test suites and tests are global and the user is responsible to actually start the test run by instantiating atest::TestRunner and calling atest::TestRunner::run(). The reason for this is two-fold:

  • TestRunner requires main's arguments (int argc, char *argv[]) that controls filtering, reporting etc.
  • TestRunner optionally accepts a stream object to print to (see Printer).
  • The tests must be executed within the context of main (or before it) otherwise the code coverage (e.g. llvm-cov) and other instrumentation based tools (e.g. sanitizers) will not work properly. These are typically used with the tests so this property is important. Therefore it is not feasible to run tests in a destructor of a global/static variable for example.

There is no parallelization within a test run. At any one time there is only one test suite and one test from that test suite being executed. The global nameless test suite is always executed first. The user defined test suites are executed in order defined by their names (e.g. a suite, b suite, my suite etc.). All tests within a test suite are executed sequentially in order of declaration.

NOTE The atest::TestRunner::run() is not thread-safe but it is re-entrant. However the executed tests or the code under test might not be re-entrant.

The atest::TestRuner::run() will return number of failures which should be 0 if all tests passed or a number greater than 0 if there was a failure. No exceptions are propagated from running the tests themselves but it is still possible for run() to throw. If that happens something seriously wrong happened and the ultimate call to std::terminate()/std::abort() performed by default is probably the right thing to happen. If you want the run never to fail and handle such situation yourself wrap the call to the atest::TestRunner::run() in a try {} catch (...) {} block.


import atest;
auto main(int argc, char *argv[]) -> int
    return ::atest::TestRunner{argc, argv}.run();

Custom stream example:

import atest;
auto main(int argc, char *argv[]) -> int
    std::stringstream testOutputStream;
    return ::atest::TestRunner{argc, argv, &testOutputStream}.run();


By default, the atest outputs the progress and results to std::cout. It is possible to change the output stream by passing the std::ostream * as an additional argument to the Test Runner).

It is also a requirement for all values used in the expectations and matching to be printable. A printable value is any value for which auto operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const T &value) -> std::ostream & exists. If the operator does not exist it will result in a compiler error when compiling the test. The containers that have begin() and end() are automatically printed as arrays and thus only the internal type T might need to be made printable. A custom printing of the whole containers can still be provided by the user.

Filtering & Listing

The tests can be listed, selected or filtered using the optional command line arguments:

-?                             Display the help.
--list, -l                     Lists tests. Can be combined with filters.
--test=pattern, -t=pattern     Runs only the tests that matches the pattern.
--suite-pattern, -s=pattern    Runs only test suites that matches the pattern.
--filter-test=pattern          Skips tests that matches the pattern value.
--filter-suite=pattern         Skips test suites that matches the pattern value.

The pattern supports only leading and trailing wildcard *, e.g.

  • my test will match only test (or suite) that match exactly the pattern my test
  • test* will match any test (or suite) that starts with the word test
  • *test will match any test (or suite) that ends with the word test

The options can be combined. So for example if the two test suites both contain test my test you can select the desired test by combining -t "my test" -s "suite1".

Known Issues

  • Using clang-tidy with global calls to suite() will result in incorrect cert-err58-cpp warning being emitted stating that the function may throw and there is no possibility to catch the exception. The function is however declared noexcept and its body is wrapped in try {} catch (...) {} therefore it cannot actually throw any exceptions. It indicates success by returning 0 and failure (an exception) byt returing 1. To avoid this you need either to add //NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp) to the line where you call suite() or call suite() directly or indirectly from main() only.