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Running the certora verification tool

These instructions detail the process for running CVT on the (TODO: example) contracts.

Documentation for CVT and the specification language are available here

Running the verification

The scripts in the certora/scripts directory are used to submit verification jobs to the Certora verification service. These scripts should be run from the root directory; for example by running

sh certora/scripts/ <arguments>

TODO: update example above, and add any special information for this customer's setup

After the job is complete, the results will be available on the staging Certora portal (by default, the scripts run on our staging cloud).

Adapting to changes

Some of our rules require the code to be simplified in various ways. Our primary tool for performing these simplifications is to run verification on a contract that extends the original contracts and overrides some of the methods. These "harness" contracts can be found in the certora/harness directory.

This pattern does require some modifications to the original code: some methods need to be made virtual or public, for example. These changes are handled by applying a patch to the code before verification.

When one of the verify scripts is executed, it first applies the patch file certora/applyHarness.patch to the contracts directory, placing the output in the certora/munged directory. We then verify the contracts in the certora/munged directory.

If the original contracts change, it is possible to create a conflict with the patch. In this case, the verify scripts will report an error message and output rejected changes in the munged directory. After merging the changes, run make record in the certora directory; this will regenerate the patch file, which can then be checked into git.

Note: there have been reports of unexpected behavior on mac, see issue CUST-62.