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150 lines (126 loc) · 7.26 KB

My .config File


This is my configuration files in my Mac, a little changes maybe needed if you want to migrate it to your Linux.

For now, 3 key configurations for me are: Neovim, ranger, tmux.
Iterm2 is an optional configuration for Mac.

Recommandation: Swapping CapsLock and Ctrl to have a better coding experience for vim and prefix key of tmux (I'm eyeing HHKB...). For some linux systems, see this link. :)


Item Descriptions
Applescript Some apple scripts I wrote for rezise windowns and some stuff...
htop Automatically saved here when installed it.
iterm2 More information this link.
nvim My Neovim configurations.
ranger ranger and its configurations.
zsh My zsh. Check this link in case you need it.
.shared Script for getting access to remote server of the institution.
.tmux.conf My tmux settings.

Iterm2 Operations

keys operations
cmd + increase font size
cmd - decrease font zise
cmd 0 recover font size
cmd shift 0 zoom window

Tmux Operations

keys operations
C-a w check current windows and panes
Pane Operations
C-a - split pane horizontally
C-a \ split pane vertically
C-a i move cursor up
C-a j move cursor left
C-a k move cursor down
C-a l move cursor right
C-a f full pane
C-a > swap with previous pane
C-a < swap with next pane
C-a UP resize upward
C-a DOWN resize downward
C-a LEFT resize to the left
C-a right resize to the right
C-a q kill pane
C-a space change pane view
C-a h display panes
`Window Operations
C-a c create a new window
C-a number select NO. window
C-a C-j select previous window
C-a C-l select next window
C-a C-q kill window
`vim-copy mode
C-a [ enter vim-copy mode
C-a p paste buffer
C-a b list buffers

Ranger Operations (partially)

keys operations
i upward
k downward
j left
l right
gh go home
r+number open file/folder with different options
r+0 open file with default editor/program
space select
yy copy file
dd cut file
pp paste file
zh hidden files

Troubleshooting Notes

1. Python dependencies in Neovim Some plugins have dependencies on Python, for example, ranger, coc and nvim. Here I want to document how to address Python dependencies in Neovim.
Check Python Dependencies:

# errors are threw when typing in Neovim:

E319: No "python3" provider found. Run ":checkhealth provider"

# and also a lot of errors related to Ultisnip when you are typing:

Error detected while processing InsertCharPre Autocommands for
"*"..function UltiSnips#TrackChange:

# then
:checkhealth provider
# you can see some Warnings about the Python configurations. That is what we should deal with.

These errors is related to Python Configuration. If you do not have python3 installed or configured correctly for Neovim, such errors would be threw up.
Follow below steps to solve this problem:

# check the where the python3 and the pip3 are:
which python3
which pip3
python3 --version
pip3 --version
# Note: it is easy to understand the locations of the Mac built-in Python is 
# different with the Python conterpart in conda environment. Check Python Notes for more.
# here Nvim is directly linked to the Mac built-in Python

pip3 install --user --upgrade neovim

Note: more info about the python environment, PYTHONPATH setting as well as python environment in Conda, see the Python Notes...

2. True color compatibility between Item2, tmux and nvim

Indicate the folowing content into to make iterm2 enabling true color.

# --- True Color ---
# set the terminal (iterm) to 256 xterm, only some of modern terminal emulators support true color
export TERM=xterm-256color  
# tell current applications like vim and tmux that the current terminal support true color
export COLORTERM=truecolor  

Then add the followings to tmux configure file. If you don't do or you did it wrongly, you will come across some wired thing with the comments in Nvim. See Troubleshooting part of this link.

# Important! Set colorscheme to be compatible with VIM, enable true colors
set -g default-terminal "tmux-256color"  # not screen-256color
set-option -ga terminal-overrides ",*256col*:Tc"

You should explicitly indicate "termguicolors" with vim to enable the vim true color, otherwise some vim color schemes like solarized8 can't work well.

" Enable true color support, important for colorschemes
if has("termguicolors")
    let &t_8f = "\<Esc>[38;2;%lu;%lu;%lum"
    let &t_8b = "\<Esc>[48;2;%lu;%lu;%lum"

    set termguicolors