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Microcontroller code


This subdirectory contains code that implements an example serial application on a microcontroller, useful to talk with ros2_to_serial_bridge.


At the moment, this code has only been ported to the STM32F3Discovery board. It should be pretty straightforward to port to other Cortex-M parts (especially those supported by libopencm3).


There are 5 main components in the microcontroller code:

  • libopencm3 - The low-level drivers for the Cortex-M processor used in this project. There is a vendored version of the library here; see the libopencm3/README for more details. LGPLv3 license.

  • freertos - The RTOS used in this project. There is a vendored version of the RTOS here; see the freertos/README for more details. MIT license.

  • Micro-CDR - The CDR serialization/deserialization used in this project. There is a vendored version of the library here; see the microCDR/README for more details. Apache v2 license.

  • The "library" to implement a minimal ROS-like API. Still in development. Apache v2 license.

  • The top-level application/main. Apache v2 license.


To build this project, a few dependencies need to be installed. The instructions below have been tested on Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04, but it should work fine on other platforms if the arm-none-eabi compiler and tools, and openocd, are available.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:team-gcc-arm-embedded/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-embedded openocd


Once the dependencies are installed, the project can be built with:

$ make

And it can be flashed to the board with:

$ make flash