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417 lines (251 loc) · 10.2 KB

File metadata and controls

417 lines (251 loc) · 10.2 KB



  • update openapi-pydantic-schema to v1.3.0 adding support for __schema_name__.
  • update ASGI typings (scope, receive, send, message and ASGIApp) to use strong types derived from asgiref.
  • update SessionMiddleware to use custom serializer used on request.


  • add support for multiple responses documentation by @seladb.
  • add media_type to ResponseContainer.
  • add RateLimitMiddleware.
  • add support for multiple cookies in create_test_request.


  • fix ResponseHeader not being correctly encoded.
  • update SQLAlchemyPlugin for v2.0 compatibility.


  • update serializer to handle SecretStr, PurePath and PurePosixPath.
  • update multipart handling to use starlite-multipart.


  • update Partial to support dataclasses.


  • add url_for method similar to Starlette's.
  • fix AsyncCallabled to ensure wrapped methods remain unbound.


  • add SessionMiddleware.


  • fix before_request regression causing it to not handle returned responses from the hook.


  • update picologging integration to use picologging.dictConfig.
  • fix validation errors raised when using custom state.


  • add exclude parameter to AbstractAuthenticationMiddleware.
  • allow disabling OpenAPI documentation sites and schema endpoints via config.
  • simplify KwargsModel.


  • examples/ directory and tests for complete documentation examples.
  • replace pydantic-openapi-schema import from v3_0_3 with import from v3_10_0.


  • fix OpenAPI schema for UploadFile.
  • integrate OpenAPI security definitions into OpenAPI configuration.
  • remove empty aliases from field parameters.


  • refactor: Simplified and improved brotli middleware typing.
  • update: Extended PluginProtocol with an on_app_init method.


  • fix is_class_and_subclass not handling type annotations.


  • fix: remove duplicated detail in HTTPException.__str__().
  • fix: removed imports causing MissingDependencyException where brotli not installed and not required.
  • update: Add skip_validation flag to Dependency function.
  • update: Export starlite cookie to header and use it in CSRF middleware and OpenAPI response @seladb.
  • update: cache protocol, cache backend integration including locking for sync access.
  • update: consistent eager evaluation of async callables across the codebase.


  • fix: handling of "*" in routes by @waweber.
  • update: middleware typing and addition of DefineMiddleware.


  • hotfix: Exception raised by issubclass check.


  • update: OpenAPIController to use render methods and configurable root class var @mobiusxs.
  • fix: UploadFile OpenAPI schema exception.
  • fix: Stream handling of generators.
  • refactor: http and path param parsing.


  • fix: regression in StaticFiles of resolution of index.html in html_mode=True.


  • breaking: update handling of status code <100, 204 or 304.
  • fix: adding only new routes to the route_map by @Dr-Emann.
  • refactor: tidy up exceptions.
  • refactor: update to_response and datastructures.
  • refactor: update installation extras.


  • update installation extras.


  • add CSRF Middleware and config, @seladb.
  • create starlite ports of BackgroundTask and BackgroundTasks in starlite.datastructures.


  • ass support for picologging.
  • update response headers, handling of cookies and handling of responses.


  • add piccolo-orm plugin.
  • fix CacheConfig being broken due to pydantic validation bug.



  • fix to routes being allowed under static paths and improvements to path resolution @Dr-Emann


  • update Partial to annotate fields of nested classes @Harry-Lees.
  • add OpenAPIConfig.use_handler_docstring param.


  • add Swagger-UI support @timwedde.
  • add orjson support to websockets.


  • add TortoiseORMPlugin.


  • update error handling,
  • remove exrex from second hand dependencies.


  • add after_response hook.


  • add support for layered parameters.


  • add Brotli compression middleware by @cofin.


  • update path param validation during registration @danesolberg.
  • fix route handler exception resolution.


  • fix path resolution edge cases.


  • add gzip middleware support.
  • raise exception on routes with duplicate path parameters @danesolberg.
  • fix dependency validation failure returning 400 (instead of 500).


  • add layered middleware support.
  • update exception handlers to work in layers.
  • fix CORS headers and middlewares not processing exceptions.
  • fix order of exception handlers.
  • fix OpenAPI array items being double nested.
  • make requests and optional dependency @Bobronium.


  • fix status_code missing from exception OpenAPI documentation @timwedde.
  • fix exception extra being mistyped in OpenAPI documentation.


  • fix Provide properly detects async @classmethod as async callables.
  • fix None return value from handler with 204 has empty response content.
  • update exception handlers to be configurable at each layer of the application.
  • add better detection of async callables.


  • update Starlette to 0.20.3.
  • add test for generic model injection @Goldziher.
  • add selective deduplication of openapi parameters @peterschutt.
  • add raise ImproperConfiguredException when user-defined generic type resolved as openapi parameter @peterschutt.
  • add dependency function @peterschutt.


  • include dependencies in docs @timwedde.


  • fix Router.tags being omitted from the docs @peterschutt.


  • fix logging configure hanging in startup.


  • updated validation errors to return more useful json objects.


  • update Starlette to 0.20.1.
  • add memoization to openAPI schema.


  • fix DTOFactory handling of optional fields @peterschutt.


  • update pydantic to 1.9.1.


  • fix static path resolution when static files are served from "/".
  • refactor logging.


  • fix reserved keywords appearing in OpenAPI documentation @Joko013.


  • updated middleware call order @slavugan.


  • fix 'request.body()' being only readable once by setting the read result into scope.


  • updated Starlette to version 0.19.0.


  • update LoggingConfig to be non-blocking @madlad33.
  • fix regression in error handling, returning 404 instead of 500.


  • fix regression with controller multi-registration.


  • fix handling of empty request body @t1waz.


  • add run_in_thread configuration.


  • added tags support to Controller @tclasen.
  • updated OpenAPI operationIds to be more humanized @tclasen.


  • added response caching support.


  • fixed typing of Partial @to-ph.


  • updated Request.state to be defined already in the application @ashwinvin.


  • added argument validation on Parameter and Body.


  • fixed lifecycle injection of application state into class methods.


  • fixed MissingDependencyException inheritance chain.
  • fixed ValidationException missing as export in __init__ method.


  • added template support @ashwinvin.
  • updated starlite.request by renaming it to starlite.connection.
  • updated the kwarg parsing and data injection logic to compute required kwargs for each route handler during application bootstrap.
  • updated the redoc UI path from /schema/redoc to /schema @yudjinn.


  • add missing support for starlette background tasks.
  • fixed error with static files not working with root route.
  • fixed function signature modelling ignoring non-annotated fields.
  • fixed headers being case-sensitive.


  • updated handling of paths without parameters.


  • added @asgi route handler decorator.
  • updated query parameters parsing.
  • updated request-response cycle handling.
  • updated rewrote route resolution.


  • added support for multiple paths per route handler.
  • added support for static files.
  • updated DTOFactory.
  • updated PluginProtocol - added from_dict methods.
  • updated SQLAlchemyPlugin.
  • updated dependency injection to allow for dependency injection into dependencies.
  • updated lifecycle support to allow for application state injection.
  • updated route handlers and dependencies to allow for application state injection.


  • updated BaseRoute to not inherit from Starlette, allowing for optimization using _slots_.
  • updated RouteHandlers from being pydantic models to being custom classes, allowing for optimization using _slots_.
  • updated base path handling in controllers @vincentsarago.


  • fixed dto factory handling of forward refs.


  • fixed Parameter default not being respected.


  • added support for before_request and after_request hooks.
  • fixed sql_alchemy requirement not being isolated to the plugin only.


  • added DTOFactory.
  • added SQLAlchemyPlugin.
  • added plugin support.
  • fixed orjson compatibility @vincentsarago.


  • updated openapi configuration.


  • fixed regression in handler validation.


  • added support for websockets.
  • updated multipart data handling to support mixed fields.


  • fixed monkey patch "openapi-schema-pydantic" to change Schema.Config.extra to Extra.ignore.


  • fixed monkey patch "openapi-schema-pydantic" to change Schema.extra to Extra.ignore.


  • fixed update pydantic-factories to v1.1.0, resolving compatibility issues with older versions of pydantic.
  • fixed include_in_schema for routes always being true.


  • updated dependencies to use pydantic-factories v1.0.0.
  • added NotFoundException.


  • fixed requests not being included in project dependencies.
  • updated pydantic to v1.9.0.


  • added missing exports to init.


  • initial release.