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AlexejheroYTB edited this page Apr 16, 2019 · 31 revisions

Welcome to the official wiki for SMLHelper! (Modding Helper)

Last updated for version 2.0

This wiki will not provide an intro to C# tutorial, nor will it show you on how to set up Visual Studio. (You should know that already)

To get started, reference the dll file SMLHelper.dll located in your Subnautica directory, under QMods/Modding Helper/SMLHelper.dll

The file SMLHelper.xml is also available there and will provide Visual Studio with documentation tooltips for all the methods, classes, and fields provided by SMLHelper. You do not need to reference this file directly. It is implicitly referenced when you add the dll to your project.

Please note that some pages are under construction and the links to them will be enabled as they are completed

Quick Start Guide



[General Utilities]


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