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FantasyCraft Character Sheet

Character sheet for FantasyCraft by Crafty Games for use on More updates with tabs and NPCs is planned for the future so this sheet is still under construction (See TODO below) This is my fork of Suldae's initial sheet.


Major update - May 2015

  • Added sheet config controls to remove background image and control Logos (thanks to Rich Finder)
  • Added Initiative roll button which auto-populates Turn Tracker
  • Added attribute name to spell hide/reveal so it will remember previous state
  • Adjusted width of Combat/Non-combat abilities and made description fields variable height and scrollable text box, so text will always fit.
  • Adjusted width of Gear fields to occupy full 100% of width and added location field
  • Added Holdings section
  • Finally(!) fixed width control of spell section's repitems. Now they always occupy 100% width
  • Added sheet version/date
  • Adjusted Path text input to be wider and changed to textarea

Minor update - Mar 2015

  • Darkened background as temporary 'fix' for larger UI changes
  • Removed/consolidated the last of dead css classes

Bug Fix Update and Improvements - Feb 2015

  • Migrated single class definitions to general ones
  • Removed superfluous selector classes
  • Darkened background

Bug Fix Update and Improvements - Feb 2015

  • Fixed up this README...
  • Added attribute name to coin-in-hand, stake, and Weapon placeholder names for weapon 2-4
  • Made 'Knowledge Check' text part of button like with 'Effect' under spells
  • Changed Weapons layout so that Damage roll button's purpose is more obvious
  • Add Comp field and Effect field to Gear section
  • Allow 0.5 increment to weight tracker
  • Changed look & feel of gear, combat, and non-combat abilities slightly
  • Put bounds on Threat value of weapons in weapon section
  • Added missing weapon proficiency mods to weapons 2-4
  • Added checkbox to add strength modification to damage roll
  • Corrected look & feel of weapon section slightly
  • Added min/max bounds on weapon threat value
  • Change armor 'speed' value to 'speed penalty'
  • Added tool tips to explain 'DP' and 'DR'

Bug Fix Update - Jan 2015

  • Fixed typo in name affecting fortitude save roll

Update - Dec 2014

  • Minor changes to Standard Character tab to fix shifting around and removal of out-of-date comments
  • Changed Spellcasting skill to work like all the other skills (no longer need for checkbox at top of skill list)
  • Cleaned up css elements no longer needed with Spellcasting skill changes
  • Added Prep Cost to all Arcane spell levels
  • Added Rolls for Saving Throws
  • Added Bonus and Roll for Knowledge Checks

Bug Fix Update - Nov 2014

  • Fixed typos in Threat Range title attribute and Bull Rush, Disarm, Grapple, and Trip basic actions.
  • Fixed confusing text fluff when rolling for attacks from weapons section
  • Fixed Bull Rush roll when using a weapon
  • Fixed Bull Rush and Trip size difference calculations when using weapons
  • Fixed spellcraft attribute name in Arcane magic session causing error when rolling to attack

Major Update - August 30 2014 thru October

  • Changed default values for skills and attributes to help reduce data entry requirements.
  • New fonts! But they don't work. Boo, roll20! :-(
  • Added missing Proficiency and Saving Throw data
  • Added min 0 to various number values that cannot go below 0
  • Added step of 1 to various number values
  • Added section for additional action dice that some characters can receive
  • Added Class/Origin checkbox to skills.
  • Added Max Skill ranks
  • Added automatic adjustment of Error range based on ranks added to the skill
  • Added Spellcasting skill to list of skills, access controlled by class skill checkbox
  • Added an attribute select element for each skill with appropriate default
  • Changed Defense calculation to include other bonuses
  • Added flat-footed Defense calculation
  • Added Spell Defense
  • Changed all type names to lower case. Upper case appears to be breaking repeating sections.
  • Fixed repeating sections which previously resulted in data loss (see previous)
  • Changed Weapon titles to input fields with placeholders
  • Added Keen field to weapons (but not incorporated into rolls)
  • Added Subdual and Stress damage sections as well as Fatigue and Shaken conditions with grades, respectively.
  • Added conditions tracking
  • Added fittings repeating section to Armor
  • Corrected size-related footnote in Actions section to include other actions (and added the footnote :-) )
  • Added collapsible Spells section for Arcane and Divine magic
  • Added Tabbed per-level Spell sections within collapsible section.
  • Added FantasyCraft logo after receiving publishers permission.
  • Added Ground, Fly, and Travel speeds Character section (used Fly vice 'Other' as Drake is a standard character in FC which can fly)
  • Added Alignment details to Character section
  • Lifestyle section with Panache, Prudence, and Income
  • Made Attribute modifiers number type vice text
  • Cleaned up initial sheets CSS indenting
  • Began the process of removing singleton css class names, but more work needs to be done including removing unused css class names
  • Reworked location of various fields to reduce the amount of blank space and lateral scrolling required.
  • Added separate Special and Standard character sheet radio buttons
  • Prettified background images using style/colors evocative of published material.
  • Renamed 'Gear, etc.' to 'Gear and Prizes' in keeping with official character sheet
  • Add Overloaded, Lift, Push/Drag weight limit calculations to Gear
  • Added Reputation and Renown to Gear and Prizes
  • Tweaked Encumbrance calculations, allowing size to be used for both effective str in encumbrance calculations and dodge.
    (Still a known issue with Vast size being off-by-one for encumbrance calculations, but probably not correctable.)
  • Fixed bug in size usage when calculating to-hit with a weapon for Bull Rush and Trip where absolute size was being used and not relative size difference (this doesn't matter if everyone uses absolute size difference, but not everyone does)
  • Added size difference Select to modify rolls
  • Added 2H mod when calculate Disarm bonus


  • Compute Keen in conjunction with damage rolls
  • Add Global Keen than just to individual weapons
  • What to do if > 4 weapons? Repeating field?
  • Modify Skill checks for ACP using default checkbox
  • Modify Skill checks for Fatigue
  • Add 'const' and 'comp' fields to armor
  • Simplify fittings by: Number or Quantity, Light/Heavy drop down, remove location, Change 'Fitting' to 'Fitting description' Add tooltip explaining 2-3 fitting gain light modification while 4-5 gain heavy, Change 'weight' to 'weight increase' or '+ weight'
  • Armor resistances are still number type. Should be changed to text/number
  • Add sneak attack damage dice to weapons section
  • Consider adding individual conditions select element in order to create flexible macros
  • Need to add Contacts, Magic Items, Mounts, and Vehicles section to Gear & Prizes
  • Add input field for Edge?
  • Need to do comprehensive review of rolls and how they are computed
  • Possibly create dedicated Tricks/Stance section to track which abilities are tricks/stances (or use T/S checkbox)
  • Possibly create Feat Category select to help track how many feats of a tree a character has
  • Character Disposition tracking for both Special and Standard (See pg 373)
  • Standard Character sheet
  • Merge 'Focus' into 'Skills' section?
  • Add Critical Injuries and heal time in addition to conditions tracker?
  • Update json file to provide more detail what is tracked and what is not
  • Update json file to explain tooltip usage to provide table 'hints', special/standard sheet, Spellcasting incorporated into skills, what rolls auto-calculate, and where to find attribute names for creating macros


This sheet was created to make basic data entry a bit easier for quickly getting started and fill in some missing stuff.
The error range of skills will be automatically set for those skills that have at least 1 rank in them, but if the user entered a value in the previous sheet, that might be adjusted after loading this one.


Problems, suggestions, or features are best handled by sending a PM on roll20. If you comment on github, it might be seen, but don't count on it. Please exercise patience as I may not have time to immediately address the issue. (@DanW on roll20)


If you feel you've contributed to the development of this character sheet, don't forget to add your name here!

  • Jason Miller
  • Dan W

Honorary Credit

Credit to those that have influenced the design of the sheet with input, feedback, or just good style:

  • Delal of crafty-games forums' custom character sheet
  • Actoba's spell section and tabs from DnD 5e sheet
  • Rich Finder's UI controls from SW sheet