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mirthSync is a command line tool for synchronizing Mirth Connect code between servers by allowing you to push or pull channels, code templates, configuration map and global scripts. The tool can also be integrated with Git or other version control systems for the purpose of tracking changes to Mirth Connect code and configuration.

The only requirements are having credentials for the server that is being synced and the server also needs to support and allow access to Mirth Connect's REST API.

Suggestions for use

  • Use mirthSync in conjunction with Git (or any VCS) to back up and track changes to code and settings
  • Pull and push changes between Mirth Connect servers
  • Utilize Git branches to track and merge code between dev, test, and prod environments
  • Use mirthSync as part of your CI/CD workflow
    • Please see our mirthsync-ci repository for an example that works with Github Actions
  • Work on mirth javascript locally with your favorite editor without having to edit XML

Current release

The latest version of mirthSync is "3.0.4-SNAPSHOT". Note the changes below. Version 3 of mirthSync changed the layout of the target directory structure. Javascript is extracted into separate files and top level channels are now placed in a default group directory.


Current Prerelease

  • New "--skip-disabled" flag to indicate whether the item (only channels currently) being pushed or pulled should be included based on its status. The flag defaults to 'false' and all items are pushed or pulled no matter what the 'enabled' setting is. NOTE - this feature only works on mirth versions >= 3.9.


  • Support for getting the password from the MIRTHSYNC_PASSWORD environment variable if --password is not specified
  • Prompt for password on console if no password is set, the console is available and the interactive "-I" flag is set
  • Fix bug preventing local modifications from being pushed even with --force flag specified


  • New feature to enable optional deployment of channel(s) during a push


  • Major feature - javascript in channels, code templates, and global scripts is now extracted into its own file
  • Breaking change - place top level channels beneath a 'Default Group' directory
  • restrict-to-path now filters pulls (previously only pushes were filtered)
  • code refactoring to use multimethods instead of passing around functions
  • code clarity work
  • more tests
  • support for Mirth Connect 3.12


  • Support for pushing/pulling Alerts
  • Fix bug related to directory/xml ordering and zip/remove

2.1.0 (Pre-Release)

  • Selective push
  • Testing against mirth 3.11

"2.1.x" versions of mirthSync support selectively pushing/pulling arbitrary paths in the target directory to Mirth. This allows, for instance, the ability to push/pull only the ConfigurationMap or a single channel or channel group by specifying a base path within the target directory to use as a starting point for find the files to push/pull.

NOTE 2.1.x versions include new features that break compatibility in minor ways from the 2.0.x versions.

  • There are new command line options and new defaults for the ConfigurationMap. You must now add a flag to your command line to allow for pushing the ConfigurationMap - without the flag, it will not get included in the push.
  • Resources are now properly included in a push.
  • Alerts are supported

If you're trying out 2.1.x after using 2.0.x, be careful to test thoroughly in a dev environment first.


Small change that shouldn't impact the current directory layout. This change allows for forward and backward slashes in channel group names by encoding the slashes using an HTTP URL encode syntax.


Support for syncing Resources and a more comprehensive test suite for validating functionality across multiple versions of Mirth.


Bi-directional groups support.

You can check out the 2.0.3-SNAPSHOT release here -


Changed the local directory structure to nest channels within their respective group.

Future plans

  • Support Mirth > version 3.11 (should be ready soon)
  • Extract javascript from xml (should be ready soon)
  • Support filtering pulls just like we currently are able to filter pushes.
  • Addressing reported issues.
  • Implement more tests.


$ git clone


Requires Java JRE or JDK version 8 (versions 9 and above are not currently supported)


How to generate help dialogue:

$ java -jar mirthsync.jar -h

Help Dialogue:

The following errors occurred while parsing your command:

--server is required
--username is required
--target is required

Usage: mirthsync [options] action

  -s, --server SERVER_URL                              Full HTTP(s) url of the Mirth Connect server
  -u, --username USERNAME                              Username used for authentication
  -p, --password PASSWORD                  <computed>  Password used for authentication
  -i, --ignore-cert-warnings                           Ignore certificate warnings
  -v                                                   Verbosity level
        May be specified multiple times to increase level.
  -f, --force                                          
        Overwrite existing local files during a pull and overwrite remote items
        without regard for revisions during a push.
  -t, --target TARGET_DIR                              Base directory used for pushing or pulling files
  -r, --restrict-to-path RESTRICT_TO_PATH              
        A path within the target directory to limit the scope of the push. This
        path may refer to a filename specifically or a directory. If the path
        refers to a file - only that file will be pushed. If the path refers to
        a directory - the push will be limited to resources contained within
        that directory. The RESTRICT_TO_PATH must be specified relative to
        the target directory.
      --include-configuration-map                       A boolean flag to include the
        configuration map in the push. Default: false
      --skip-disabled                                   A boolean flag that indicates whether
        disabled channels should be pushed or pulled. Default: false
  -d, --deploy                                         Deply channels on push
        During a push, deploy each included channel immediately
        after saving the channel to Mirth.
  -I, --interactive                                    
        Allow for console prompts for user input
  -h, --help

  push     Push filesystem code to server
  pull     Pull server code to filesystem

Environment variables:
  MIRTHSYNC_PASSWORD     Alternative to --password command line option



NOTE - The "-p" or "--password" option may be omitted from the the commands below if the environment variable MIRTHSYNC_PASSWORD is set. When interactive input is allowed (-I) and no password can be found, you will be prompted to enter the password at the terminal.

How to pull Mirth Connect code from a Mirth Connect instance:

$ java -jar mirthsync.jar -s https://localhost:8443/api -u admin -p admin pull -t /home/user/

Note that the -t parameter accepts absolute and relative paths.

Pulling code from a Mirth Connect instance allowing for overwriting existing files:

$ java -jar mirthsync.jar -s https://localhost:8443/api -u admin -p admin -f pull -t /home/user/

Pushing code to a Mirth Connect instance (doesn't have to be the same instance that the code was originally pulled from):

$ java -jar mirthsync.jar -s https://otherserver.localhost/api -u admin -p admin push -t /home/user/

Pushing a channel group and its channels to a Mirth Connect instance

$ java -jar mirthsync.jar -s https://otherserver.localhost/api -u admin -p admin push -t /home/user/  -r "Channels/This is a group"


There is a sample script ( packaged that can be customized and utilized from a cron job and/or the command line. The script can take an optional commit message in cases where it is desirable to immediately pull and commit changes to git with meaningful commit messages.

Sample crontab...

# At 02:24 on every day-of-week from Sunday through Saturday 
24 2 * * 0-6 /opt/mirthsync/ >/dev/null 2>&1


Pull/Push from a REPL.

The following pulls code to a directory called 'tmp' (relative to the execution environment), overwriting existing files ("-f") and ignoring the validity of the server certificate ("-i"), and then pushes back to the local server from the same directory.

(mirthsync.core/main-func "-s" "https://localhost:8443/api" "-u" "admin" "-p" "admin" "-t" "target/tmp" "-f" "-i" "pull")
(mirthsync.core/main-func "-s" "https://localhost:8443/api" "-u" "admin" "-p" "admin" "-t" "target/tmp" "-f" "-i" "push")

Build from Source

Requires Leiningen

$ lein uberjar


  • Gracefully handle renames and deletions


Copyright © 2017-2022 Saga IT LLC

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or any later version.


This tool is still under development. Use at your own discretion.