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  • python and pip then run pip install -r requirements.txt
  • mupen64plus (install via apt-get)

Recording Samples

  1. Start your emulator program (mupen64plus) and run Mario Kart 64
  2. Make sure you have a joystick connected
  3. Run
  4. Make sure the graph responds to joystick input. It will look slow but that is because the sample rate is low on purpose.
  5. Position the emulator window so that the image is captured by the program

Your window should look like this:

  1. Press record and play through a level. You can trim some samples off the front and back of the data you collect afterwards.

Note - the GUI will stop updating while recording to avoid any slow downs.

Viewing Samples

Run python samples/luigi_raceway to view the samples

Preparing Training Data

The script takes an array of sample directories as arguments and builds an X and y matrix for training.

X is a 2-Dimensional array where each row is a flattened image. (each cell is therefore a unsigned int)

y is the expected joystick ouput as an array:

  [0] joystick x axis
  [1] joystick y axis
  [2] button a
  [3] button b
  [4] button rb


The program will train a model using Google's TensorFlow framework and cuDNN for GPU acceleration. Training can take a while (~1 hour) depending on how much data you are training with. The program will save the model to disk when it is done.


The program will take screenshots of your desktop expecting the emulator to be in the top right corner again. These images will be sent to the model to acquire the joystick command to send.

Note - you need to start the emulator a custom input driver in order to pass the output from the AI to the emulator:

mupen64plus --input ~/src/mupen64plus-input-bot/ MarioKart64.z64

current status:

  • the emulator is using this controller for player 1

  • the emulator does not respond to the inputs I send

  • jstest-gtk does respond to these inputs

  • evtest on my fake controller does not respond either

    • emit_click does showup in evtest
  • Attempt to just script mario kart to get this working

Does it Generalize?

  • The network should be able to replay a level since at this point its can be overfitted and pretty much rememeber a sequence of commands.
    • That is unless it gets stuck and drives off the course and can't get back
  • Try it on a new level and see what it does. This is in place of a validation data set.



  • could also have a shadow mode where the AI just draws out what it would do rather than sending actions. A real self driving car would have this and use it a lot before letting it take the wheel.


self-driving MarioKart with TensorFlow







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  • Python 100.0%