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bladeRF Host Source

This directory contains the items outlined in the following table. Note that this structure includes some items planned for future development.

Directory Description
cmake CMake scripts and modules
drivers Device drivers for supported operating systems
libraries The main bladeRF support library and supplemental libraries
misc Miscellaneous files
utilities Applications and tools



libusb and its development headers are required. >= v1.0.16 is recommended for Linux, and >= v1.0.19 is recommended for Windows.

Ideally, the latest released version is always recommended. Please see the libusb ChangeLog for more information.

(Optional) FX3 SDK - Windows-only

Windows users that wish to use a Cypress driver/library based libbladeRF backend will need to download and install the Cypress FX3 SDK.


CMake is used to build the items in this directory. >= v2.8.5 is required, but the latest available version is recommended.

pthreads-win32 - Windows-only

Windows users will need to get pthreads-win32, and may (with newer Windows versions) need to build it from scratch.


Linux and OSX

From this directory, create a build directory. This is personal preference, of course. It allows for all build files to be cleaned up via a single rm -r build/ command.

Next, run cmake to configure the build, followed by make and sudo make install to build and install libraries and applications.

mkdir -p build
cd build
cmake [options] ../
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig

Fedora Note: By default, libbladeRF will install to /usr/local/{lib,lib64}, which is not listed in /etc/ On these systems, it is recommended to create a /etc/ specifying these directories:

sudo tee /etc/ <<EOF

Then, run sudo ldconfig again.


This process was most recently validated on Windows 10 Enterprise with CMake 3.9.0, libusb 1.0.21, and Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 (Version 15.2).


  • Create a build directory under host
  • Run the CMake GUI, pointing the source location to this host directory and the build directory to the build directory you just created.
  • Click the CMake GUI's "Configure" button. Select the Visual Studio version installed on your system when prompted for a "generator."
    • If you run into any failures, check these items, then re-run Configure:
      • LIBUSB_PATH (and ENABLE_BACKEND_LIBUSB) - for using libusb
      • FX3_SDK_PATH (and ENABLE_BACKEND_CYAPI) - for using the Cypress driver
  • Adjust options as desired and re-run the "Configure" command as needed. Values in red are new, and should be reviewed before running "Configure" again to get the red out.
  • Click the CMake GUI's "Generate" button.
  • In the build directory, a Visual Studio solution will now exist. You can click "Open Project" to get there.
  • Build the solution (right-click Solution 'bladeRF' and click "Build Solution")
  • Upon building the solution, build artifacts will be present in: build\output\<build type>
    • <build_type> may refer to Debug or Release, for example


If you are using a newer version of Windows / Visual Studio and are getting error C0211: 'timespec': 'struct' type redefinition when trying to build bladeRF, you will need to rebuild pthreads-win32. The below process seems to work with pthreads-w32 2.9.1.

  • Get full source tree from pthreads-win32 website, and unpack someplace convenient

  • In Visual Studio, open pthreads-w32-2-9-1-release\pthreads.2\pthread.dsw (one-way upgrade is OK)

  • Right-click the solution, select "Retarget solution", hit OK.

  • Change "Solution Configurations" dropdown to "Release" ("Debug" doesn't work, but that's OK)

  • Edit pthread.h to add #define HAVE_STRUCT_TIMESPEC and #define PTW32_ARCHx64 near the top, just below the include guard

  • Build the solution

  • Back over in the bladeRF CMake:

    • File -> Delete Cache
    • Redo the "Configure" dance as before
    • Point LIBPTHREADSWIN32_PATH to the pthreads-w32-2-9-1-release\pthreads.2 directory you were just working in

CMake Options and Flags

Below is a list of useful and project-specific CMake options. Please see the CMake documentation for more information.

Option Description
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=</prefix/path> Override system-specific path to install output files. Default depends on system; see cmake -L
-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=<type> Set to "Debug" to enable a debug build. Default: "Release"
-DBUILD_DOCUMENTATION=<ON/OFF> Build libbladeRF API documentation and manpages for utilities. Default: OFF
-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=<compiler> Specify the compiler to use. Otherwise, CMake will determine a default.
-DENABLE_GDB_EXTENSIONS=<ON/OFF> GCC & GDB users may want to set this to use -ggdb3 instead of -g. Default: OFF
-DENABLE_BACKEND_LIBUSB=<ON/OFF> Enables libusb backend in libbladeRF. Default: ON if libusb is available, OFF otherwise.
-DENABLE_BACKEND_CYAPI=<ON/OFF>a Enables (Windows-only) Cypress driver/library based backend in libbladeRF. Default: ON if the FX3 SDK is available, OFF otherwise.
-DENABLE_BACKEND_DUMMY=<ON/OFF> Enables dummy backend support in libbladeRF. Only useful for some developers. Default: OFF
-DENABLE_LIBTECLA=<ON/OFF> Enable libtecla support in the bladeRF-cli program. Default: ON if libtecla is detected, OFF otherwise.
-DINSTALL_UDEV_RULES=<ON/OFF> Install udev rules to /etc/udev/rules.d/. Default: ON for Linux, OFF default otherwise.
-DUDEV_RULES_PATH=</path/to/udev/rules> Override the path for installing udev rules. Default: /etc/udev/rules.d
-DBLADERF_GROUP=<group> Sets the group associated with the bladeRF in the installed udev rules. Default: plugdev
-DTREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS=<ON/OFF> Treat compiler warnings as errors. Contributors should keep this enabled. Default: ON
-DENABLE_LOG_FILE_INFO=<ON/OFF> Enable source file and line number information in log messages. Default: ON