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hipSOLVER LU Factorization Example


This example illustrates the use of the hipSOLVER LU factorization functionality. The hipSOLVER getrf computes the LU decomposition of an $m \times n$ matrix $A$, with partial pivoting. This factorization is given by $P \cdot A = L \cdot U$, where:

  • getrf(): This is the blocked Level-3-BLAS version of the LU factorization algorithm. An optimized internal implementation without rocBLAS calls could be executed with mid-size matrices.

  • $A$ is the $m \times n$ input matrix.

  • $P$ is an $m \times m$ permutation matrix, in this example stored as an array of row indices vector<int> Ipiv of size min(m, n).

  • $L$ is:

    • an $m \times m$ lower triangular matrix, when $m \leq n$.
    • an $m \times n$ lower trapezoidal matrix, when $m &gt; n$.
  • $U$ is:

    • an $m \times n$ upper trapezoidal matrix, when $m &lt; n$.
    • an $n \times n$ upper tridiagonal matrix, when $m \geq n$

Application flow

  1. Parse command line arguments for the dimension of the input matrix.
  2. Declare and initialize a number of constants for the input and output matrices and vectors.
  3. Allocate and initialize the host matrices and vectors.
  4. Allocate device memory.
  5. Copy input data from host to device.
  6. Create a hipsolverHandle_t handle.
  7. Invoke the hipSOLVER getrf function with double precision.
  8. Copy the results from device to host.
  9. Print trace messages.
  10. Free device memory and the hipSOLVER handle.

Key APIs and Concepts


  • hipsolver[SDCZ]getrf computes the LU factorization of an $m \times n$ input matrix $A$. The correct function signature should be chosen, based on the datatype of the input matrix:

    • S (single-precision: float)
    • D (double-precision: double)
    • C (single-precision complex: hipFloatComplex)
    • Z (double-precision complex: hipDoubleComplex).

    Input parameters for the precision used in this example (double-precision):

    • hipsolverHandle_t handle
    • const int m: number of rows of $A$
    • const int n: number of columns of $A$
    • double *A: pointer to matrix $A$
    • const int lda: leading dimension of matrix $A$
    • double *Ipiv: pointer to vector $Ipiv$
    • int *info: result of the LU factorization. If 0, the factorization succeeded, if greater than 0 then $U$ is singular and $U[info,info]$ is the first zero pivot.

    Return type: hipsolverStatus_t

  • hipsolver[SDCZ]getrf_bufferSize allows to obtain the size (in bytes) needed for the working space for the hipsolver[SDCZ]getrf function. The character matched in [SDCZ] coincides with the one in hipsolver[SDCZ]getrf.

    This function accepts the following input parameters:

    • hipsolverHandle_t handle
    • int m number of rows of $A$
    • int n number of columns of $A$
    • double *A pointer to matrix $A$
    • int lda leading dimension of matrix $A$
    • int *lwork returns the size of the working space required

    The return type is hipsolverStatus_t.

Used API surface


  • hipsolverHandle_t
  • hipsolverCreate
  • hipsolverDestroy
  • hipsolverDgetrf_bufferSize
  • hipsolverDgetrf

HIP runtime

  • hipFree
  • hipMalloc
  • hipMemcpy
  • hipMemcpyHostToDevice
  • hipMemcpyDeviceToHost