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Kapitan compile

Note: make sure to read up on inventory before moving on.

Phases of the compile command

Now that we have a basic understanding of Kapitan inventory, we can talk about the kapitan compile command.

The command has five distinct phases:

  • Reclass: this takes all the target and class definitions and runs reclass to determine what kapitan needs to do during the compile command.
  • Fetch: this is an optional phase that happens before the compilation actions, if there are dependencies defined in any classes under parameters.kapitan.dependencies. This is triggered through the --fetch option on the kapitan compile command.
  • Compilation: the Reclass phase has determined a sequential list of actions to run specified in the parameters.kapitan.compile for each target. The actions can be defined using jinja2, jsonnet, kadet, helm, and copy. These actions define any transpilation steps you want to take to get a desired manifest output, or simply put, your inputs and outputs.
  • Copying: the Compilation phase runs all of its actions in a tmp folder and when finished, all outputted files for each target are copied to their respective compiled directories.
  • Validate: this is an optional phase that validates the schema of compiled output. Validate options are specified in the inventory under parameters.kapitan.validate

Specifying inputs and outputs

Input types can be specified in the inventory under kapitan.compile in the following format:

    - output_path: <output_path_in_target_dir>
      input_type: jinja2 | jsonnet | kadet | helm | copy
      prune: <boolean> (Default: global --prune)
        - path/to/input/dir/or/file
        - globbed/path/*/main.jsonnet
      output_type: <output_type_specific_to_input_type>

Supported input types

Kapitan supports the following input template types:


This renders jinja2 templates, typically stored in templates/ directory, such as README, scripts and config files. Refer to jinja2 docs to understand how the template engine works.

For Jinja2, input_paths can be either a file or a directory: in case of a directory, all the templates in the directory will be rendered and outputted to output_path.

Supported output types: N/A (no need to specify output_type)

Using the inventory in jinja2

Jinja2 types will pass the "inventory" and whatever target vars as context keys in your template.

This snippet renders the same java_opts for the elasticsearch data role:

java_opts for elasticsearch data role are: {{ }}

Jinja2 custom filters

We support the following custom filters for use in Jinja2 templates:

  • sha256 - SHA256 hashing of text e.g. {{ text | sha256 }}
  • yaml - Dump text as YAML e.g. {{ text | yaml }}
  • toml - Dump text as TOML e.g. {{ text | toml }}
  • b64encode - base64 encode text e.g. {{ text | b64encode }}
  • b64decode - base64 decode text e.g. {{ text | b64decode }}
  • fileglob - return list of matched regular files for glob e.g. {{ ./path/file* | fileglob }}
  • bool - return the bool for value e.g. {{ yes | bool }}
  • to_datetime - return datetime object for string e.g. {{ "2019-03-07 13:37:00" | to_datetime }}
  • strftime - return current date string for format e.g. {{ "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M" | strftime }}
  • regex_replace - perform a re.sub returning a string e.g. {{ hello world | regex_replace(pattern="world", replacement="kapitan") }}
  • regex_escape - escape all regular expressions special characters from string e.g. {{ "+s[a-z].*" | regex_escape }}
  • regex_search - perform and return the list of matches or a backref e.g. {{ hello world | regex_search("world.*") }}
  • regex_findall - perform re.findall and return the list of matches as array e.g. {{ hello world | regex_findall("world.*") }}
  • ternary - value ? true_val : false_val e.g. {{ condition | ternary("yes", "no") }}
  • shuffle - randomly shuffle elements of a list {{ [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] | shuffle }}
  • reveal_maybe - reveal ref/secret tag only if compile --reveal flag is set e.g. {{ "?{base64:my_ref}" | reveal_maybe }}

You can also provide path to your custom filter modules in CLI. By default, you can put your filters in lib/ and they will automatically get loaded.


Jsonnet is a superset of json format that includes features such as conditionals, variables and imports. Refer to jsonnet docs to understand how it works.

Note: unlike jinja2 templates, one jsonnet template can output multiple files (one per object declared in the file).

Supported output types:

  • yaml (default)
  • json

Using the inventory in jsonnet

Typical jsonnet files would start as follows:

local kap = import "lib/kapitan.libjsonnet";
local inventory = kap.inventory();

The first line is required to access the kapitan inventory values.

On the second line, inventory() callback is used to initialise a local variable through which inventory values for this target can be referenced. For example, the script below

local kap = import "lib/kapitan.libjsonnet";
local inventory = kap.inventory();


imports the inventory for the target you're compiling and returns the java_opts for the elasticsearch data role.

Note: The dictionary keys of the jsonnet object are used as filenames for the generated output files. If your jsonnet is not a dictionary, but is a valid json(net) object, then the output filename will be the same as the input filename. E.g. 'my_string' is inside templates/input_file.jsonnet so the generated output file will be named input_file.json for example and will contain "my_string".

Callback functions

In addition, importing kapitan.libjsonnet makes available the following native_callback functions gluing reclass to jsonnet (amongst others):

yaml_load - returns a json string of the specified yaml file
yaml_load_stream - returns a list of json strings of the specified yaml file
yaml_dump - returns a string yaml from a json string
yaml_dump_stream - returns a string yaml stream from a json string
file_read - reads the file specified
file_exists - returns informative object if a file exists
dir_files_list - returns a list of file in a dir
dir_files_read - returns an object with keys - file_name and values - file contents
jinja2_template - renders the jinja2 file with context specified
sha256_string - returns sha256 of string
gzip_b64 - returns base64 encoded gzip of obj
inventory - returns a dictionary with the inventory for target
jsonschema - validates obj with schema, returns object with 'valid' and 'reason' keys
Jsonschema validation from jsonnet

Given the follow example inventory:

  storage: 10G
  storage_class: standard
  image: mysql:latest

The yaml inventory structure can be validated with the new jsonschema() function:

local schema = {
    type: "object",
    properties: {
        storage: { type: "string", pattern: "^[0-9]+[MGT]{1}$"},
        image: { type: "string" },
// run jsonschema validation
local validation = kap.jsonschema(inv.parameters.mysql, schema);
// assert valid, otherwise error with validation.reason
assert validation.valid: validation.reason;

If validation.valid is not true, it will then fail compilation and display validation.reason.

For example, if defining the storage value with an invalid pattern (10Z), compile fails:

Jsonnet error: failed to compile /code/components/mysql/main.jsonnet:
 RUNTIME ERROR: '10Z' does not match '^[0-9]+[MGT]{1}$'

Failed validating 'pattern' in schema['properties']['storage']:
    {'pattern': '^[0-9]+[MGT]{1}$', 'type': 'string'}

On instance['storage']:


Compile error: failed to compile target: minikube-mysql
Jinja2 jsonnet templating

The following jsonnet snippet renders the jinja2 template in templates/got.j2:

local kap = import "lib/kapitan.libjsonnet";

    "jon_snow": kap.jinja2_template("templates/got.j2", { is_dead: false }),

It's up to you to decide what the output is.


Kadet is an extensible input type that enables you to generate templates using python. The key benefit being the ability to utilize familiar programing principles while having access to kapitan's powerful inventory system.

A library that defines resources as classes using the Base Object class is required. These can then be utilized within components to render output.

The following functions are provided by the class BaseObj().

Method definitions:

  • new(): Provides parameter checking capabilities
  • body(): Enables in-depth parameter configuration

Method functions:

  • root(): Defines values that will be compiled into the output
  • need(): Ability to check & define input parameters
  • update_root(): Updates the template file associated with the class

A class can be a resource such as a kubernetes Deployment as shown here:

class Deployment(BaseObj):
    def new(self):
        self.need("name", "name string needed")
        self.need("labels", "labels dict needed")
        self.need("containers", "containers dict needed")

    def body(self): =
        self.root.metadata.namespace = inv.parameters.target_name
        self.root.spec.template.metadata.labels = self.kwargs.labels
        self.root.spec.template.spec.containers = self.kwargs.containers

The deployment is an BaseObj() which has two main functions. New can be used to perform parameter validation & template compilation. Body is utilized to set those parameters to be rendered. is a direct reference to a key in the corresponding yaml.

We have established that you may define a library which holds information on classes that represent resource objects. The library is then utilized by defined components to generate the required output.

Here we import kubelib using load_from_search_paths(). We then use kubelib to access the defined object classes. In this instance the Deployment & Service resource class.

kubelib = kadet.load_from_search_paths("kubelib")
name = "nginx"
labels = kadet.BaseObj.from_dict({"app": name})
nginx_container = kubelib.Container(
    name=name, image=inv.parameters.nginx.image, ports=[{"containerPort": 80}]
def main():
    output = kadet.BaseObj()
    output.root.nginx_deployment = kubelib.Deployment(name=name, labels=labels, containers=[nginx_container])
    output.root.nginx_service = kubelib.Service(
        name=name, labels=labels, ports=[svc_port], selector=svc_selector
    return output

Kadet uses a library called addict to organise the parameters inline with the yaml templates. As shown above we create a BaseObject() named output. We update the root of this output with the data structure returned from kubelib. This output is what is then returned to kapitan to be compiled into the desired output type.

For a deeper understanding of this input type please review the proposal document at kadet & the examples located at examples/kubernetes/components/nginx.

Supported output types:

  • yaml (default)
  • json

using kadet for "post processing" or "overlaying" manifests (alpha/experimental)

Sometimes you need to add a little something extra to manifests that you can't do within the original compile block.

For instance, you might use an open source helm chart that doesn't have a specific parameter that is configurable. You could download the helm chart locally, amend the chart to take a new parameter, and check it into your repository. This could make it harder to upgrade chart versions in the future, and understand the motivation behind changes in the chart itself.

Instead, you could create a kadet module that compiles after the helm input has compiled.

    output_path: test-1
    - name: template-helm-chart
      input_type: helm
      output_path: ${test_1:output_path}
      	- <chart_path>
        - <values_file_path>
      	namespace: <substitutes_.Release.Namespace>
      	name_template: <namespace_template>
      	release_name: <chart_release_name>
    - name: add-metadata-test-1
      input_type: kadet
      output_path: ${test_1:output_path}
        - <path_to_kadet_module>
        team_name: ops
        post_process_inputs: [template-helm-chart]

Here you can clearly define the order in which your manifests are compiled and ensure that the helm chart is templated before your kadet module is run. The input_params injected are available in the main function as an object. input_params will always have the compile_path which is the absolute path to the compile directory where manifests are compiled on the current run. Any additional keys placed on the input_params in the compile block can be accessed in the kadet module for that specific compile run.

from kapitan.inputs import kadet

inventory = kadet.inventory()

def main(input_params):
    team_name = input_params.get("team_name", "no-owner")
    target_name =
    compile_path = input_params.get("compile_path")

For an in depth example, look at the kadet-test target under tests/test_resources/inventory. There is an example of adding labels to every kubernetes object a specific compiled folder.


This is a Python binding to helm template command for users with helm charts. This does not require the helm executable, and the templates are rendered without the Tiller server.

Unlike other input types, Helm input types support the following additional parameters under kapitan.compile:

    - output_path: <output_path>
      input_type: helm
        - <chart_path>
        - <values_file_path>
        namespace: <substitutes_.Release.Namespace>
        name_template: <namespace_template>
        release_name: <chart_release_name>
      kube_version: <target_kubernetes_version_string>

helm_values is an object containing values specified that will override the default values in the input chart. This has exactly the same effect as specifying --values custom_values.yml for helm template command where custom_values.yml structure mirrors that of helm_values.

helm_values_files is an array containing the paths to helm values files used as input for the chart. This has exactly the same effect as specifying --file my_custom_values.yml for the helm template command where my_custom_values.yml is a helm values file. If the same keys exist in helm_values and in multiple specified helm_values_files, the last indexed file in the helm_values_files will take precedence followed by the preceding helm_values_files and at the bottom the helm_values defined in teh compile block. There is an example in the tests. The monitoring-dev(kapitan/tests/test_resources/inventory/targets/monitoring-dev.yml) and monitoring-prd(kapitan/tests/test_resources/inventory/targets/monitoring-prd.yml) targets both use the monitoring(tests/test_resources/inventory/classes/component/monitoring.yml) component. This component has helm chart input and takes a common.yml helm_values file which is "shared" by any target that uses the component and it also takes a dynamically defined file based on a kapitan variable defined in the target.

helm_params correspond to the options for helm template as follows:

  • namespace: equivalent of --namespace option: note that due to the restriction on helm template command, specifying the namespace does not automatically add metadata.namespace property to the resources. Therefore, users are encourage to explicitly specify in all resources:

      namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }} # or any other custom values
  • name_template: equivalent of --name-template option

  • release_name: equivalent of --name option

See the helm doc for further detail.

kube_version optionally specifies the Kubernetes version to target when rendering the manifests from the chart, for example "1.16". As some charts generate manifests slightly differently depending on the target Kubernetes version (e.g. targeting different APIs), it may be useful to target a specific version. When not specified, the default version used is "1.12".


Let's use nginx-ingress helm chart as the input. Using kapitan dependency manager, this chart can be fetched via a URL as listed in

On a side note, is the chart repository URL which you would helm repo add, and this repository should contain index.yaml that lists out all the available charts and their URLs. By locating this index.yaml file, you can locate all the charts available in the repository.

We can use version 0.3.3 found at We can create a simple target file as inventory/targets/nginx-from-chart.yml whose content is as follows:

      target: nginx-from-chart
    - type: https
      unpack: True
      output_path: components/charts
      - output_path: .
        input_type: helm
          - components/charts/nginx-ingress
            name: my-controller
              repository: custom_repo
          release_name: my-first-release-name
          namespace: my-first-namespace

To compile this target, run:

$ kapitan compile --fetch
Dependency : fetching now
Dependency : successfully fetched
Dependency : extracted to components/charts
Compiled nginx-from-chart (0.07s)

The chart is fetched before compile, which creates components/charts/nginx-ingress folder that is used as the input_paths for the helm input type. To confirm if the helm_values actually has overridden the default values, we can try:

$ grep "my-controller" compiled/nginx-from-chart/nginx-ingress/templates/controller-deployment.yaml
  name: my-controller
      app: my-controller
        app: my-controller

Building the binding from source


cd kapitan/inputs/helm

This requires Go 1.14.

Helm subcharts

There is an external dependency manager of type helm which enables you to specify helm charts to download, including subcharts.


This input type simply copies the input templates to the output directory without any rendering/processing. For Copy, input_paths can be either a file or a directory: in case of a directory, all the templates in the directory will be copied and outputted to output_path.

Supported output types: N/A (no need to specify output_type)


      - input_type: copy
        ignore_missing: true  # Do not error if path is missing. Defaults to False
          - resources/state/${target_name}/.terraform.lock.hcl
        output_path: terraform/


This input type simply removes files or directories. This can be helpful if you can't control particular files generated during other compile inputs.

For example, to remove a file named copy_target, specify an entry to input_paths, compiled/${kapitan:vars:target}/copy_target.

  target_name: removal
      target: ${target_name}
      - input_type: copy
          - copy_target
        output_path: .
      # test removal of a file
      - input_type: remove
          - compiled/${kapitan:vars:target}/copy_target
        output_path: .

As a reminder, each input block within the compile array is run sequentially for a target in Kapitan. If we reversed the order of the inputs above like so:

  target_name: removal
      target: ${target_name}
      - input_type: remove
          - compiled/${kapitan:vars:target}/copy_target
        output_path: .
      - input_type: copy
          - copy_target
        output_path: .

The first input block would throw an error because the copy input command hasn't run yet to produce the file being removed by the remove input block.

Supported output types: N/A (no need to specify output_type)

External (alpha/experimental)

This input type executes an external script or binary. This can be used to manipulate already compiled files or execute binaries outside of kapitan that generate or manipulate files.

For example, ytt is a useful yaml templating tool. It is not built into the kapitan binary, however, with the external input type, we could specify the ytt binary to be executed with specific arguments and environment variables.

In this example, we're removing a label from a k8s manifests in a directory ingresses and placing it into the compiled target directory.

  target_name: k8s-manifests
      target: ${target_name}
      - input_type: external
          - /usr/local/bin/ytt # path to ytt on system
        output_path: .
          - -f
          - ingresses/ # directory with ingresses
          - -f
          - ytt/remove.yaml # custom ytt script
          - ">"
          - \${compiled_target_dir}/ingresses/ingresses.yaml # final merged result

Supported output types: N/A (no need to specify output_type)