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3 June 97.

Some matlab routines for use with SAGA
Display of output from SAGA:

PLOTSAGA.M    Reads output from a saga run and plot the a posteriori
              distribution as well as the data and the synthetic data 
              for the best fit.

It uses the following routines:
WPLOT.M        Plot a wiggle plot for a single parameter 
HWIGGLE.M      Plot a wiggle plot for a set of parameters 
XTITLES.M      Contain the titles for each parameter type for
               each forward model.

PLOT_CORREL.M  Plots the correlation for the estimated parameters from
               SAGA. It reads from the file *.cor 
               There is no arguments to PLOT_CORREL.
The following two subroutines reads observed data from a SAGA generated file:

READ_COVMAT.M  Reading the covariance matrix in from a file 
               written in Saga-format.
READ_PVEC.M    Reading the pressure vector  from a file 
               written in Saga-format.
The following two subroutines writes observed data in SAGA format to
an observed file:

WRITE_COVMAT.M Writes the covariance matrix to a file in SAGA format.
WRITE_PVEC.M   Writes the  pressure vector  to a file in SAGA format.

COV_DIAGPLOT.M Makes a diagnostic plot of the covariance matrix.