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General Agent Module


This module contains some common approaches for building Forta Bots. You will also find some tools for writing tests for these bots. These approaches can be composed for creating more complex bots or used only for checking without returning their findings.


  • Using npm: npm i forta-agent-tools


  • Clone the repo
  • npm install
  • npm run test


Handlers are approaches for dealing with block and transaction events. They can either be integrated into a bot's logic to make it easier to get specific data based on transactions or blocks or used like Forta bot generators through.

Each handler gets specific data, which is called metadata (related to what would be relevant for the alert metadata), from a transaction or block event. This data can be returned to be processed externally by calling handler.metadata(event), but the handler can also receive a callback that creates a finding from its metadata. In this case, it can both return findings through handler.handle(event) and also generate the Forta bot handlers through handler.getHandleBlock() and handler.getHandleTransaction().

Handler is an abstract base class and each specific handler extends it. The common interface is:

  • Handler(options): Each handler has a specific set of options. The only common field between all the specific options is the optional onFinding, that defines how a finding will be generated based on the metadata. Handler, in this case, is a specific handler, not the Handler base class.
  • metadata(event): This method returns a promise to an array of metadata objects related to a transaction or block or, if there's no implementation for a specific event (e.g. a handler only gets information from transactions, not blocks) it will return a promise that resolves to null.
  • handle(event, onFinding?): This method handles a transaction or block event and returns a list of findings. onFinding will override options.onFinding if both were specified.
  • getHandleBlock(onFinding?): This method returns a forta-agent HandleBlock handle callback. onFinding will override options.onFinding if both were specified.
  • getHandleTransaction(onFinding?): This method returns a forta-agent HandleTransaction handle callback. onFinding will override options.onFinding if both were specified.

Each handler's options and metadata interfaces can be accessed through Handler.Options and Handler.Metadata (Handler, again, in this case, being a specific handler, not the Handler base class).


This handler detects transactions that contain addresses from a list provided by the user.

How to use it

import { Finding, FindingSeverity, FindingType, TransactionEvent } from "forta-agent";
import { handlers, createAddress } from "forta-agent-tools";

const blacklistedAddressesHandler = new handlers.BlacklistedAddresses({
  addresses: [createAddress("0x0")],
  onFinding(metadata) {
    return Finding.from({
      name: "Blacklisted Address",
      description: "A transaction involving a blacklisted address was found",
      severity: FindingSeverity.Info,
      type: FindingType.Info,
      metadata: {},
      addresses: metadata.addresses,

const handleTransaction = blacklistedAddressesHandler.getHandleTransaction();
const handleBlock = blacklistedAddressesHandler.getHandleBlock();

// or

async function handleTransaction(txEvent: TransactionEvent): Promise<Finding[]> {
  const findings = await blacklistedAddressesHandler.handle(txEvent);

  // or

  const metadataList = await blacklistedAddressesHandler.metadata(txEvent);
  const findingsFromMetadata = (metadataList || []).map((metadata) => {
    return Finding.from({
      name: "Blacklisted Address",
      description: "A transaction involving a blacklisted address was found",
      severity: FindingSeverity.Info,
      type: FindingType.Info,
      metadata: {},
      addresses: metadata.addresses,

  // ...


  • addresses: Blacklisted addresses. A finding should be generated if any of them is involved in a transaction.


  • addresses: Blacklisted addresses that were involved in a transaction.


This handler detects ERC20 token transfers in transactions.

How to use it

import { Finding, FindingSeverity, FindingType, TransactionEvent } from "forta-agent";
import { handlers, createAddress } from "forta-agent-tools";

const erc20TransfersHandler = new handlers.Erc20Transfers({
  emitter: createAddress("0x0"),
  from: createAddress("0x1"),
  to: createAddress("0x2"),
  amountThreshold: "10000", // or (amount) => amount.gte("100")
  onFinding(metadata) {
    return Finding.from({
      name: "Large ERC20 transfer",
      description: "A large ERC20 transfer was detected",
      severity: FindingSeverity.Info,
      type: FindingType.Info,
      metadata: {
        from: metadata.from,
        amount: metadata.amount.toString(),

const handleTransaction = erc20TransfersHandler.getHandleTransaction();
const handleBlock = erc20TransfersHandler.getHandleBlock();

// or

async function handleTransaction(txEvent: TransactionEvent): Promise<Finding[]> {
  const findings = await erc20TransfersHandler.handle(txEvent);

  // or

  const metadataList = await erc20TransfersHandler.metadata(txEvent);
  const findingsFromMetadata = (metadataList || []).map((metadata) => {
    return Finding.from({
      name: "Large ERC20 transfer",
      description: "A large ERC20 transfer was detected",
      severity: FindingSeverity.Info,
      type: FindingType.Info,
      metadata: {
        token: metadata.emitter,
        from: metadata.from,
        amount: metadata.amount.toString(),

  // ...


  • emitter: Token address, emitter of the Transfer events that will be listened.
  • from: Transfer sender.
  • to: Transfer receiver.
  • amountThreshold: Determines a filter based on the transfer amount. Can be either a value, like "1000" (doesn't consider the token's decimal places, same uint256 representation as in the contract), case in which the transfer event will be filtered out when it amount less than that value, or a callback that defines whether the amount should lead to a finding or not.


  • emitter: Token address.
  • from: Transfer sender.
  • to: Transfer receiver.
  • amount: Transfer amount.


This handler detects ether transfers in transactions.

How to use it

import { Finding, FindingSeverity, FindingType, TransactionEvent } from "forta-agent";
import { handlers, createAddress } from "forta-agent-tools";

const ethTransfersHandler = new handlers.EthTransfers({
  from: createAddress("0x0"),
  to: createAddress("0x1"),
  valueThreshold: "10000", // or (value) => value.gte("100")
  onFinding(metadata) {
    return Finding.from({
      name: "Large ether transfer",
      description: "A large ether transfer was detected",
      severity: FindingSeverity.Info,
      type: FindingType.Info,
      metadata: {
        from: metadata.from,
        value: metadata.value.toString(),

const handleTransaction = ethTransfersHandler.getHandleTransaction();
const handleBlock = ethTransfersHandler.getHandleBlock();

// or

async function handleTransaction(txEvent: TransactionEvent): Promise<Finding[]> {
  const findings = await ethTransfersHandler.handle(txEvent);

  // or

  const metadataList = await ethTransfersHandler.metadata(txEvent);
  const findingsFromMetadata = (metadataList || []).map((metadata) => {
    return Finding.from({
      name: "Large ether transfer",
      description: "A large ether transfer was detected",
      severity: FindingSeverity.Info,
      type: FindingType.Info,
      metadata: {
        from: metadata.from,
        value: metadata.value.toString(),

  // ...


  • from: Transfer sender.
  • to: Transfer receiver.
  • valueThreshold: Determines a filter based on the transfer amount. Can be either a value, like "1000" (in wei), case in which the transfer event will be filtered out when it amount less than that value, or a callback that defines whether the amount should lead to a finding or not.


  • from: Transfer sender.
  • to: Transfer receiver.
  • value: Transferred value in wei.


This handler parses and detects specific calls in transactions traces.

How to use it

import { Finding, FindingSeverity, FindingType, TransactionEvent } from "forta-agent";
import { handlers, createAddress } from "forta-agent-tools";

const traceCallsHandler = new handlers.TraceCalls({
  signatures: ["function func(uint256 param) returns (uint256 resp)"],
  from: createAddress("0x0"),
  to: createAddress("0x1"),
  includeErrors: false,
  filterByArguments(args) {
    return args.param.eq(0);
  filterByOutput(output) {
    return output.resp.eq(1);
  filter(metadata) {
    return metadata.trace.traceAddress.length === 1;
  onFinding(metadata) {
    return Finding.from({
      name: "Func called in traces",
      description: "A func call was detected in the transaction's traces",
      severity: FindingSeverity.Info,
      type: FindingType.Info,
      metadata: {
        from: metadata.from,
        error: metadata.error,
        param: metadata.args.param.toString(),
        resp: metadata.output.resp.toString(),

const handleTransaction = traceCallsHandler.getHandleTransaction();
const handleBlock = traceCallsHandler.getHandleBlock();

// or

async function handleTransaction(txEvent: TransactionEvent): Promise<Finding[]> {
  const findings = await traceCallsHandler.handle(txEvent);

  // or

  const metadataList = await traceCallsHandler.metadata(txEvent);
  const findingsFromMetadata = (metadataList || []).map((metadata) => {
    return Finding.from({
      name: "Func called in traces",
      description: "A func call was detected in the transaction's traces",
      severity: FindingSeverity.Info,
      type: FindingType.Info,
      metadata: {
        from: metadata.from,
        error: metadata.error,
        param: metadata.args.param.toString(),
        resp: metadata.output.resp.toString(),

  // ...


  • signatures: Function signatures to be monitored. Also used in decoding.
  • from: Call sender.
  • to: Call receiver.
  • includeErrors: Whether calls that had an error should be included or not (by default, falsy).
  • filterByArguments: Callback (same signature as a array.filter(cb) callback) to filter calls by arguments.
  • filterByOutput: Callback (same signature as a array.filter(cb) callback) to filter calls by returned values.
  • filter: Callback (same signature as a array.filter(cb) callback) to filter calls by metadata.


  • from: Call sender.
  • to: Call receiver.
  • trace: Trace object.
  • error: Whether there was an error during the call or not.
  • output: Call result. Will be null if error is true.

As well as ethers.utils.TransactionDescription's fields:

  • functionFragment: Function fragment from the signature.
  • name: Function name.
  • args: Function arguments.
  • signature: Function signature.
  • sighash: Function sighash.
  • value: Transaction value in wei.


Address Handling

These are utility functions to create and manipulate addresses.

  • padAddress(address): Simply pads left a hex string with zeroes so it fits the expected length.
  • createAddress(address): Pads the provided address and ensures it is lowercase.
  • createChecksumAddress(address): Pads the provided address and ensures it is in checksum format.
  • toChecksumAddress(address): Formats a valid address (case-insensitive) in checksum format.


This is a helper class for creating TransactionEvents using the fluent interface pattern.

How to use it

import { TestTransactionEvent } from "forta-agent-tools/lib/test";

const txEvent: TransactionEvent = new TestTransactionEvent().setFrom(address1).setTo(address2);

There are multiple methods you can use for creating the exact TransactionEvent you want:

  • setFrom(address) This method sets the transaction.from field in the event.
  • setTo(address) This method sets the field in the event.
  • setGas(value) This method sets the transaction.gas field in the event.
  • setGasPrice(value) This method sets the transaction.gasPrice field in the event.
  • setValue(value) This method sets the transaction.value field in the event.
  • setData(data) This method sets the field in the event.
  • setGasUsed(value) This method sets the receipt.gasUsed field in the event.
  • setTimestamp(timestamp) This method sets the block.timestamp field in the event.
  • setBlock(block) This method sets the block.number field in the event.
  • addEventLog(eventSignature, address, inputs) This method adds a log to the receipt.logs field. The only mandatory argument is the eventSignature. address argument is the zero address by default, inputs corresponds to the event arguments values, it is an empty list by default.

    The keccak256 hash of the signature is added at the beginning of the topics list automatically.

  • addInvolvedAddresses(addresses) This method adds a spread list of addresses to addresses field.
  • addTraces(traceProps) This method adds a list of Trace objects at the end of traces field in the event. The traces are created from the traceProps spread list.

    TraceProps is a TS object with the following optional fields { function, to, from, arguments, output, value, traceAddress }.


This is a helper class for creating BlockEvents using the fluent interface pattern.

How to use it

import { TestBlockEvent } from "forta-agent-tools/lib/test";

const blockEvent: BlockEvent = new TestBlockEvent().setHash(blockHash).setNumber(blockNumber);

There are multiple methods you can use for creating the exact BlockEvent you want:

  • setHash(blockHash) This method sets the block.hash field in the event.
  • setParentHash(blockHash) This method sets the block.parentHash field in the event.
  • setNumber(blockNumber) This method sets the block.number field in the event.
  • addTransactions(txns) This method adds the hashes of a spread list of transaction events at the end of block.transactions field in the event.
  • addTransactionsHashes(hashes) This method adds a hashes spread list to the end of block.transactions field in the event.


This is a helper function to simulate the execution of run block cli command when the bot has implemented a handleTransaction and a handleBlock.

How to use it

import { runBlock } from "forta-agent-tools/lib/test";

async myFunction(params) => {
  const findings: Findings[] = await runBlock(bot, block, tx1, tx2, tx3, ..., txN);

Parameters description:

  • bot: It is a JS object with two properties, handleTransaction and handleBlock.
  • block: It is the BlockEvent that the bot will handle.
  • tx#: These are the TransactionEvent objects asociated with the BlockEvent that the bot will handle.


This is a helper class for mocking the interfaces ethers.providers.TransactionResponse and ethers.providers.TransactionReceipt by implementing them. Since this class implements both of these interfaces, the instance of this class can be used for ethers TransactionResponse and TransactionReceipt.

The class is instantiated with default values for all the fields and has set functions to set the values for each of these fields.

Basic Usage:

import { MockTransactionData } from "forta-agent-tools/lib/test";
import { utils, BigNumber, providers } from "ethers";

const mockTransactionData: MockTransactionData = new MockTransactionData();

// or can generate the hash based on the current transaction config

const transactionResponse: Partial<providers.TransactionResponse> = {   // Add the fields that you want to set for the TransactionResponse.
  hash: '0x3fda39a81c47dc37d84c761c3cbbea375866c1fbdfcf91566eaa4c4ef62c70ad',
  type: 2,
  accessList: [],
  blockHash: '0x25e44bfb2c3a47703c86884110a6d5c5a7a655b02fe1ca3a9d135e7459efab95',
  blockNumber: 18095175,
  transactionIndex: 109,
  confirmations: 22,
  from: '0xDAFEA492D9c6733ae3d56b7Ed1ADB60692c98Bc5',
  gasPrice: BigNumber.from("9999762606"),
  maxPriorityFeePerGas: BigNumber.from("0"),
  maxFeePerGas: BigNumber.from("9999762606"),
  gasLimit: BigNumber.from(0x5208),
  to: '0x4675C7e5BaAFBFFbca748158bEcBA61ef3b0a263',
  value: BigNumber.from("63002772804144528"),
  nonce: 436110,
  data: '0x',
  r: '0xa62a979dd4713a8c12de05167f68ddbfab947886d44eb0806f9b4f8c0b7d4ca5',
  s: '0x72058708dfe24365969eff435447a92cd9ee0348e898b5ea1d26211f77241a6d',
  v: 1,
  creates: null,
  chainId: 1

mockTransaction.setTransactionResponse(transactionResponse)  // if hash is not set, the hash will be generated.

const transactionReceipt: Partial<providers.TransactionReceipt> = { // Add the fields that you want to set for the TransactionReceipt.
  to: '0x4675C7e5BaAFBFFbca748158bEcBA61ef3b0a263',
  from: '0xDAFEA492D9c6733ae3d56b7Ed1ADB60692c98Bc5',
  contractAddress: null,
  transactionIndex: 109,
  gasUsed: BigNumber.from(21000),
  logsBloom: '0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
  blockHash: '0x25e44bfb2c3a47703c86884110a6d5c5a7a655b02fe1ca3a9d135e7459efab95',
  transactionHash: '0x3fda39a81c47dc37d84c761c3cbbea375866c1fbdfcf91566eaa4c4ef62c70ad',
  logs: [],
  blockNumber: 18095175,
  confirmations: 33,
  cumulativeGasUsed: BigNumber.from(12276572),
  effectiveGasPrice: BigNumber.from("9999762606"),
  status: 1,
  type: 2,
  byzantium: true

mockTransaction.setTransactionReceipt(transactionReceipt) // if hash is not set, the hash will be generated.


In this way the class can be used to shape the MockTransactionData into ethers.providers.TransactionResponse or/and ethers.providers.TransactionReceipt.

You can get only the TransactionResponse or TransactionReceipt by the calling the methods:


const txResponse: providers.TransactionResponse = mockTransactionData.getTransactionResponse();

const txReceipt: providers.TransactionReceipt = mockTransactionData.getTransactionReceipt();

All of the set methods in the MockTransactionData will return the type MockTransactionData. So these set methods can be chained. Some of the methods that the MockTransactionData provides to set the transaction field values:

  • setHash(hash: string): The method accepts a string and sets it as the txn hash for the MockTransactionData.
  • generateHash(): The method generates the txn hash based on the current MockTransactionData config and sets it as the txn hash.
  • setFrom(address: string): Sets the from Address
  • setTo(address: string): Sets the to Address
  • setNonce(value: number): Sets the Nonce.
  • setContractAddress(address: string): Sets the contract Address field of the transaction.
  • setGasPrice(value: string): Sets the Gas price for the MockTransactionData
  • setGasLimit(value: string): Sets the gas limit for the MockTransactionData
  • setData(data: string): Sets the data of the transaction.
  • setLogs(logs: ethers.providers.Log[]): Sets the logs field in the transaction receipt field of the MockTransactionData
  • setLogsBloom(value: string): Sets the logsBloom value.
  • setTimestamp(timestamp: number): Sets the timestamp of the transaction.
  • setStatus: Sets the Transaction Status.
  • setConfirmations(confirmations: number): Sets the number of confirmations for the transaction.
  • setTransactionResponse(transaction: Partial<ethers.providers.TransactionResponse>): Sets all the values for the ethers TransactionResponse based on the given optional/partial fields. Generates the transaction hash if not given.
  • setTransactionReceipt(receipt: Partial<ethers.providers.TransactionReceipt>): Sets all the values for the ethers TransactionReceipt based on the given optional/partial fields. Generates the transaction hash if not given.
  • setBlockHash(hash: string): Sets the Block hash.
  • setBlockNumber(blockNumber: number): Sets the block number.
  • setMaxPriorityFeePerGas(value: string): Sets the Max Priority fee for the transaction.
  • setMaxFeePerGas(value: string): Sets the Max Fee field of the transaction.
  • setTransactionType(type: number): Sets the value of type in the transaction. The type refers to the "Typed-Transaction features".
  • setTransactionIndex(index: number): Sets the "transactionIndex" field in the transaction.
  • setChainId(chainId: number): Sets the chainId of the transaction.
  • setGasUsed(value: string): Sets the gasUsed field in the transaction.
  • setCumulativeGasUsed(value: string): Sets the cumulativeGasUsed field in the transaction.
  • setEffectiveGasPrice(value: string): Sets the effectiveGasPrice field in the transaction.


This is a helper class for mocking the ethers.providers.Provider class.

Basic usage:

import { MockEthersProvider } from "forta-agent-tools/lib/test";
import { createAddress } from "forta-agent-tools";
import { utils, Contract } from "ethers";

const iface: utils.Interface = new utils.Interface([
  "function myAwesomeFunction(uint256 param1, string param2) extenal view returns (unit8 id, uint256 val)",

const address: string = createAddress("0xf00");
const data: string = createAddress("0xda7a");

const mockProvider: MockEthersProvider = new MockEthersProvider()
  .addCallTo(address, 20, iface, "myAwesomeFunction", { inputs: [10, "tests"], outputs: [1, 2000] })
  .addStorage(address, 5, 15, utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["address"], [data]));

How to use it

This mock provides some methods to set up the values that the provider should return:

  • addCallTo(contract, block, iface, id, { inputs, outputs }). This method prepares a call to the contract address at the specified block, where iface is the ethers.utils.Interface object relative to the contract, id is the identifier of the function to call, inputs are the parameters passed in the call and outputs are the values the call should return.
  • addCallFrom(contract, from, block, iface, id, { inputs, outputs }). Similar to addCallTo but only the from will be able to call the function.
  • addStorage(contract, slot, block, result). This method prepares the value stored in the specific slot of contract address in the given block to be result.
  • addBlock(blockNumber, block). This method prepares the block with number blockNumber to be block.
  • setLatestBlock(block). This method allows you to set up what the number of the latest block in the provider is.
  • addSigner(addr). This function prepares a valid signer for the given address that uses the provider being used.
  • addLogs(logs). This method allows you to add entries to the logs record that will be filtered in getLogs if the filter specified wasn't yet added in addFilteredLogs.
  • setNetwork(chainId, ensAddress?, name?). This method allows you to set up the network information (chainId, ensAddress and name) that will be returned when there's a call to getNetwork.
  • setTransaction(transaction: MockTransactionData): This method accepts the transaction parameter of type MockTransactionData and allows you to set the return value for both ethers.providers.getTransaction(hash: string) and ethers.providers.getTransactionReceipt(hash: string)
  • clear(). This function clears all the mocked data.

All the data you set in the provider will be used until the clear function is called.


This is a helper class for mocking the ethers.providers.JsonRpcSigner class. This class extends MockEthersProvider.

Basic usage:

import { MockEthersProvider, MockEthersSigner } from "forta-agent-tools/lib/test";
import { createAddress } from "forta-agent-tools";
import { utils, Contract } from "ethers";

const iface: utils.Interface =  new utils.Interface([
  "function myAwesomeFunction(uint256 param1, string param2)"

const address: string = createAddress("0xf00");
const contract: string = createAddress("0xda0");

const mockProvider: MockEthersProvider = new MockEthersProvider();
const mockSigner: MockEthersSigner = new MockEthersSigner(mockProvider)
    address, contract, iface,
    "myAwesomeFunction", [20, "twenty"]
    { confirmations: 42 }, // receipt data

How to use it

This mock provides some methods to set up the values that the signer should return:

  • setAddress(address). This method sets the address that the signer can sign.
  • allowTransaction(from, to, iface, id, inputs). This method prepares a txn sent to to and signed from from. The transaction is meant to call the method id taken from the iface of the to contract passing the inputs as parameters. receipt will be the receipt returned by the transaction.
  • denyTransaction(from, to, iface, id, inputs, msg). Same conditions of allowTransaction but in this case the transaction will be reverted with msg message.

All the data you set in the signer will be used until the clear function is called.


This is a tool to help with storing data relative to the network the bot will be running at.

Basic usage:

import { NetworkManager } from "forta-agent-tools";

interface NetworkData {
  address: string;
  num: number;

const data: Record<number, NetworkData> = {
  // ChainID 1
  1: {
    address: "address1",
    num: 1,
  42: {
    address: "address42",
    num: 2,

const provider = getEthersProvider();
const networkManager = new NetworkManager(data);

await networkManager.init(provider);

networkManager.get("address"); // "address1" if the ChainID is 1, "address42" if the ChainID is 42

How to use it

  • NetworkManager(networkData, chainId?): Sets the network data and creates a NetworkManager instance. If chainId is specified, it won't need NetworkManager.init() to be initialized. Throws an error if there is no entry for chainId in networkData.
  • getNetworkMap(): Gets the network map passed as argument in the constructor as read-only.
  • getNetwork(): Gets the instance's active ChainID.
  • setNetwork(chainId): Sets the instance's active ChainID. Throws an error if there is no entry for chainId in networkData.
  • init(provider): Retrieves network data from the provider and sets the active ChainID. Throws an error if there is no entry for that ChainID in networkData.
  • get(key): Gets the value of the field key in the active network's data record. Throws an error if NetworkManager was not yet initialized, i.e. the ChainID was not specified in the constructor and NetworkManager.init() or NetworkManager.setNetwork() were not called.


This is a class that can create a proxy to a provider which then caches call results and avoids cached calls being repeated both later and in the same block or transaction.

Basic usage:

import { ProviderCache, createAddress } from "forta-agent-tools";
import { ethers, getEthersProvider } from "forta-agent";

const provider = getEthersProvider();
const cachedProvider = ProviderCache.createProxy(provider);

const address = createAddress("0x0");
const iface: ethers.ContractInterface = [];

// the cached provider can be used as a regular provider
const contract = new ethers.Contract(address, iface, cachedProvider);

How to use it

  • ProviderCache.createProxy(provider, cacheByBlockTag?): Creates a proxy to a provider that caches call results. If cacheByBlockTag is set to false, then the call is cached without taking the block tag into account, useful for cases where some data can't change between blocks. By default, cacheByBlockTag is set to true, thus the call result cache takes into account the block tag in which it's called.
  • ProviderCache.clear(): Clears the internal cache.
  • ProviderCache.set(options): Sets options specified by options.
    • options.blockDataCacheSize?: If it's defined, the block data cache (used when cacheByBlockTag is true) is cleared if it exists and its max size is changed to the value specified.
    • options.immutableDataCacheSize?: if it's defined, the immutable data cache (used when cacheByBlockTag is false) is cleared if it exists and its max size is changed to the value specified.


This is a shortcut class that extends ethers.Contract but uses a cached provider from ProviderCache. Creating a CachedContract by calling new CachedContract(address, iface, provider, cacheByBlockTag?) is equivalent to creating an ethers.Contract by calling new ethers.Contract(address, iface, ProviderCache.createProxy(provider, cacheByBlockTag?)). There's also some utility methods.

Basic usage:

import { CachedContract, createAddress } from "forta-agent-tools";
import { getEthersProvider } from "forta-agent";

const provider = getEthersProvider();
const address = createAddress("0x0");
const iface: ethers.ContractInterface = [];

const cachedContract = new CachedContract(address, iface, provider, true);

// it can also be created from an existing ethers.Contract

const contract = new ethers.Contract(address, iface, provider);
const cachedContractfromContract = CachedContract.from(contract, true);

How to use it

  • CachedContract(addressOrName, contractInterface, signerOrProvider, cacheByBlockTag?): Creates a new CachedContract instance with address addressOrName, interface contractInterface and a ProviderCache proxy to the provider provider with the specified cacheByBlockTag option. By default, cacheByBlockTag is set to true. Throws if provider type is not an extension of ethers.providers.BaseProvider.
  • from(contract, cacheByBlockTag?): Creates a new CachedContract instance from contract, an ethers.Contract instance by collecting its fields and calling the constructor. A wrapper to new CachedContract(contract.address, contract.interface, contract.provider, cacheByBlockTag?). By default, cacheByBlockTag is set to true. Throws if contract has a signer.
  • clear(): A shortcut to ProviderCache.clear(). Clears the ProviderCache global cache.


This is an ethers provider-like interface built on top of ethers-multicall, but it also supports specifying a block tag for a call, using Multicall2 features and making grouped calls.

The calls are decoded using ethers, so each return data has the same structure as a call made by itself through an ethers.Contract.

Supported chains (by default):

  • Ethereum Mainnet
  • Ropsten Testnet
  • Rinkeby Testnet
  • Görli Testnet
  • Kovan Testnet
  • BNB Smart Chain
  • BNB Smart Chain Testnet
  • Gnosis
  • Huobi ECO Chain Mainnet
  • Polygon Mainnet
  • Fantom Opera
  • Arbitrum One
  • Avalanche
  • Mumbai Testnet

Other chains can also be supported by finding a deployed Multicall2 contract address and calling MulticallProvider.setMulticall2Addresses({ [chainId]: multicall2Address }). Default addresses can also be overriden.

Basic usage:

import { getEthersProvider } from "forta-agent";
import { MulticallProvider, MulticallContract, createAddress } from "forta-agent-tools";

const provider = getEthersProvider();
const multicallProvider = new MulticallProvider(provider);

const token = new MulticallContract(createAddress("0x0"), [
  "function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256)",
  "function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256)",

async function initialize() {
  // fetches the provider network and loads an appropriate Multicall2 address
  // throws if the network is not supported
  await multicallProvider.init();

async function getBalances() {
  const addresses = [createAddress("0x1"), createAddress("0x2"), createAddress("0x3")];
  const calls = => token.balanceOf(address));
  const blockTag = 1;

  const [success, balancesAll] = await multicallProvider.all(calls, blockTag); // [success, [balance0, balance1, balance2]]

  // or

  const balancesTryAll = await multicallProvider.tryAll(calls, blockTag); // [{ success, returnData: balance0 }, { success, returnData: balance1 }, { success, returnData: balance2 }]

  // or

  const [successGrouped, balancesGrouped] = await multicallProvider.groupAll( => [token.balanceOf(address), token.allowance(address, createAddress("0x4"))])
  ); // [success, [[balance0, allowance0], [balance1, allowance1], [balance2, allowance2]]]

  // or

  const balancesGroupTryAll = await multicallProvider.groupTryAll( => [token.balanceOf(address), token.allowance(address, createAddress("0x4"))])
  ); // [
  // [{ success, returnData: balance0 }, { success, returnData: allowance0 }],
  // [{ success, returnData: balance1 }, { success, returnData: allowance1 }],
  // [{ success, returnData: balance2 }, { success, returnData: allowance2 }],

How to use it

  • MulticallProvider(provider, chainId?): Creates a MulticallProvider instance through an ethers provider provider. If chainId is specified, it's not necessary to call init() before making calls.
  • MulticallProvider.setMulticall2Addresses(addresses): Allows overriding and adding support to more networks by specifying a valid Multicall2 contract address to it.
  • init(): Fetches the provider's chain ID and and loads a Multicall2 contract address. If there's no known address for that network, it throws an error.
  • all(calls, blockTag?, batchSize?): Performs the calls in blockTag with batchSize sized multicalls and requires success of all of them. By default, batchSize is 50.
  • tryAll(calls, blockTag?, batchSize?): Performs the calls in blockTag with batchSize sized multicalls and doesn't require their success, returning a flag for each of them that indicates whether they were successful or not. By default, batchSize is 50.
  • groupAll(calls, blockTag?, batchSize?): Works in the same way as all(), but allows specifying groups of calls (e.g. [[call0, call1], [call2, call3]]) and keeps that same structure in the returned data.
  • groupTryAll(calls, blockTag?, batchSize?): Works in the same way as tryAll(), but allows specifying groups of calls (e.g. [[call0, call1], [call2, call3]]) and keeps that same structure in the returned data.


This is a class library that identifies protocol victims:

  1. during the preparation stage of an attack, where victims are contained in a newly deployed contract's code
  2. during the exploitation stage of an attack, in transactions where the victim protocol's balance is reduced:
    • more than $100, when denominated in USD, or
    • more than 5% of the token's total supply.

The library also calculates the Confidence Level (0-1) for each of the victims:

  • Preparation stage:
    • The Confidence Level is determined based on the number of occurrences of the victim address in previously deployed contracts code.
  • Exploitation stage:
    • The Confidence Level is determined either based on the USD value (with $500000 or more being the CL: 1 and by then splitting the CL into 10 parts) or based on the percentage of the token's total supply in which case there are 4 levels of confidence (5%-9%: CL 0.7, 10%-19%: CL 0.8, 20-29%%: CL 0.9, >30%: CL 1)

Supported chains:

  • Ethereum Mainnet
  • BNB Smart Chain
  • Polygon Mainnet
  • Fantom Opera
  • Arbitrum One
  • Optimism Mainnet
  • Avalanche

Basic usage:

import { Finding, HandleTransaction, TransactionEvent, ethers, getEthersProvider } from "forta-agent";
import { VictimIdentifier } from "forta-agent-tools";

const keys = {
  ethplorerApiKey: "...",
  moralisApiKey: "...",
  etherscanApiKey: "...",
  optimisticEtherscanApiKey: "...",
  bscscanApiKey: "...",
  polygonscanApiKey: "...",
  fantomscanApiKey: "...",
  arbiscanApiKey: "...",
  snowtraceApiKey: "...",

export const provideHandleTransaction =
  (victimsIdentifier: VictimIdentifier): HandleTransaction =>
  async (txEvent: TransactionEvent) => {
    const findings: Finding[] = [];

    const victims = await victimsIdentifier.getIdentifiedVictims(txEvent);
    /*Returns an object of type: 
      exploitationStage: Record<string, {
          protocolUrl: string;
          protocolTwitter: string;
          tag: string;
          holders: string[];
          confidence: number;
      preparationStage: Record<string, {
          protocolUrl: string;
          protocolTwitter: string;
          tag: string;
          holders: string[];
          confidence: number;

    // Rest of the logic
    return findings;

export default {
  handleTransaction: provideHandleTransaction(new VictimIdentifier(getEthersProvider(), keys)),

How to use it

  • Create a config file with any of the following optional API keys:
    • Ethplorer API (Fetches the addresses of pool tokens holders)
    • Moralis API (Fetches token prices when CoinGecko calls fail)
    • Block Explorer APIs (Fetches the address of a contract's creator / a contract name)
      • Etherscan
      • Optimistic Etherscan
      • Bscscan
      • Polygonscan
      • Fantomscan
      • Arbiscan
      • Snowtrace
  • Initialize a VictimIdentifier instance that takes as parameters: 1) an ethers provider and 2) the API keys.
  • Call VictimIdentifier's method getIdentifiedVictims() which takes as an input a TransactionEvent.


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