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Revision history for liqwid-plutarch-extra (aka "LPE")

This format is based on Keep A Changelog.

3.20.2 -- 2022-12-10


  • Plutarch.Orphans: FromJSON and ToJSON of CurrencySymbol and TokenName fixed to actually match the JSON representation that CTL uses this time.

3.20.1 -- 2022-12-08


  • Plutarch.Orphans: FromJSON and ToJSON of CurrencySymbol and TokenName are now derived, to match the JSON representation that CTL uses.

3.20.0 -- 2022-12-03


  • Bumped Plutarch to 1.3.0.


  • applyArguments to Plutarch.Extra.Script since it was dropped on Plutus.
  • Plutarch.Numeric.Additiv is moved from plutarch-numeric.

3.19.1 -- 2022-12-05


  • AsBase16Codec-based ToJSON, FromJSON instances for Datum


  • Added toEncoding implementation for AsBase16Bytes & AsBase16Codec ToJSON instances

3.19.0 -- 2022-12-02


  • Fixed a bug allowing state tokens with non-empty names to be minted or burned.

3.18.0 -- 2022-11-30


Rename types and functions in module Plutarch.Extra.Time in order to avoid confusion.

  • PCurrentTime -> PFullyBoundedTimeRange
  • pcurrentTime -> pgetFullyBoundedTimeRange
  • currentTime -> fullyBoundedTimeRangeFromValidRange
  • passertCurrentTime -> passertFullyBoundedTimeRange
  • pisWithinCurrentTime -> pisWithinTimeRange
  • pisCurrentTimeWithin -> pisTimeRangeWithin
  • pcurrentTimeDuration -> ptimeRangeDuration

3.17.0 -- 2022-11-25


  • ToData instance for FixedDecimal now also serializes its type-level tag.
  • FromData and UnsafeFromData instances for FixedDecimal now inspect the serialized type-level tag to ensure it matches safely.
  • PConstantDecl for FixedDecimal and PUnsafeLiftDecl for PFixedDecimal gain KnownNat constraints.
  • PConstantRepr (FixedDecimal unit) is now Data, and pconstantFromRepr and pconstantToRepr defer to the Data representation.

3.16.0 -- 2022-11-21


  • ToJSON and FromJSON orphan instances for PubKeyHash.

3.15.4 -- 2022-11-21


  • pmax, pmin operating on two terms with a POrd instance
  • pmaxBy, pminBy, taking a PComparator directly

3.15.4 -- 2022-11-17


  • Derived Aeson ToJSON & FromJSON instances for PubKeyHash, Credential, StakingCredential
  • Derived Aeson ToJSON & FromJSON instances for FixedDecimal

3.15.3 -- 2022-11-17


  • eqClasses, a Haskell equivalent to peqClasses.
  • unsafeToAssetClass, a Haskell equivalent to punsafeToAssetClass.

3.15.2 -- 2022-11-15


  • HasLabelled, a generalization of HasLabelledGetters allowing for any type of optic.
  • guarantee and guarantees, which parallel preview and previews, but with a default if they 'miss'.


  • HasLabelledGetters is now a synonym for HasLabelled A_Getter.
  • HasLabelledGetters is marked DEPRECATED, and will be removed in the next major release.

3.15.1 -- 2022-11-14


  • extendedAdaClass and pextendedAdaClass constants for convenience.
  • isExtendedAdaClass to quickly determine whether we have the ADA extended asset class, along with its Plutarch equivalent pisExtendedAdaClass.

3.15.0 -- 2022-11-11


  • Explain why punsafeToAssetClassData and punsafeToAssetClass are dangerous conversions in general.


  • ptoAssetClass and ptoAssetClassData renamed to punsafeToAssetClass and punsafeToAssetClassData respectively.

3.14.6 -- 2022-11-11


  • pextendedAssetClassValueOf', a parallel to passetClassValueOf'.

3.14.5 -- 2022-11-10


  • ptoAssetClass and ptoAssetClassData for converting PExtendedAssetClass to PAssetClass and PAssetClassData respectively.
  • PlyArg instance for ExtendedAssetClass.
  • PlyArgOf type instance for ExtendedAssetClass.

3.14.4 -- 2022-11-09


  • Real instance for FixedDecimal.

3.14.3 -- 2022-11-09


  • inspect, as a convenient combination of asks and view.
  • inspects, as a parallel to views.

3.14.2 -- 2022-11-09


  • AssetClass now has an UnsafeFromData instance, derived the same way as FromData and ToData.
  • Module Plutarch.Extra.ExtendedAssetClass:
    • ExtendedAssetClass, designed to provide a runtime distinction between AssetClasses whose TokenNames are arbitrary versus non-arbitrary.
    • Plutarch equivalents to the above: PExtendedAssetClass.
    • Helper functions for comparing and retrieving values from PExtendedAssetClass.

3.14.1 -- 2022-11-02


  • In Plutarch.Extra.Value:
    • psymbolValueOf' for extracting positive and negative amount of a currency symbol separately. Particularly useful in a minting policy that supports both minting and burning.
  • In Plutarch.Extra.Applicative:
    • Plutarch level monoid on applicative functors PAlternative
    • PAlternative instances for:
      • PMaybe
      • PMaybeData
      • PList
      • PBuiltinList
    • ppureIf
  • In Plutarch.Extra.List:
    • Delete a value from a list:
      • pdeleteFirstBy
      • ptryDeleteFirstBy
      • pdeleteFirst
    • plistEqualsBy
    • Deal with singleton lists:
      • pisSingleton
      • pfromSingleton
      • ptryFromSingleton
  • In Plutarch.Extra.Ord:
    • pinsertUniqueBy
  • In Plutarch.Extra.ScriptContext:
    • Generate token names:
      • validatorHashToTokenName and pvalidatorHashToTokenName
      • scriptHashToTokenName and pscriptHashToTokenName
    • ptryFromRedeemer to resolve redeemer
  • In Plutarch.Extra.Time:
    • pcurrentTimeDuration
  • In Plutarch.Extra.Bool:
    • passert


  • Modified the signature of pmapMaybe' in Plutarch.Extra.List to allow choosing the output list type
  • In Plutarch.Extra.Value, make unit type parameters in the following tagged assetclass utilities poly-kinded:
    • passetClassDataValueT
    • psingleValueT'
    • passetClassValueOfT'
    • passetClassValueOfT

3.14.0 -- 2022-11-01


  • Module Plutarch.Extra.Deriving to house derivation helpers.
  • Derivation helper for Semigroup and Monoid via PInner, along with a very prominent warning about potential misuse.


  • Overlapping instances of Semigroup and Monoid via PInner.

3.13.0 -- 2022-10-31


  • pfromInlineDatum has been renamed ptryFromInlineDatum, to match conventions.
  • ptryFromOutputDatum has been renamed pfromOutputDatum, to match conventions.
  • pfromOutputDatum has been renamed ptryFromOutputDatum, to match conventions.
  • pownInput has been renamed ptryOwnInput, to match conventions.
  • pfromDatumHash has been renamed ptryFromDatumHash, to match conventions.
  • pownValue has been renamed ptryOwnValue, to match conventions.

3.12.2 -- 2022-10-27


  • Integer power (#^) in Plutarch.Extra.Numeric.
  • PRationalNoReduce wrapper in Plutarch.Extra.Rational, along with conversion functions pnoReduce and preduce'.

3.12.1 -- 2022-10-27


  • In Plutarch.Extra.FixedDecimal, zero-cost conversions to/from integers:
    • toFixedZero
    • fromFixedZero
    • ptoFixedZero
    • pfromFixedZero

3.12.0 -- 2022-10-27


  • FixedDecimal Haskell equivalent to PFixedDecimal, along with Num and
  • Fractional instances and the following functions:
    • fixedNumerator
    • fixedDenominator
    • emul
    • ediv
    • convertExp


  • PFixedDecimal is updated so that it represents decimal point range in exponential form.

    Following type and functions are added along with Plutarch numerical instances.

    • PFixedDecimal
    • pfixedNumerator
    • pfixedDenominator
    • pemul
    • pediv
    • pconvertExp
    • pfromFixedDecimal
    • ptoFixedDecimal
    • ptoRational
    • punsafeMkFixedDecimal
  • old PFixedDecimal is renamed and relocated into Plutarch.Extra.Fixed.

3.11.1 -- 2022-10-27


  • Modifier GenAssetClass to provide QuickCheck support for AssetClass
  • Helper type AdaClassPresence for indicating whether GenAssetClass should generate the ADA class or not


  • plutarch-quickcheck is now a direct dependency, rather than test only.

3.11.0 -- 2022-10-25


  • Added a withStateThread function (replacing the old function) that wraps a minting policy with a unique spend state thread policy


  • Renamed the old withStateThread function to pwithStateThread, to reflect the fact that it was applied at the plutarch level.

3.10.4 -- 2022-10-25


  • Plutarch.Extra.AssetClass:
    • Remove unnecessary PAsData wrappers
    • Allow tags of AssetClass to be poly-kinded
    • PlyArg instance for AssetClass

3.10.3 -- 2022-10-24


  • Module Plutarch.Extra.Optics, containing a utility type family for working with labelled-optics-driven records.

3.10.2 -- 2022-10-12


  • symbolT and nameT are replaced in favor of actual optics.
  • pconstantClass, isAdaClass, psingleValue', passetClassValueOf' can now take both Tagged unit AssetClass and AssetClass.

3.10.1 -- 2022-10-11


  • Optics for Tagged AssetClasses: symbolT and nameT. Label optic instance did not work, so these helpers were provided.

3.10.0 -- 2022-10-06


  • Plutarch.Extra.AssetClass: renamed pcoerceCls and pconstantClass to pcoerceClass and pconstantClass, respectively.

  • AssetClass, PAssetClass, and PAssetClassData now don't have unit tag. Tags should be provided with Tagged and PTagged.

  • Tag type tags have been removed from all AssetClass utilities.

    • pisTokenSpent
    • passetClassDataValue
    • psingleValue
    • psingleValue'
    • passetClassValueOf
    • passetClassValueOf'
    • pbyClassComparator'
    • phasOneTokenOfAssetClass
    • pmatchOrTryRec


  • Utilities for Tagged Assetclasses
    • pconstantClsT
    • passetClassDataValueT
    • psingleValueT'
    • passetClassValueOfT
    • passetClassValueOfT'
    • psymbolAssetClassT
    • passetClass
    • passetClassData
    • passetClassT
    • passetClassDataT

3.9.3 -- 2022-10-06


  • Plutarch.Extra.ScriptContext, pfindOwnInput with V2 types

3.9.2 -- 2022-10-04


  • Plutarch.Extra.StateThread, with a state thread implementation.

3.9.1 -- 2022-09-29


  • Plutarch.Extra.Bool : pcond function for lisp-like boolean conditional-chaining.
  • Plutarch.Extra.Value :
    • phasOneTokenOfAssetClass function for checking that a PValue contains exactly one of a PAssetClass.
    • phasOneTokenOfSymbol function for checking that a PValue contains exactly one token of an AssetClass.

3.9.0 -- 2022-09-23


  • Plutarch.Extra.ExchangeRate: Utilities for working with ExchangeRates at the type level.
  • Plutarch.Extra.Rational: arithmetic and lifting functions for rational types.
  • ToData and FromData instances for Ratio Integer to Plutarch.Orphans
  • Plutarch.Extra.Value:
    • passetClassDataValue for constructing singleton PValues based on a PAssetClassData.
    • pvalue and pvaluePositive for generating a PValue from its underlying representation, with NoGuarantees and Positive guarantees, respectively.
    • passetClassValueOf, for finding the quantity of a particular PAssetClass in a PValue. A 'ticked' version for working with a Haskell-level AssetClass also added.
    • pmatchValueAssets, for 'pattern-matching' on (underlying representations of) PValues.
    • psplitValue, for 'separating' the first entry of a PValue.
    • A range of PComparators for comparing PValues.
  • Plutarch.Extra.List:
    • pfromList, to turn a Haskell-level list of terms into a PListLike.
    • ptryElimSingle, which either eliminates a singleton list-like or errors if given a non-singleton.
    • phandleList, a version of pelimList with the arguments re-ordered.
  • Plutarch.Extra.Map:
    • plookupGe, which returns a submap with keys greater than the needle if the search is successful.
    • phandleMin, a version of phandleList for sorted PMaps.
  • Plutarch.Extra.Ord:
    • plessThanBy and pgreaterThanBy, which are strict comparison versions of pleqBy and pgeqBy.
    • plessThanMapBy (and equivalents for the other comparisons), designed for comparing two PMaps based on a PComparator on values, used on shared keys.
    • plessThanValueBy (and equivalents for the other comparisons), designed for comparing two PValues based on a PComparator for PIntegers, used on shared keys.


  • Plutarch.Extra.AssetClass: Modified the old asset-class module to used tagged variants. Provides Data and Scott-encoded versions of Assetclasses (currency symbol and token name pairs), along with helper functions and conversion functions.
    • Field names have changed from currencySymbol and tokenName to symbol and name, and labeled optics have been added.
  • Plutarch.Extra.ScriptContext: pisTokenSpent now tags a tag :: Symbol in its type, reflecting the move towards tag AssetClasses
  • Plutarch.Extra.Value:
    • Changed passetClassValue to become passetClassDataValue, since it uses the data-encoded version.
    • The removal of psingletonValue changes the type signature to return a 'Sorted, 'Nonzero Value.
    • The following functions now used tagged AssetClasses:
      • pgeqByClass'
      • passetClassValueOf'
    • mkSingleValue renamed to psingleValue; its 'ticked' variant is renamed analogously.
    • Type arguments for pvalueOf are now: KeyGuarantees, AmountGuarantees, S, in that order.
    • Type arguments for padaOf are now: KeyGuarantees, AmountGuarantees, S, in that order.
  • Plutarch.Extra.FixedDecimal:
    • The removal of psingletonValue changes the type signature to return a 'Sorted, 'Nonzero Value.


  • Plutarch.Extra.Value:
  • psingletonValue, as this is provided upstream by Plutarch in Plutarch.Api.V1.Value. This changes type signatures to include a 'Sorted, NonZero value (see "Modified" above).
  • pvalueOf, as this is provided upstream by Plutarch in Plutarch.Api.V1.Value.

3.8.0 -- 2022-09-26


  • Plutarch.Extra.Compile:
    • mustCompileTracing, a tracing-enabled equivalent to mustCompile.
  • Plutarch.Extra.DebuggableScript:
    • DebuggableScript has label optics for its previous field selectors, under the same names.
    • applyScript, moved from Plutarch.Extra.Precompile.
    • applyDebuggableArg, a function for applying an argument to a DebuggableScript when said argument is provided as a `DebuggableScript.
  • Plutarch.Extra.MultiSig:
    • MultiSig has label optics for its previous field selectors, under the same names.
    • mkMultiSig for constructing MultiSig, which ensures that the structure is consistent.
    • HasField instance for "signatories" in PMultiSig.


  • Plutarch.Extra.IsData:
    • unProductIsData is now a regular function, not a field accessor.
  • Plutarch.Extra.DebuggableScript:
    • DebuggableScript no longer exports its constructor.
    • DebuggableScript no longer has field selectors.
  • Plutarch.Extra.MultiSig:
    • MultiSig no longer exports its constructor.
    • MultiSig no longer has field selectors.
    • PMultiSig no longer has field selectors.
  • Plutarch.Extra.Precompile:
    • debuggableScript is now a regular function, not a field accessor.
  • Plutarch.Extra.Record:
    • runRecordMorphism is now a regular function, not a field accessor.


  • Plutarch.Extra.Precompile:
    • applyScript, now in Plutarch.Extra.DebuggableScript.
    • CompiledTerm', as it wasn't being used anywhere or by anything.

3.7.1 -- 2022-09-22


  • applyDebuggableScript applys Data arguments to DebuggableScript.

3.7.0 -- 2022-09-20


  • Plutarch.Extra.Maybe is entirely moved to Plutonomicon/plutarch-plutus/plutarch-extra. The module name in plutarch-extra is identical, so existing code will build without problems.

3.6.1 -- 2022-09-20


  • Aeson instances for Plutus types (in the Plutarch.Orphans module)

3.6.0 -- 2022-09-14

All additions, removals and changes refer to Plutarch.Extra.List unless stated otherwise.


  • plookupAssoc, designed as a very general treatment of list-like structures as assoc lists.
  • Plutarch.Extra.Ord module, containing a new type POrdering corresponding to the Haskell Ordering, as well as PComparator, representing a 'materialized ordering'.
  • psort and psortBy in Plutarch.Extra.Ord, using sorting networks for extra speed, and PComparators.
  • ptryMerge and ptryMergeBy in Plutarch.Extra.Ord, for merging list-likes sorted by a given PComparator.
  • pallUnique and pallUniqueBy in Plutarch.Extra.Ord, for verifying the uniqueness of the composition of a list-like.
  • pnubSort and pnubSortBy, for eliminating duplicates as well as sorting.
  • precListLookahead to Plutarch.Extra.List, for recursive list elimination with a 'look-ahead'.
  • ptryResolveOutputDatum, an 'erroring' counterpart for presolveOutputDatum, in Plutarch.Extra.ScriptContext.


  • pmergeBy as it is fragile.
  • pmsort and pmsortBy, due to efficiency concerns.
  • pnubSortBy, pnubSort, pisUniqBy, pisUniq, pisUniq', pisUniqBy' due to removal of sorting functions or fragility.
  • plookup and plookupTuple, replaced by the more general plookupAssoc.
  • pisSorted, as it is provided by plutarch-extra as pcheckSorted.
  • pnotNull and pfind', as they are a bit redundant.
  • pfindDatum and ptryFindDatum, as they're superceded by presolveOutputDatum and ptryResolveOutputDatum, in Plutarch.Extra.ScriptContext.


  • pcheckSorted and preverse are no longer re-exported.
  • pfind' type arguments are now: content type, list-like structure type, s tag.
  • pfirstJust renamed pfindJust.
  • pmapMaybe type arguments are now: list-like structure type, 'target' element type, 'source' element type, s tag.
  • pfindJust type arguments are now: 'target' element type, list-like structure type, 'source' element type, s tag.
  • preplicate now specifies the order of its type arguments.
  • pisSortedBy now moved to Plutarch.Extra.Ord and uses the new PComparator functionality.

3.5.0 -- 2022-08-30


  • PlutusTypeDataList is a new deriving strategy for ProductIsData. It will only accept Plutarch types that have PDataRecord as an Inner type. Otherwise, it behaves identically to PlutusTypeNewtype.

3.4.0 -- 2022-08-25

All additions, removals and changes refer to Plutarch.Extra.Map unless stated otherwise.


  • pmapFromFoldableUnsorted for constructing unsorted PMaps from any Foldable full of key-value pairs.
  • pmapFromFoldableSorted for constructing sorted PMaps from any Foldable full of key-value pairs.
  • pkvPairValue as a value counterpart for pkvPairKey.
  • pkeysEqualUnsorted for doing key set comparisons between unordered PMaps.
  • padjust for applying a function to modify values at a particular key.


  • plookup and pmap, as they are now provided by Plutarch itself.
  • pmapFromList, as it is leaky and unsafe.
  • Plutarch.Extra.Map.Sorted module, as one of its functions got moved, and the other is already provided upstream by Plutarch.
  • Plutarch.Extra.Map.Unsorted module, as its functionality is either suspicious or outright broken throughout.
  • Plutarch.Extra.Value.Unsorted module, as its functionality is incorrect.


  • plookup' renamed to ptryLookup, uses plookup internally.
  • pkeys now produces any PListLike, and more clearly specifies its guarantees.
  • pupdate, pfoldlWithKey and pfoldMapWithKey now only work with Sorted PMaps.
  • pkvPairLt now only needs a PPartialOrd constraint.
  • pkeysEqual now requires PIsData k and PEq k, but avoids two intermediate lists.
  • pkeysEqual now only works for sorted PMaps.
  • pkeysEqual now exported from Plutarch.Extra.Map.

3.3.0 -- 2022-08-23


  • A Plutarch.Extra.Time module, containing utilities for working with time and time ranges.

  • Some utilities for working with closed bounded time ranges, including

    • PCurrentTime
    • pcurrentTime
    • currentTime
    • passertCurrentTime
    • pisWithinCurrentTime
    • pisCurrentTimeWithin

3.2.0 -- 2022-08-22


  • Checks MultiSig without the need of passing the whole PTxInfo.

3.1.0 -- 2022-08-17


  • Plut as a replacement for Top. This is specialized for kind S -> Type.


  • Uses of generics-sop in every module except Plutarch.Extra.IsData.


  • sinces added to Plutarch.Extra.Record functions.
  • (.=) no longer requires an SListI constraint.
  • DeriveGeneric, DeriveAnyClass and TypeFamilies are on by default.

3.0.3 -- 2022-08-16


  • #.*, #.**, #.*** for plutarch function composition. They have similar semantics as their counter parts in Control.Composition.

  • pfstTuple and psndTuple for PTuple.

  • Some orphan instances, including

    • PIsData (PAsData a)
    • PTryFrom PData (PAsData PDatumHash)
    • PTryFrom PData (PAsData ScriptHash)
    • PTryFrom PData (PAsData PUnit)
  • Some useful functions to work with POutputDatum.


  • pfindTxOutDatum, please use presolveOutputDatum instead.

3.0.2 -- 2022-08-09


  • A Plutarch.Extra.DebuggableScript module, containing utilities for lazy compilation of scripts-with-tracing as a fallback when the script-without-tracing fails. This is useful for testing and benchmarking, since tracing is only turned on when error messages are actually needed.
  • A Plutarch.Extra.Precompile module, containing utilities for compiling scripts and arguments separately and applying them in various ways and from various types. This is useful for benchmarking and testing, since it will lead to performance increases and more accurate measurements of performance.

3.0.1 -- 2022-08-15


  • PBind type class, for effect types with meaningful bind semantics. This is a direct equivalent to Bind from semigroupoids.
  • pjoin and #>>=, as direct equivalents to join and >>- from semigroupoids, over Terms.
  • Instances of PBind for PMaybe, PMaybeData, PList, PBuiltinList, PPair s (for semigroupal s), PEither e, PIdentity and PState s.
  • Newtype PStar representing Kleisli arrows, as well as some helper functions.
  • Instances of PProfunctor, PSemigroupoid, PCategory, PFunctor, PApply, PApplicative, PBind for PStar (in various parameterizations).

3.0.0 -- 2022-08-10

This major version bump includes updates to use plutus V2 (post-Vasil) API types. We have decided that we will not provide backports or updates for V1 API types in the future.

Where re-exports from Plutarch.Api.V1 exist, import from the Plutarch.Api.V2 modules have be made instead. This will not have any effect on client code, but should clarify that these functions are indeed suitable for inclusion in V2 scripts.


  • Nix flake points at a more recent version of nixpkgs, and temporarily points at a branch of plutarch-quickcheck
  • Names of modules referencing specific versions of the API (such as Plutarch.Api.V1.AssetClass) have been renamed to remove these references (i.e., becoming Plutarch.Extra.AssetClass). We will only support the more current API version in the future.
  • pfindTxOutDatum has been updated to work with V2 style datums (i.e., including a case for inline datums.)


  • plutarch-quickcheck (aka PQ), which is a dependency of LPE, upgraded to V2 API types as part of a PR that also made major changes to its internals. See here. As a result, some existing tests for LPE have been temporarily removed. Issue #53 has been opened to port these tests to PQ2.0

2.0.2 -- 2022-08-08


  • Scripts compiled with 'mustCompile' now enable deterministic tracing.

2.0.1 -- 2022-08-11


  • pjust and pnothing for easier construction of PJust value.
  • pmaybe which has the same semantics as Data.Maybe.maybe.


  • Rename the original pamybe to pfromMaybe.

2.0.0 -- 2022-08-02


  • A Plutarch.Oprhans module, holding downcasted instances of semigroup and monoid when the upcasted type has the appropriate instances.
  • pflip to Plutarch.Extra.Function
  • Plutarch.Extra.IsData a PlutusTypeEnumData as a deriving strategy for PlutusType
  • A Plutarch.Extra.Compile module, holding a mustCompile function to mimic the previous behavior of compile


  • Update to Liqwid.nix
  • Update to Plutarch version 1.2. See the CHANGELOG for full details.
    • The flake now points at the Plutonomicon repository, instead of the Liqwid Labs fork.
    • Changes to deriving strategies and constraints may cause some API breakage. In particular, deriving via, PMatch, PCon has been eliminated, and redundant PAsDAta, pfromData have been reduced.


  • The Plutarch.Extra.Other module has been removed. This held deriving via wrappers that are no longer necessary.
  • Tests relating to Values and unsorted Maps, since Plutarch 1.2 removed the PEq constraint on unsorted maps.

1.3.0 -- 2022-07-20


  • pmatchAll and pmatchAllC, pletFields that gets all Plutarch record fields.
  • Plutarch.Extra.MultiSig, a basic N of M multisignature validation function.
  • pscriptHashFromAddress, gets script hash from an address.
  • pisScriptAddress, checks if given address is script address.
  • pisPubKey, checks if given credential is a pubkey hash.
  • pfindOutputsToAddress, finds all TxOuts sent to an Address.
  • pfindTxOutDatum, finds the data corresponding to a TxOut, if there is one.
  • phasOnlyOneTokenOfCurrencySymbol, checks if entire value only contain one token of given currency symbol.
  • pon, mirroring Data.Function.on.
  • pbuiltinUncurry, mirroring uncurry.
  • pmaybeData, mirroring maybe for PMaybeData.
  • pdjust for easier construction of PDJust value.
  • pdnothing for easier construction PDNothing value.


  • Fixed PApplicative instances that previously not worked due to not using pfix.
  • Renamed PType to S -> Type.
  • Renamed mustBePJust to passertPJust.
  • Renamed mustBePDJust to passertPDJust.

1.2.0 -- 2022-07-12


  • PBoring type class, representing singleton types.
  • Instances of PBoring for various types.
  • preconst for PConst, which allows safe coercions between different 'pretend' types.
  • PSemiTraversable instance for PTagged.
  • preplicateA and preplicateA_, allowing for repeated execution of PApplicative.
  • pwhen and punless, mirroring their Haskell counterparts.
  • preplicate, mirroring its Haskell counterpart.


  • PFunctor now has a pfconst method as a back-end for #$> and #<$. This has a default implementation in terms of pfmap.
  • pvoid can now replace every location with any PBoring, not just PUnit.
  • PTraversable now has a ptraverse_ method, which allows us to avoid rebuilding the PTraversable if we don't need it anymore. This allows much better folding, for example.
  • PSemiTraversable now has a psemitraverse_ method, with similar benefits to ptraverse_.
  • psemifold, psemifoldMap and psemifoldComonad gained a PSubcategory t a constraint, as the 'container' is guaranteed non-empty in such a case.
  • Significant performance improvements for PTraversable and PSemiTraversable instances.

1.1.0 -- 2022-06-17


  • Convenience wrapper for DerivePNewtype: DerivePNewtype', DerivePConstantViaNewtype'
  • Encode product types as lists: ProductIsData, DerivePConstantViaDataList
  • Encode enum types as integers: EnumIsData, PEnumData and DerivePConstantViaEnum
  • Plutarch helper functions: pmatchEnum, pmatchEnumFromData

AssocMap (Plutarch.Extra.Map)

  • pupdate
  • pmapMap -> pmap

AssocMap (Plutarch.Extra.Map.Sorted)

  • pkeysEqual
  • pmapUnionWith -> punionWith

AssocMap (Plutarch.Extra.Map.Unsorted)

  • psort
  • pkeysEqual
  • pmapUnionWith -> punionWith

Value (Plutarch.Api.V1.Value)

  • psymbolValueOf
  • passetClassValueOf'
  • pgeqByClass
  • pgeqByClass'
  • pgeqBySymbol

Value (Plutarch.Api.V1.Value.Unsorted)

  • psort

Maybe (Plutarch.Extra.Maybe)

  • pisJust
  • pisDJust
  • pfromMaybe -> pmaybe
  • tcexpectJust (in Plutarch.Extra.Maybe) -> pexpectJustC (in Plutarch.Extra.TermCont)
  • pmaybeToMaybeData

List (Plutarch.Extra.List)

  • Re-exports from plutarch-extra
  • pnotNull
  • pnubSortBy/pnubSort
  • pisUniqueBy/pisUnique
  • pmergeBy
  • pmsortBy/pmsort
  • pfindMap->pfirstJust
  • plookup
  • plookupTuple
  • pfind'
  • pfindMap -> pfirstJust

TermCont (Plutarch.Extra.TermCont)

  • Re-exports from plutarch-extra
  • tcassert -> passertC
  • pguardWithC
  • 'pguardShowC'
  • tcexpectJust (in Plutarch.Extra.Maybe) -> pexpectJustC (in Plutarch.Extra.TermCont)

Script Context (Plutarch.Api.V1.ScriptContext)

  • ptokenSpent -> pisTokenSpent
  • pisUTXOSpent
  • pvalueSpent
  • ptxSignedBy
  • ptryFindDatum
  • pfindDatum
  • pfindTxInByTxOutRef


  • Rename PConstantViaDataList to DerivePConstantViaDataList

1.0.0 -- 2022-05-24


  • First release