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Master Setup

Install software:

sudo apt-get install -y python3-pip python3-virtualenv git

Create and enter an Python virtual environment in this directory:

virtualenv .
source bin/activate

Install buildbot in the virtual environment with:

pip3 install buildbot buildbot-www buildbot-waterfall-view \
  buildbot-console-view buildbot-wsgi_dashboards boto3

Build the web plugin:

npm install
npm run build

Create and start the master:

buildbot create-master
buildbot start

Worker Setup

Install software:

sudo apt-get install -y python3-pip python3-virtualenv git

Create and enter an Python virtual environment:

virtualenv worker
cd worker
source bin/activate

Install buildbot in the virtual environment with:

pip3 install buildbot-worker

Create the worker

buildbot-worker create-worker . localhost:8012 <worker> <password>

Where <worker> and <password> are the worker name and password and defined on the master. The worker name will be the same as it's directory name in the workers directory.

Start the worker

buildbot-worker start

Follow other worker specific setup directions in the worker