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Structure and Orientation

Torbjörn Klatt edited this page Feb 18, 2016 · 6 revisions

There is a specific structure to the sources of the website you need to understand before you can edit and add your own content. Most of the time, it should be fairly straight forward to wrap your head around it.


The site is ordered into a few general topics: News, Events, Projects and Software.

Each of these topics has an own directory where new content is placed based on certain templates:

Topic Directory Template
Events _events_past event_past_page [[Help
_events_upcoming event_upcoming_page [[Help
News _posts news_post [[Help
Projects _projects project_page [[Help
Software _software software_page [[Help

Read about the short and few details on Basic Editing Knowledge.

In addition, there is a special data directory, _data, providing site-wide databases. Read the details in Editing Data.