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File metadata and controls

525 lines (345 loc) · 24 KB


  • Described in the main README

How to build

Inside the same folder that this README is run: yarn run build or go back one folder and run yarn run build-led-addon.

The compiled file is located inside the ./build/Release

How it works

This is a node native addon, so the source code is written in C++.

We send a payload to a HID device and done, led ons and colors everywhere.

Now... the details of it.

We have two main functions here:

  • _getHidrawDevice
    • Tries to find the correct HID device so we can send the payload and control the keyboard backlight.
  • setKeyboardOptions
    • Receives the values from the app and create the payload and send it to the correct device.

How _getHidrawDevice works

First we open the directory /sys/class/hidraw (this is where linux kernel put the symbolic links of the actual hid devices).

From there we read the content of the directory, applying some rules (the directory name can't be ".", "..").

For each directory that we found we're going to read a specfic file inside it (/sys/class/hidraw/DIRECTORY_FOUND/device/uevent) and as soons as the script found a file that contains this string "HID_NAME=ITE33D1:00 048D:837A" we stop the search and store the name of the directory where we found the file that contains the string.

Why HID_NAME=ITE33D1:00 048D:837A?

Because that's the name of the HID device that controls the backlight in the Lenovo Legion Y720, example:

  • This is the output of the command cat /sys/class/hidraw/hidraw0/device/uevent (in this case, the keyboard device is the hidraw0 folder)
    • izurii@pop-os:~$ cat /sys/class/hidraw/hidraw0/device/uevent
      HID_NAME=ITE33D1:00 048D:837A

Now we just return the stored directory name as a std::string value. This completes the _getHidrawDevice method.

How setKeyboardOptions works

This function just verify if all the arguments received from the main application is valid and if it is send it as a payload to the HID device that we found earlier.

BTW these are the validations I do:

  • Backlight style needs to be a value between 0 and 4 (inclusive).
  • For each item in the array of the options for each keyboard segment
    • Needs to have the segment color and the brightness.
    • The color is a value between 0 and 19 (inclusive).
    • The brightness is a value between 0 and 5 (inclusive).

The actual path we use to send the payload is /dev/DIRECTORY_FOUND.

We send the payload using a system call, IOCTL, example of a payload:

ioctl(fd, HIDIOCSFEATURE(6), {204, 0, 3, 2, 3, 0});

The function ioctl is from the sys/ioctl.h include that we do. We pass as arguments to the function:

  • The file descriptor of the file /dev/DIRECTORY_FOUND
  • The request
  • Payload, buffer, something

In our case we have:

  • fd <- The file descriptor
  • HIDIOCSFEATURE(6) <- The request used SetFeature, and the 6 is the size of the buffer.
  • {204, 0, 3, 2, 3, 0} <- The actual buffer

We call ioctl five times, four being to set all the four segments of the keyboard and one more call to "complete" the thing (later I'll be explaining the details of it).

That's it.

The other function getHidrawDevice is just to export to node using the NAPI.

Reverse engineer of the Lenovo Driver

Well, let's begin with the most difficult part of this project.

Let's explore the Lenovo Nerve Center (the software used on Windows to control the fan and backlight).

That's the file/dir structure of the software:

If you open the pastebin link you're gonna see a lot of files and directories, to look each one is going to take much time, so let's filter the list a bit:

Let's run: ls -lRp --ignore="*."{jpg,png,xml,gif,cso,pShader,ini,fx,dat}

That's the result:, much better.

As soon as I was looking through the list of files and dirs I thing I saw something named "LED..."

  • ./bin/x64/LedSettingsPlugin.dll

Take note of that DLL, but looking at the rest, nothing rings a bell, just some led profiles, and other dlls, exe...

So let's get our hands dirty, open IDA and load the LedSettingsPlugin.dll file.

First thing that may appear is to load some other DLL OLEAUT32, I grab this dll from the System32 folder inside my Windows installation and load into IDA and now we wait a bit to IDA do his things.

Pressing Shift+F12 IDA should show you a lot of strings that he found on the file you loaded. So let's search what we're looking for.


After a bit of clicks and scrolling through strings and more strings I find those mentioning the Y720 model and something with Leds, that's probably it.

Let's go and see the Y720LedSetHelper::SetLEDStatusEx (SetLed is something that rings a bell)


Looking at the assembly, right off the bat I set that the call sub_180028CA0 appears more than one time, a total of four times, let's take a look at that.


This is probably just some log thing for debugging the driver. I'll rename that function so we know what is does just looking at the call


But let's take another look here


This show us a important piece of information, the last five instructions are populating some registers with values and sending it to the debug thing. The first arg is the address from the aSetBlockDColor, the second arg is the register edx, third arg r8d and the fourth arg is r9d.

Looking at the debug thing we can see that the second, third and fourth argument is being used to populate the the aSetBlockDColor, in other words:

"Set block(edx), color(r8d), style(r9d)"

So now we know that edx holds the value of the "block", r8d holds the value of the color and r9d the style.

Following the code we see a bunch of things hapenning until we get to another call

call sub_180004380

This is what the function sub_180004380 look like:


To me this function just appears to be some kind of validation for a string or something like that, so let's name it stringValidation.

After that we have a bit more of mov, lea and a call for sub_1800E740, let's take a look at sub_1800E740.


This is what I think we need to look:


The call for the HidD_SetFeature, this is the function that sends something to a Hid device.

But what he sends? Idk at this point. Reading through the Microsoft documentation about that function we see that we need three arguments to call this function:

  • A handle of a Hid device object (some kind of file descriptor from linux)
  • A pointer to a report buffer
  • The size in bytes of the report buffer

So I know that in the register rcx we have the Hid device object, rdx we have the report buffer and r8d the report buffer length. What we are interested is the rdx that contains the buffer, so let's follow him;

mov rdx, rsi (moving the value of rsi to rdx)

Here we have a memcpy

lea     rcx, [rsi+1]	; Destination 		// Loading the address of register "rsi+1" into "rcx"
mov     r9d, 5		; SourceSize		// Source size = 5
mov     r8, r12		; Source		// Moving value of r12 to r8, so the source is r12
mov     edx, r9d	; DestinationSize	// Destination size = 5 (same register of source size r9d)
call    cs:memcpy_s				// Call to memcpy_s

Ok, so now we know that the value of the rsi register is the buffer report, but it's missing one byte lea rcx, [rsi+1] from this we can assume that is going to copy 5 bytes from r12 and place it starting from the address of the value of rsi + 1, so now we gotta find the first byte of rsi (and from this we can assume that the buffer in total have 6 bytes: 5 bytes from the memcpy and + 1 byte from ??)


Just above the section that contains the call to HidD_SetFeature we have a block of instructions and the first instruction is mov byte ptr [rsi], 204, that's it, the value 204 (decimal) is the value of the first byte of rsi

So now let's write down what we know about the buffer.

We know that is 6 bytes in size, the first byte is the value 204 and the other 5 bytes is something that comes from r12(the memcpy call that we saw before).

Let's find out the value of this r12 register.


This is the initial block of the function sub_18000E740. Look at the highlighted r12: mov r12, [rsp+176] and push r12

From that we know that the value of r12 comes from the rsp register. Let's go back to where we call this function we're seeing right now (aka. sub_18000E740).


I renamed the sub_18000E740 to HidSetFeature_thing. This block I posted above is the call to the function and it's args, so let's look at it a bit:

The function HidSetFeature_thing have the signature of a __fastcall (__fastcall is a calling convention) this means that the order of the args is made of:

1. RCX
2. RDX
-  All other args are passed on the stack (right to left)

So the args for the call is:

lea	rcx, [rbp+136]	// First arg
lea	rdx, [rsp+96]	// Second arg
mov	r8b, 1		// Third arg
mov	[rsp+32], rax	// Fourth arg

Now we know that we use in total four arguments to call this function that make the call for HidD_SetFeature.

Looking back at the function HidSetFeature_thing, the thing we want to know is the value of this: image

So let's make a brief pause and collect what we got:

1. We know that to control the backlight we need to send something to a Hid device.
2. We already know that the payload we need to send is 6 bytes in size and it's first byte is the value 204.
3. Following from the function "HidSetFeature_thing" we know that the value of the other 5 bytes of the payload comes from the register "r12" and the value of "r12" comes from the register "rsp".
4. The fourth arg is our payload.

Let's discover the value of our fourth arg, the value comes from this: mov [rsp+32], rax and the value stored in the rax register is lea rax, [rsp+96], so let's go and see what comes from this rsp+96 (don't forget that the payload is 5 bytes, so we'll search from rsp+96 until rsp+100 or from rsp+92 to rsp+96:

The range rsp+92~rsp+96 is already discarted because we don't see anything that relate to these address so let's put it aside and work on the other range.


From this picture we already got two bytes, the values of rsp+96 and rsp+100 so write that down:

- "rsp+96" = 0
- "rsp+100"
	- The value comes from the "bl" register.
	- Meaning that the value of the "rsp+100" is the byte 0 from the register "rbx".
	- You can see this instruction "mov edx, ebx	; Block number" (that we discovered a long time ago)
	- This means that the value in the register "ebx" (bytes 0-3 of the register "rbx" is the block number.
	- So I think we can assume that the "bl" register holds the block number.


And now we found the other 3 bytes, rsp+97, rsp+98 and rsp+99, let's collect everything and put in order:

- Payload
	- First byte:	204
	- Second byte:	0	(rsp+96)
	- Third byte:	??	(rsp+97)
	- Fourth byte:	??	(rsp+98)
	- Fifth byte:	3	(rsp+99)
	- Sixth byte:	block number	(rsp+100)

The value rsp+97 comes from sil if you look at the block that send things to the debugThing:

mov r9d, esi

From this we can assume that esi holds the value of the block style and sil is the byte 0 so I thing the rsp+97 is the block style. Following this order rsp+98 is going to be the block color. Let's rewrite our table above:

- Payload
	- First byte:	204
	- Second byte:	0	(rsp+96)
	- Third byte:	block style	(rsp+97)
	- Fourth byte:	block color	(rsp+98)
	- Fifth byte:	3	(rsp+99)
	- Sixth byte:	block number	(rsp+100)

First two bytes we just ignore them as is hard-coded into the thing we don't need to mess with that. I think the possible values for each byte is:

- Third byte:	0~4	(Because we have 4 styles that we can select in the Lenovo Nerve Center)
- Fourth byte:	0-19	(We have 19 colors in total to select, including the one that isn't a color)
- Fifth byte:	3	(Later we'll be messing with this)
- Sixth byte:	0~3	(This is not that hard to guess, the keyboard have four blocks that we can select the color, so the range 0~3)

Knowing that, now we need to make a prototype, so let's do some code... First I do thing we need to find the correct HID device to send the payload.

You can run this:

for dir in */; do echo Device:$dir && cat /sys/class/hidraw/$dir/device/uevent && echo ; done

This is going to list all the hidraw devices, the output of this command is something like that:

izurii@pop-os:/sys/class/hidraw$ for dir in */; do echo Device:$dir && cat /sys/class/hidraw/$dir/device/uevent && echo ; done
HID_NAME=ITE33D1:00 048D:837A

HID_NAME=Logitech USB Receiver

HID_NAME=Logitech USB Receiver

From this list you can search device that the name starts with ITE33D1... that device will be the one wee need to send the payload.

Let's go back to coding, now we need to know how to send a buffer to a HID device. With the knowledge in hands we just code something simple:

#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <linux/hidraw.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

int main() {
	int fileDescriptor = open("/dev/hidraw0", O_WRONLY);
	// Payload
	// First byte - 204
	// Second byte - 0
	// Third byte - block style
	// Fourth byte - block color
	// Fifth byte - 3
	// Sixth byte - block number
	unsigned char buffer[6] = {204, 0, 1, 1, 3, 1};
	// Doing the system call
	ioctl(fileDescriptor, HIDIOCSFEATURE(6), buffer);

	return 0;

If we compile (to compile it just run a g++ -o executable_name) and run the compiled executable, you'll see nothing... Nothing has changed in the keyboard, we didn't get an error but the code doesn't work. What could be wrong??

Let's go back to the IDA and see if we missed something. I looked again at the two main functions that we found earlier sub_1800286C0 (this is the function related to the Y720LedSetHelper::SetLEDStatusEx, I renamed it to SetLedStatus) and HidSetFeature_thing, I didn't find anything useful.

For the sake of curiosity, let's see who calls the function SetLedStatus:


Okay, we have five different locations to go through, let's do one by one.

In the first XREF we have two calls to the function SetLedStatus (in the end the first and second xref listed are in the same function):


The third and fourth XREF are in the same function too:


And the last one, the fifth XREF:


What I noticed while taking a look at the screenshots are that the first/second and third/fourth xref is somewhat similar, the thing that really caught my eyes is that after the call for the function SetLedStatus we have a call to the function sub_180028810 in both first/second and third/fourth xref, so let's take a look at that before we go to the fifth xref.


That's looking promising, we have a call to the stringValidation we renamed earlier and the HidSetFeature_thing, so after the payload is sent the driver send something more. Before we go any further, let's just take a peek of the fifth xref.

At the beginning of the function sub_180027D90 (fifth xref) we have a call to the function sub_180028DD0, after this we have some debug logging thing and at the end we have the call for the function SetLedStatus, so no call to the sub_180028810 that we found in the others xrefs. So we just need to see the function sub_180028DD0 to completely discard the fifth xref:


I did check all things I could see in this function and I could not see anything that caught my attention, just a bunch of windows registry things, so let's go back to sub_180028810 that we found before.

Let's decode what's is being sent to function HidSetFeature_thing and if possible, code into our prototype.

From what we saw earlier, we can assume that:

- The fourth arg is the payload
- The payload has 6 bytes in size
- The first byte is **204**

We just need to discover what's the value of the 5 other bytes.

lea     rcx, [rbx+136]
lea     rax, [rsp+96]
mov     [rsp+32], rax
mov     r8b, 1
lea     rdx, [rsp+48]
call    HidSetFeature_thing

This is the same thing we saw before when we're analysing the payload sent to change the color, style etc. So what we want is the value of rsp+32 that comes from rax and rax is the address ofrsp+96 (don't forget that the payload is 5 bytes, so we'll search from rsp+96 until rsp+100 or from rsp+92 to rsp+96):

The range rsp+92~rsp+96 is already discarted because we don't see anything that relate to these address so let's put it aside and work on the other range.

mov     byte ptr [rsp+96], 9

The function sub_180028810 is relatively small so we didn't spent much time searching for this. That instruction is the only thing that I think the payload is, so we have only 2 bytes??

So now we got a payload that is only two bytes in size, weird but let's follow through and see what happens if we just send a payload of 2 bytes in size.

#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <linux/hidraw.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

int main() {
	int fileDescriptor = open("/dev/hidraw0", O_WRONLY);
	// Payload
	// First byte - 204
	// Second byte - 0
	// Third byte - block style
	// Fourth byte - block color
	// Fifth byte - 3
	// Sixth byte - block number
	unsigned char buffer[6] = {204, 0, 1, 1, 3, 1};
	// Doing the system call
	ioctl(fileDescriptor, HIDIOCSFEATURE(6), buffer);

	unsigned char twoBytesBuffer[2] = {204, 9};

	// Doing the weird 2 bytes thing
	ioctl(fileDescriptor, HIDIOCSFEATURE(2), twoBytesBuffer);

	return 0;

With this thing compiled let's test if it's working or not...


Yesss, it worked!! Idk what those two bytes means but it worked so I'm not questioning it.

Let's collect our things and see what we've got at this point:

- We succeded in changing something in the backlight
- The payload:
	- Is 6 bytes in size
	- The first two bytes are hard-coded (204 and 0)
	- The other four bytes defines:
		- 3º The block style
		- 4º The block color
		- 5º ???
		- 6º The block
- After we send the payload we need to "end" or "save" our changes using a payload of two bytes
	- The payload is hard-coded:
		- The first byte is 204
		- The second byte is 9

That's really good, so now we gotta discover what the fifth byte of the payload is and we're done. To test it, I just wrote a simple code:

#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <linux/hidraw.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

int main() {
	int fileDescriptor = open("/dev/hidraw0", O_WRONLY);
	// Payload
	// First byte - 204
	// Second byte - 0
	// Third byte - block style
	// Fourth byte - block color
	// Fifth byte - 3
	// Sixth byte - block number
	unsigned char bufferToFirstBlock[6] = {204, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0};
	unsigned char bufferToSecondBlock[6] = {204, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1};
	unsigned char bufferToThirdBlock[6] = {204, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2};
	unsigned char bufferToFourthBlock[6] = {204, 0, 1, 1, 3, 3};
	// Doing the system calls
	ioctl(fileDescriptor, HIDIOCSFEATURE(6), bufferToFirstBlock);
	ioctl(fileDescriptor, HIDIOCSFEATURE(6), bufferToSecondBlock);
	ioctl(fileDescriptor, HIDIOCSFEATURE(6), bufferToThirdBlock);
	ioctl(fileDescriptor, HIDIOCSFEATURE(6), bufferToFourthBlock);
	// Save buffer??
	unsigned char twoBytesBuffer[2] = {204, 9};

	// Doing the weird save/end 2 bytes thing
	ioctl(fileDescriptor, HIDIOCSFEATURE(2), twoBytesBuffer);

	return 0;

Just to test it out I put the same color and style in every block of the keyboard, just changing the value of the fifth byte. I tried to capture a photo but the difference is so subtle that my camera can't differentiate anything, but I'll tell you what I found. The fifth byte is the brightness of the block, further testing I saw that we can go up until five, beyond that point I couldn't see any difference at all.

So our driver is better than the Lenovo one, we can config each block brightness individually.

That's all folks. The rest is up to you.

Useful links