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Tutorial for scRNA-seq analysis with CellScopes.jl

The following tutorials guide you through using CellScopes.jl to analyze scRNA-seq data from a sample of 2,700 cells, and show you how to scale the analysis up to 400,000 cells.

1 Tutorial: PBMC 3K

This tutorial uses the pbmc3k dataset from 10x Genomics, which has been previously used by Seurat and Scanpy for demo purpose. This will read in the data and create a RawCountObject that can be used as input for CellScopes.jl. All codes from this tutorial are run on Julia REPL.

1.1 Download the pbmc3k data

;tar xvf pbmc3k_filtered_gene_bc_matrices.tar.gz

1.2 Read the data

The cells and genes can be filtered by setting the parameters min_gene and min_cell, respectively.

import CellScopes as cs
raw_counts = cs.read_10x("filtered_gene_bc_matrices/hg19"; min_gene = 3);

This should create an object type called RawCountObject.

Genes x Cells = 13100 x 2700
Available fields:
- count_mtx
- cell_name
- gene_name

1.3 Create a scRNAObject

We then create a scRNAObject using the count object above. The scRNAObject serves as a container to store all the data needed for and generated from the downstream analysis. The cells and genes can be further filtered by setting the parameters min_gene and min_cell, respectively.

pbmc = cs.scRNAObject(raw_counts)
scRNAObject in CellScopes.jl
Genes x Cells = 13100 x 2700
Available data:
- Raw count

1.4 Normalize the scRNAObject

We use a normalization method called global-scaling, which is similar to Seurat's "LogNormalize" method. This normalization method scales the feature expression measurements for each cell by the total expression, multiplies the result by a default scale factor of 10,000, and log-transforms the final value. The normalized values are stored as a NormCountObject.

pbmc = cs.normalize_object(pbmc; scale_factor = 10000)
scRNAObject in CellScopes.jl
Genes x Cells = 13100 x 2700
Available data:
- Raw count
- Normalized count

We then use the ScaleObject function to scale and center the data.

pbmc = cs.scale_object(pbmc)
scRNAObject in CellScopes.jl
Genes x Cells = 13100 x 2700
Available data:
- Raw count
- Normalized count
- Scaled count

1.5 Find variable genes

We use the vst approach implemented in the FindVariableFeatures function in Seurat or the pp.highly_variable_genes function in Scanpy to identify the variable genes. To standardize the counts, we use the following formula:

$$Z_{ij} = \frac{x_{ij} - \bar{x}_i}{σ_i}$$

xij is observed UMI, x̄ is the gene mean (rowMean) and σi is the expected variance from the loess fit.

pbmc = cs.find_variable_genes(pbmc)
scRNAObject in CellScopes.jl
Genes x Cells = 13100 x 2700
Available data:
- Raw count
- Normalized count
- Scaled count
- Variable genes

1.6 Run principal component analysis (PCA).

Next, we perform PCA on the scaled data using only the previously identified variable genes as input. This is completed by the MultivariateStats.jl package.

pbmc = cs.run_pca(pbmc;  method=:svd, pratio = 1, maxoutdim = 10)
scRNAObject in CellScopes.jl
Genes x Cells = 13100 x 2700
Available data:
- Raw count
- Normalized count
- Scaled count
- Variable genes
- PCA data

1.7 Cluster the cells.

We use a graph-based approach to identify the clusters. We first construct a KNN graph based on the significant components using the NearestNeighborDescent.jl package. We then extract the KNN matrix from the graph and convert it into an adjacency matrix. This adjacent matrix is used as input for the Leiden.jl package, which performs community detection. The entire process is implemented in the run_clustering function.

pbmc = cs.run_clustering(pbmc; res=0.06, n_neighbors=100)
scRNAObject in CellScopes.jl
Genes x Cells = 13100 x 2700
Available data:
- Raw count
- Normalized count
- Scaled count
- Variable genes
- Clustering data
- PCA data

1.8 Run UMAP or tSNE.

CellScopes.jl provides two non-linear dimensionality reduction techniques, tSNE and UMAP, to allow for visualization and exploration of datasets. In the current version, UMAP is much faster than tSNE for large datasets, so it is highly recommended. We use the TSne.jl and UMAP.jl packages for tSNE and UMAP analysis, respectively.

pbmc = cs.run_tsne(pbmc; max_iter = 3000, perplexit = 50)
pbmc = cs.run_umap(pbmc; min_dist=0.4)
scRNAObject in CellScopes.jl
Genes x Cells = 13100 x 2700
Available data:
- Raw count
- Normalized count
- Scaled count
- Variable genes
- Clustering data
- PCA data
- tSNE data
- UMAP data

1.9 Find markers.

CellScopes.jl can help you find markers that define clusters through differential expression analysis. Same as Seurat and Scanpy, we perform wilcoxon rank sum test on each pair of cell types to identify the differential genes. This is implemented by the HypothesisTests.jl and MultipleTesting.jl

markers = cs.find_markers(pbmc; cluster_1 = "7", cluster_2 = "6")

Like in Seurat and Scanpy, we also provide a find_all_markers function to identify the marker genes for all clusters.

all_markers = cs.find_all_markers(pbmc)

2 Data visualization

Inspired by Seurat and Scanpy, we utilize various methods to visualize cell annotations and gene expression.

2.1 Visualize cell annotaiton.

a. Dim plot on PCA

cs.dim_plot(pbmc; dim_type = "pca", marker_size = 4)

b. Dim plot on tSNE

cs.dim_plot(pbmc; dim_type = "tsne", marker_size = 4)

c. Dim plot on UMAP

cs.dim_plot(pbmc; dim_type = "umap", marker_size = 4)

d. Dim plot on selected cluster

cs.highlight_cells(pbmc, "6")

2.2 Visualize gene expression.

a. Feature plot

cs.feature_plot(pbmc, ["CST3","IL32","CD79A"]; 
    order=false, marker_size = 4, 
    count_type ="norm", color_keys=("black","indianred1","red"))

b. Feature plot (split by condition)

pbmc.metaData.fake_group = repeat(["group1","group2","group3"],900) # Create a fake condition
cs.feature_plot(pbmc, ["CST3","IL32","CD79A"]; 
    order=false, marker_size = 7, 
    count_type ="norm", color_keys=("black","indianred1","red"), split_by="fake_group")

c. Dot plot

cs.dot_plot(pbmc, ["GZMB","GZMA", "CD3D","CD68","CD79A"], "cluster";
               count_type="norm",height=300, width=150,  expr_cutoff = 1, 

d. Dot plot (split by condition)

cs.dot_plot(pbmc, ["GZMB","GZMA", "CD3D","CD68","CD79A"], 
                "cluster"; split_by="fake_group",
                count_type="norm",height=300, width=150,  expr_cutoff = 1, 

e. Violin plot

from = ["1","5","4","3","8","2","7","6"]
to = ["c1","c2","c3","c4","c5","c6","c7","c8"]
pbmc.metaData = cs.mapvalues(pbmc.metaData, :cluster, :cluster2, from, to);
cs.violin_plot(pbmc, ["GZMB","GZMA", "CD3D","CD68","CD79A"]; group_by="cluster2",
height = 500,alpha=0.5, col_use = :tab10)

3. Tutorial: MCA 400K cells

CellScopes.jl can analyze atlas-scale single cell data as well. Below are some example codes to complete the analysis of the MCA dataset which contains ~400K cells. This takes about 50 minutes in a linux server with 128GB RAM and 16 cores.

import CellScopes as cs
using MatrixMarket, CSV, DataFrames
using SparseArrays
counts = MatrixMarket.mmread("mca_mtx/matrix.mtx");
cells = CSV.File("mca_mtx/barcodes.tsv", header = false) |> DataFrame
cells = string.(cells.Column1)
genes = CSV.File("mca_mtx/genes.tsv", header = false) |> DataFrame
genes = string.(genes.Column2);
@time gene_kept = (vec  collect)(cs.rowSum(counts).> 0.0);
genes = genes[gene_kept];

1.811749 seconds (2.46 M allocations: 131.292 MiB, 37.24% compilation time)

@time cell_kept = (vec  collect)(cs.colSum(counts) .> 0.0)
cells = cells[cell_kept];

0.180891 seconds (18.55 k allocations: 4.606 MiB, 3.59% compilation time)

@time counts = counts[gene_kept, cell_kept];

4.641869 seconds (631.47 k allocations: 3.878 GiB, 28.75% gc time, 7.56% compilation time)

@time rawcount = cs.RawCountObject(counts, cells, genes);

0.011193 seconds (5.12 k allocations: 290.205 KiB, 99.64% compilation time)

@time mca = cs.scRNAObject(rawcount)

4.828527 seconds (1.61 M allocations: 3.954 GiB, 6.74% gc time, 16.00% compilation time)

@time mca = cs.normalize_object(mca; scale_factor = 10000)

15.791931 seconds (3.82 M allocations: 11.933 GiB, 20.05% gc time, 2.43% compilation time)

@time mca = cs.find_variable_genes(mca)

217.251548 seconds (21.15 M allocations: 126.109 GiB, 4.52% gc time, 2.32% compilation time)

@time mca = cs.scale_object(mca; features = mca.varGene.var_gene)

147.311905 seconds (4.10 M allocations: 97.858 GiB, 8.31% gc time, 1.23% compilation time)

@time mca = cs.run_pca(mca; maxoutdim = 30)

236.710203 seconds (4.22 M allocations: 24.603 GiB, 0.52% gc time, 0.74% compilation time)

@time mca = cs.run_umap(mca; dims_use = 1:30, min_dist = 0.6, n_neighbors=30, n_epochs=100)

1075.675636 seconds (63.08 M allocations: 23.239 GiB, 1.64% gc time, 0.37% compilation time)

@time mca = cs.run_clustering(mca; res=0.0001,n_neighbors=30) # To-do list: runtime optimization

590.371976 seconds (40.33 M allocations: 1.199 TiB, 0.43% gc time, 0.13% compilation time)

cs.dim_plot(mca; marker_size =1, do_label=false, do_legend=false)