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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jan 25, 2022. It is now read-only.


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Table of Contents

  1. Set Up
  2. Branching Strategy
  3. Testing
  4. Deployment

Set Up


hosted on Google Cloud


Make sure you have access & set your project remote

git remote add github [email protected]:GiveToken/GiftBox.git

this assumes ssh; you could use instead of git@... for https if you prefer

MySQL Database

To create a local instance of the givetoken database, refer here or just use MySQL Workbench's Schema Transfer Wizard.


If on a Mac, you can update /etc/apache2/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf to include something like

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerAdmin [email protected]
    ServerName gosizzle.local
    DocumentRoot "/Library/Webserver/Documents/GiftBox/public"

    <Directory "/Library/Webserver/Documents/GiftBox/public">
        Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks +MultiViews
        AllowOverride All
        Require all granted

    # Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,
    # alert, emerg.
    LogLevel warn

and restart Apache.

Google Cloud SDK

  • Follow the instructions on the sdk instructions page
  • Be sure to restart your terminal
  • gcloud auth login
  • oAuth your Google account that has access to the project

Initialize/Configure the gcloud CLI

  • gcloud init PROJECT_ID this is stone-timing-557 for the production app. Thank Google for the awesome naming.
  • For safety, open up the .glcoud file in the stone-timing-557/ dir and remove the line project = stone-timing-557
    • this is to ensure that you always specify which project you are pushing your code to. You do not want to push staging code to production.
  • gcloud components update app to add the neccessary gcloud CLI components


Composer is the PHP package manager used to bring in 3rd party PHP code. Once you have it in installed, cd to the project directory and run

composer install
composer update

which will create everything you need in the untracked vendor directory.


Bower is a package manager used to bring in Polymer components. Once you have it in installed, cd to the project directory and run

bower install

which will create everything you need in the untracked components directory.


Polymer provides a tool to optimize & minify an app's code which you can get via

npm install -g polybuild

and build the recruiting token with

polybuild --maximum-crush recruiting_token.php

which creates & NB: it treats PHP like a comment and removes it.

Additionally, YUI compressor is the tool we use for general minimization:

npm install -g yuicompressor

Branching Strategy

Basic Tenets

  1. All code on the master branch will always be production-ready. If it is not production-ready it should not be on master
  2. The develop branch is not a sacred cow. It will be wise to occasionally blow away the develop branch and create a new one off of master.
  3. Branch all topic branches off of the tip of master
  4. All code gets merged into master via pull request (PR).
  5. All code get approved by the project lead before being merged via PR.
  6. Once code is approved for production and the PR has been merged, delete the branch on GH to declutter the branches view.
  7. Commit messages begin with a present-tense verb and describe some combination of what was done, where it was done, and why-- Extra points for referencing the GH issue number.
  8. Commit messages <= 50 columns. Anything longer should be broken up. Make use of the message paragraph-- i.e. git commit as opposed to git commit -m "message"
  9. NEVER EVER EVER merge develop into master.

Branch Naming

Branch names should follow the following convention:

  • feature, bug, or hotfix
    • feature is new functionality
    • bug is unexpected behavior in exisiting functionality
    • hotfix is a bug of the highest priority-- e.g. the site is down or Give Token is leaking sensitive data.
  • Forward slash
  • The GH issue number
  • dashes, never underscores
  • A meaningful and short description of the branch, generally related to the title of the GH issue
  • bug/37-icons-broken-in-ie
  • feature/236-user-can-add-avatar
  • hotfix/76-repair-payment-gateway

Branching Off of Master

This is done by gitflow

Merging with Develop

This should be done automatically using gitflow

Handling Merge Conflicts

Github has a great reference here.

Pushing Code Live

once the PR has been approved and merged

  • git pull github master
  • Push code to production site, as described in the deployment procedures

Use gitflow and cheatsheetfor reference.

Example Workflow from Start to Finish Feature.

  • git checkout develop
  • git pull github develop
  • Either create the issue or find it on github and have it assigned to you.
  • git flow feature start [issue number]-<Issue Name>
  • Exhibit your brilliance
  • git add [files-to-add]
  • git commit
  • Add commit message in vim editor that is displayed.
  • git pull github develop
  • git flow feature finish [issue number]-<Issue Name>
  • git push
  • Deploy to staging site
  • QA on the staging site
  • git checkout master
  • git pull github master
  • Push code to production site
  • profit

Example Workflow from Start to Finish Hotfix. Used for bug fixes.

  • git checkout develop
  • git pull github develop
  • Either create the issue or find it on github and have it assigned to you.
  • git flow hotfix start [issue number]-<Issue Name>
  • Exhibit your brilliance
  • git add [files-to-add]
  • git commit
  • Add commit message in vim editor that is displayed.
  • git tag -a [version-bump]
  • git pull github develop
  • git flow hotfix finish [issue number]-<Issue Name>
  • git push
  • Deploy to staging site
  • QA on the staging site
  • git checkout master
  • git pull github master
  • Push code to production site
  • avert profit loss

Example Workflow from Start to Finish Publish. Used when you are unable to complete a feature or you are working in collaboration

User A

  • git checkout develop
  • git pull github develop
  • Either create the issue or find it on github and have it assigned to you.
  • git flow feature start [issue number]-<Issue Name>
  • Exhibit your brilliance
  • git add [files-to-add]
  • git commit
  • Add commit message in vim editor that is displayed.
  • git flow feature publish [issue number]-<Issue Name>
  • Go work on something else - checkout another branch

User B

  • git flow feature pull origin [issue number]-<Issue Name>
  • commit and finish feature and then push and deploy
  • collaborate for profit!


Presuming you have set up Composer, then PHPUnit will be available in your /vendor/bin directory. You'll need to setup your local parameters by

cp src/Tests/local.php.example src/Tests/local.php

and making any necessary changes to local.php. To run all the tests, just reference the configuration file:

phpunit --bootstrap src/tests/autoload.php -c tests.xml

To also investigate the code coverage of the tests, you'll need the Xdebug PHP extension. Make sure you put any unit tests in the src/tests directory and name them like MyAwesomeTest.php.


Follow the Branching Procedures

Before you deploy anything, make sure you are following the Give Token branching strategy.

When deploying using the following procedures, be absolutely sure that you are on the most up-to-date version of correct branch:

develop -> staging site

master -> production

Build Script

The build script ( runs unit tests, warns you of any untracked or uncommited files (these will be included in the optional release to glcoud, but are not yet tracked in github), minifies JavaScript & CSS, Polybuilds the token and optionally pushes to gcloud. For example, to deploy a test build,

./ username

will do the above mentioned things and deploy to gcloud at If we stick to using github usernames we can avoid collisions 😄. The full set of options is available in the help menu

./ -h

The important caveat is that this script was written on OSX and may not work on Cygwin or your favorite Windows version of Linux.

Deploy to Staging

assumptions: you have merged your topic branch into develop, pushed develop to the GH remote, and you are at the project root (i.e. stone-timing-557/default/)

git checkout develop
git pull github develop
./ staging

Deploy to Production

assumptions: you have merged your pull request into master, pulled the GH master to your local machine, and you are at the project root (i.e. stone-timing-557/default/)

git checkout master
git pull github master
./ master

GMP was here