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Day 1

Day 2

  • Start the Codecademy Python tutorial
  • See for in-class python examples
  • See learnpython's advanced tutorials on generators and list comprehensions
  • Fill in the details of to create a script that takes as input a text file with two tab-separated columns with one observation per line and outputs summary statistics for each group in the data. The first column in the input file is a "key" that represents the group and the second column is a numeric value for the observation within that group. You'll implement several versions of this script:
    • First, compute the minimum, mean, and maximum value within each group, assuming that the observations are ordered arbitrarily
    • Next, modify this to compute the median within each group as well and comment on how this changes the memory usage of your program
    • Finally, assume that the data are given to you sorted by the key, so that all of a group's observations are listed consecutively within the file and comment on how this assumption changes the minimum memory footprint needed by your program
    • Sample input and output are provided, where the output gives the key followed by all statistics (min, median, mean, and max)
  • Fernando gave a guest lecture on how to read research papers
  • Read Exposure to ideologically diverse news and opinion on Facebook. Also check out the supplemental material and open sourced data and code

Day 3

  • See the example we worked on in class for the NYTimes API, using the requests module for easy http functionality
  • Read the first three sections of Zapier's Introduction to APIs
  • Read this overview of JSON and review the first two sections of this overview of Python's json module
  • Complete Codecademy's API tutorial
  • Read the draft of Matt Salganik's book chapter (on Slack)
  • Write Python code to download the 1000 most recent articles from the NYTimes API by section of the newspaper:
    • Register for an API key for the Article Search API
    • Use the API console to figure out how to query the API by section (hint: set the fq parameter to section_name:business to get articles from the Business section, for instance), sorted from newest to oldest articles
    • Once you've figured out the query you want to run, translate this to working python code
    • Your code should take an API key, section name, and number of articles as command line arguments, and write out a tab-delimited file where each article is in a separate row, with section_name, web_url, pub_date, and snippet as columns
    • You'll have to loop over pages of API results until you have enough articles, and you'll want to remove any newlines from article snippets to keep each article on one line
    • Finally, run your code to get articles from the Business and World sections of the newspaper

Day 4

  • We had a guest lecture from Matt Salganik's on his forthcoming book, Bit by Bit: Social Research in the Digital Age
  • Continue work on yesterday's assignment until you've downloaded 1000 articles from the Business and World sections of the NYTimes (hint: use the codecs package to deal with unicode issues if you run into them)
  • Then use the code in classify_nyt_articles.R to read the data into R and fit a logistic regression to prediction which section an article belongs to based on the words in its snippets
    • The provided code reads in each file and uses tools from the tm package---specifically VectorSource, Corpus, and DocumentTermMatrix---to parse the article collection into a sparseMatrix, where each row corresponds to one article and each column to one word, and a non-zero entry indicates that an article contains that word (note: this assumes that there's a column named snippet in your tsv files!)
    • Create an 80% train / 20% test split of the data and use cv.glmnet to find a best-fit logistic regression model to predict section_name from snippet
    • Plot of the cross-validation curve from cv.glmnet
    • Quote the accuracy and AUC on the test data and use the ROCR package to provide a plot of the ROC curve for the test data
    • Look at the most informative words for each section by examining the words with the top 10 largest and smallest weights from the fitted model
  • Think about the upcoming projects with the NYC Taxi and Airbnb data
    • Take a peak at a sample of the data by following the links above
    • Think of a range of questions you would ask of each data set, from easier, more descriptive ones to more ambitious questions
    • Think about other other information that might compliment or supplement these data sets, and see if there are any available datasets with that informaiton
    • Find past work that has either used these data sets or worked on related problems, ranging from blog posts to academic papers, and keep a list of any relevant urls, etc.
    • Think about which project you are most interested in working on