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This directory contains the systems built using PGo. Each system has the MPCal model, generated Go code and handwritten Go code for bootstrapping the system.

Here is the list of systems and a short description of them. Check out each system for more details.

  • dqueue demonstrates a simple distributed queue, where producers and consumers communicate through the queue.
  • gcounter is a grow-only counter CRDT.
  • loadbalancer has a load balancer node that distributes incoming client requests to backend servers.
  • locksvc is a simple lock service system.
  • nestedcrdtimpl is generic CRDT-based system where the CRDT resource is built using PGo and MPCal. This system demonstrates the idea of verified resources.
  • proxy is fault-tolerant proxy server. It sends the incoming requests to backend servers, and it can tolerate back-end servers failures.
  • raftkvs is a monolithic key-value store based on the Raft consensus protocol.
  • raftres is a modular composition of the pure Raft protocol and a naive distributed key-value store. This system demonstrates the modular verification and composition of PGo-based systems.
  • replicatedkv is a legacy replicated key-value store.
  • shcounter is a shared counter that shows the usage of 2PC-based shared resource.
  • shopcart is a CRDT-based set.