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How to get along with my blog

Full Workflow

  • Environment

    • Install Ruby through package managers

    • Update Gem itself and Bundler if possible

  • Pull blog directory containing Gemfile from GitHub

  • Run bundle install to install gems as per Gemfile

    Installed gems and their versions will be stored in Gemfile.lock.

  • Jekyll use

    • Run bundle exec jekyll s to view blog locally

    • Run bundle exec jekyll clean to delete generated output

  • Run bundle outdated to check if there are gems that can be updated

  • Run bundle update --all to update all gems as per Gemfile

    After update, latest gems and their versions will be stored in Gemfile.lock.

  • Update theme

    After updating theme, use the two steps above to update gems.

    • Add the template as a remote

      git remote add template

    • Fetch template

      git fetch template

    • Locate commit in the template

      git log template/main --oneline

    • Put the change introduced a particular commit onto local main

      git cherry-pick <commit-id>

      (Submodule commit will be updated as well.)

    • Update the file assets/js/dist/post.min.js with regrad to tocbot

      Search tocbot.init in local chirpy gem directory and locate file.

      Copy the file into correct location in blog directory.

      Replace tocbot.init({ with tocbot.init({collapseDepth:3.

Ruby 101

  • Ruby

    Install Ruby with your system's package manager, for example apt and brew.

    Upgrade Ruby the same way.

    Do not use installers like ruby-install and managers like chruby as they complicate things.

  • Gem

    Gem comes with Ruby by default.

    • Install

      gem install <gem-name>

    • Update Gem itself

      gem update --system

    • Update other gems

      gem update <gem-name>

      gem cleanup

    • List outdated

      gem outdated -r

    • List installed gems

      gem list

    • List files in an installed gem

      gem contents <gem-name>

    • List info of a gem

      gem info <gem-name>

    • Environment

      gem environment

      gem environment home: display the file path where gems are installed

      gem environment path

  • Bundler

    Bundler comes with Ruby by default.

    This gem is called Bundler, but the corresponding command line program is called bundle.

    • Install dependencies

      bundle install

      Bundler and Gem installs gems to the same paths.

    • Update dependencies

      Update all the gems to the latest possible versions that still match the gems listed in the Gemfile, ignoring the previously installed gems specified in the Gemfile.lock.

      bundle update --all

    • Execute command

      bundle exec <command>

    • bundle check

    • bundle outdated

    • bundle show

    • bundle show --paths

Chirpy Theme

  • Chirpy GitHub

    tocbot.init exists in _javascript/modules/components/toc.js

  • Chirpy Gem

    _javascript directory does not exist in the gem directory.

    toc.js is corporated into assets/js/dist/post.min.js.

  • Jekyll blog

    We create a assets/js/dist/post.min.js in our blog directory. This file in blog will override the file in gem directory.

    Then, we copy the content of assets/js/dist/post.min.js in gem directory to assets/js/dist/post.min.js in our blog directory.

    Since we want to keep the toc always expanded, we replace tocbot.init({ with tocbot.init({collapseDepth:3 in post.min.js.