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Config File Documentation

Description of parameters available in config files for training and inference.

Training Configs

Each config should include data/hparas/model, see example on LibrSpeech.


Options under this category are all data-related.

  • Corpus

    For each corpus, a corresponding source python file <corpus_name>.py file should be placed at corpus/, checkout for example.

    Parameter Description Note
    name str name of corpus (used in to import the dataset defined in <corpus_name>.py) Available: Librispeech
    path str path to the specified corpus, parsing file structure should be handled in <corpus_name>.py
    train_split list which includes subsets of corpus used for training, accepted partition names should be defined in <corpus_name>.py
    dev_split list which includes subsets of corpus used for validation, accepted partition names should be defined in <corpus_name>.py
    bucketing bool to enable bucketing, i.e. similar length in each batch, should be implemented in <corpus_name>.py More effecient training but biased sampling
    batch_size int Batch size for training/validation, will be send to Torch Dataloader
  • Audio

    Hyperparameters of feature extraction performed on-the-fly mostly done by torchaudio, checkout for implementation.

    Parameter Description Note
    feat_type str name of audio feature to be used. Please note that MFCC required latest torch audio Available: fbank/mfcc
    feat_dim int dimensionality of audio feature, if you are not fimiliar with audio features, 40 for fbank and 13 for mfcc generally works
    frame_length int size of the window (millisecond) for feature extraction
    frame_shift int hop size of the window (millisecond) for feature extraction
    dither float dither when extracting feature See doc
    apply_cmvn bool to activate feature normalization Using our own implementation
    delta_order int to apply delta on feature.

    0: do nothing, 1: add delta, 2: also add accelerate

    Using our own implementation
    delta_window_size int to specify the window size for delta calculation
  • Text

    Options to specify how text should be encoded, subword models use sentencepiece

    Parameter Description Note
    mode str text unit for encoding sentences Available: character/subword/word
    vocab_file src path to file containing vocabulary set Please use to generate it


Options under this category are all training-related.

Parameter Description Note
valid_step int interval, numbers of training step for each validation
max_step int total training step
tf_start float init. teacher forcing probability in scheduled sampling
tf_end float final teacher forcing probability in scheduled sampling
tf_step int number of steps to linearly decrease teacher forcing probability
optimizer str the name of pytorch optimizer for training Tested: Adam/Adadelta
lr float learning rate for optimizer
eps float epsilon for optimizer
lr_scheduler str learning rate scheduler Available: fixed/warmup
curriculum int numbers of epochs to perform curriculum learning (short uttr. first)


  • ctc_weight: weight of CTC in hybird CTC-Attention model (between 0~1, 0=disabled, 1 is under development)

  • Encoder

    Parameter Description Note
    prenet str to employ VGG/CNN based encoder before RNN vgg/cnn
    module str the name of recurrent unit for encoder RNN layer Only LSTM was tested
    bidirection bool to enable bidirectional RNN over input sequence
    dim list of number of cells for each RNN layer (per direction)
    dropout list of dropout probability for each RNN layer Length must match dim
    layer_norm list of bool to enable LayerNorm for each RNN layer Not recommended
    proj list of bool to enable linear projection after each RNN layer Length must match dim
    sample_rate list sample rate for each RNN layer. For each layer, the length of output on the time dimension will be input/sample_rate. Length must match dim
    sample_style str the down sampling mechanism. concat will concatenate multiple time steps according to sample rate into one vector, drop will drop the unsampled timesteps. Available:concat/drop
  • Attention

    Parameter Description Note
    mode str attention mechanism, dot is the vanilla attention and loc indicates the location-based attention. Available: dot/loc
    dim int dimension of all networks in attention
    num_head int number of head in multi-head attention, 1: normal attention Performance untested
    v_proj bool to apply additional linear transform to encoder feature before weighted sum
    temperature float the temperature to controll sharpness of sofmax function in attention
    loc_kernel_size int kernel size for convolution in location awared attention For loc only
    loc_kernel_num int number of kernel for convolution in location awared attention For loc only
  • Decoder

    Parameter Description Note
    module str the name of recurrent unit for encoder RNN layer Only LSTM was tested
    dim int number of cells in decoder
    layer int number of layers in decoder
    dropout float of dropout probability

Additional Plug-ins

The following mechanisms are our proposed methods, can be activate by inserting these parameters to config file

  • Emb

    Parameter Description Note
    enable bool to enable word embedding regularization or fused decoding on ASR
    src str path to pre-trained embedding table or BERT model The bert-base-uncased model fine-tuned on librispeech text data is available here
    distance str measurement of distance between word embedding and model output Available: CosEmb/MSE(untested)
    weight float $\lambda$ in paper
    fuse float $\lambda_f$ in paper
    fuse_normalize bool to normalize output before Cosine-Softmax in paper, should be on when distance==CosEmb
    bert str name of BERT model if using BERT as target embedding, e.g. bert-base-uncased mutually exclusive to fuse>0

Inference Configs

Each config should include src/decode/data, see example on LibrSpeech. Note that most of the options (audio feature, model structure, etc.) will be imported from the training config specified in src.


Specify the ASR to use in decoding process.

Parameter Description Note
ckpt str path to ASR checkpoint to be load
config str path to ASR training config which belongs to the checkpoint


  • Corpus

    Parameter Description Note
    name See corpus section in training config
    dev_split See corpus section in training config
    test_split Like dev set, ASR will perform exactly same decoding process on this set, should also be defined by user like train/dev set


Options for decoding that will dramatically change the decoding result.

Parameter Description Note
beam_size int beam size for beam search algorithm, be careful that larger beam increases memory usage
min_len_ratio float the minimum length of any hypothesis will be min_len_ratio $\times$ input length
max_len_ratio float the maximum decoding time step will be max_len_ratio $\times$ input length, hypothesis will end if <eos> is predicted or maximum decoding step reached
lm_path str the path to pre-trained LM for joint decoding, this is not language model rescoring paper
lm_config str the path to the config of pre-trained LM for joint decoding paper
lm_weight float the weight for RNNLM in joint decoding paper, slower inference
ctc_weight float the weight for CTC network in joint decoding, this will only be available if ctc_weight was not zero in training config paper, slower inference
vocab_candidate int the number of vocabulary candidates considered in CTC beam decoding, the smaller the value the faster the decoding, but it must be greater than beam_size paper