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ROS Package for IPython Robot Prototyping workshop at PyCon PL i PyCon CZ

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ROS Package for IPython Robot Prototyping workshop at PyCon PL 2017

The package consists msg and srv files and simulator programs for the workshop

The order of exercises

Excercices are at ipython_robot_prototyping/scripts/excercises

  1. Getting_Started_with_virtual_environment.ipynb -- an installation of virtual machine
  2. Setting_up_and_running_your_first_ROS_Node.ipynb
  3. ROS_concepts_explained_Topic_Service_Parameter.ipynb
  4. Using_IPython_Interactive_Widgets.ipynb
  5. Visualizing_robot_senses.ipynb
  6. Controlling_and_visualizing_the_ESP_bot.ipynb
  7. Tour_of_ROS_tools_with_experiments.ipynb

How to install:

We have prepared a virtual machine for the workshop, so you don't need to manually install ROS beforehand.

** However, please install and prepare VirtualBox using the instructions from Getting Started with virtual environment **.

Manual install

The commands are for those who want to run the ROS from their native environment (for example an Ubuntu 16.04 computer) **

First, you need to have your ROS basic setup, use this tutorial:

We will be working using python3 so install also:

sudo apt-get install python3-rospy python3-rospkg python3-rosdep

To run the "robot simulators" offline install also

sudo apt-get install mpg123

You need to have catkin workspace set up. Next commands assume that it is in a standard place (~/catkin_ws)

clone this package to catkin_ws/src

cd ~/catkin_ws/src/ & git clone

run catkin_make in the main catkin_ws directory

cd ~/catkin_ws && catkin_make

source the changes

source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash

We will be using some additional python(3) libraries, you can install them by pip

cd ~/catkin_ws/src/ipython_robot_prototyping && sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt

After that, start the IPython notebook in ipython_robot_prototyping directory (~/catkin_ws/src/ipython_robot_prototyping)

  cd ~/catkin_ws/src/ipython_robot_prototyping && jupyter notebook

Jupyter notebook should open in your browser. Go to exercises directory and open setting_up_and_running_your_first_ROS_Node.ipynb

Running locally

We have prepared "robot simulators" to use this tutorial without the access of real robots. To do so you need to run:

roslaunch ipython_robot_prototyping simulators.launch 

also in your Jupyter notebooks change the ROS MASTER URI to http://localhost:11311

%env ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311


ROS Package for IPython Robot Prototyping workshop at PyCon PL i PyCon CZ






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