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Ionic UI Templates

This is Project's starting point.

Home screen preview

💪🏼 Getting Started

If this is your first Ionic project, Here are some resources to get you started:

🧑🏻‍💻 Running Locally

This project uses Capacitor, make sure you have required Environment and Ionic CLI setup.

follow below steps to run project locally

# clone the project and cd into it
git clone
cd ./Ionic-UI-Templates/ionic_ui_templates

# install dependencies
npm install

🤖📱 Android

Make sure you have required native Android setup

# Sync to native project
ionic capacitor copy android

# Run Android
ionic capacitor run android
or Run 'ionic capacitor open android' and run through Android Studio

🍎📱 iOS

Make sure you have required native iOS setup.
You don't really need to add an account to run on simulator.

# Sync to native project
ionic capacitor copy ios

# Run iOS
ionic capacitor run ios
or Run 'ionic capacitor open ios' and run through Xcode

🌐 Web

ionic serve