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This github page acts as a home base for the #100DaysOfCommits project.

#100DaysOfCommits is a 100 day long marathon where people commit to working on open source projects not related to work. The goal is to create sustainable habits, grow as programmers, and give back to the open source community.

#100DoC started as a Chicago PyLadies project but has grown to include several local partners.

If you're interested in becoming a local partner, contact @100Commits on Twitter. We're looking for people and organizations to host in person and online hangout meetings, happy hours, code and coffee meetups, etc.

If you're interested in contributing additional raffle prizes or have other ideas about how to get involved, please contact Jess via email.

If you have any questions or comments about the project that are too long/involved for Twitter, please contact Jess via email.

What should go in this repo?

  • Meetup / Google Hangout announcements
  • Projects seeking contributors
  • Projects seeking mentors
  • Projects seeking reviewers
  • Projects with maintainers willing to mentor outside contributors
  • Projects that participants would like to show off :)
  • Resources for getting started with programming
  • Resources for getting started with git/mercurial
  • The Participants List!

What shouldn't go in this repo?

  • Requests for crowdfunding.
  • Links to abusive communities or projects
  • Feedback on external projects. Create issues on that project's repository.
  • Spam, generally

How to contribute to this repo:


All contributors to this repo should abide by the Contributor Covenant as described in

You can contribute by

  • creating a fork
  • opening up a pull request

We're generally pretty responsive to pull requests. If we don't have any questions or comments, it should be merged in within 48 hours.

Please let us know how we can improve this project or this README by opening an issue on our github repo!

If you'd like to add yourself to participants.html, please include your preferred name, twitter/instagram handle, github/bitbucket profile, and an array of projects that you're contributing to. Separate these fields using vertical pipes.


Jane | @NotARealTwitter | NotARealGithub | [Awesome Men, Callback Women]

Open up your pull request and we'll review it soon.